Vampire Diaries Episode 13 Reaction

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  1. Daniel
    14 days

    crazy I started watching these reactions siding with Bri, now I'm siding with Ruff with each passing episode lol

  2. Patpet
    5 months

    Stefan si such a liar, and he involved in his laying Elena that is not a liar and made her lying to Damon's face, because he was jelous of te bond Elena started to have wth Damon and wanted to sabotage that. Such master manipulator...Stefan to Damon..."no more lies, no dception..." yeah sure. 

    1 replies
    1. Daniel
      14 days


  3. Golden Witch
    8 months

    The threatening yet sad charisma Ian Somerhalder brings to Damon is such a treat! His performance in this show reminds me of Jensen Ackles as Dean in supernatural.

  4. Ahan
    8 months

    Damon isn’t a teenager. He’s 23. Stephan is 17.

  5. Msr9272tce
    8 months

    you two should watch true blood if the schedule isn't crazy already. similar vein of show just amped up to 11 cause it's on HBO instead of CW

  6. Robert
    8 months

    Maybe it was just me, but that episode's audio and video were out of sync.

    3 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      8 months

      This is fixed now

    2. Kay
      8 months

      theres also a slight echo from the show's audio along with the delay on the camera video

    3. Kay
      8 months

      nah youre right the audio is a few seconds behind the video

      1 replies
      1. whatdidyoucallme
        18 days

        Yeah It's off by a bit on Ruff and Bree's audio, Not a big deal, Just a bit annoying

  7. Samantha
    8 months

    I don't think the vampires are always actively listing in on other conversations. Elena is most likely the same age as Katherine was when she was turned into a vampire.

  8. astralea95
    8 months

    never watch saltburn Bree, you've been warned

  9. luna
    8 months

    the sound on the video is out of sync

    1 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      8 months


      1 replies
      1. whatdidyoucallme
        18 days

        Watching in 2025, The audio is out of sync, Sorry to be the one to mention it

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