Vampire Diaries S2 Episode 1 Reaction

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  1. Lexi_animeweeb
    20 minutes

    Imma be honest I love Damon and I am not a fan of Stefan even when Damon "killed" Jeremy I wasn't mad just shocked when I didn't notice the ring and I am excited this season and next season some real big baddies are here I can't wait.

  2. xav98
    30 minutes

    Hell yes!

  3. Aileen
    32 minutes

    TEAM DAMON BABY!!! but favorite character has yet to be revealed!

  4. lupeporte4731
    1 hour

    I'm so happy you guys are watching it again! Hope you can watch this weekly 

  5. Kay
    1 hour

    LETS GOOOOOO I've been so excited for you guys to continue this show

  6. Wolfbane37
    1 hour

    Team Damien,

  7. Nivia
    3 hours

    team Damon all the way but he is no where near my favorite character

  8. Coaxyy
    3 hours


  9. Vexxar
    3 hours

    I’m on both teams. but if i had to pick im Team Stefan lol

  10. nickmanus
    4 hours


  11. Callum
    4 hours

    I'm sooooo hype, I didn't think you'd continue this series! Season 2 is PEAK Vampire Diaries, by far my favorite season. Largely because Katherine is also my favorite character lol

  12. Residentfan 1
    4 hours

    Aside from the clothes, you can tell them apart by their hair. Elena’s hair is straight and Katherine’s is wavy. Also as a personal note, Katherine is way hotter than Elena and it confuses me immensely.

  13. Thomas_Stilinski
    4 hours

    i like Nina so much better as katherine omg

  14. Residentfan 1
    4 hours

    I’m on both teams. Stefan and Damon were both good for Elena at different times in her life.

  15. Thomas_Stilinski
    4 hours

    Team Damon

  16. Ameena
    5 hours

    React to mummy 2 Please 

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