Trigun Stampede Episode 6 (Boom Solo)

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  1. GainingGamer
    1 year

    was wondering if you forgot legato bluesummers there

  2. mushog
    1 year

    man I love this show so much, the switch in animation style throughout this episode is seamless and handled so well!

    Love this reaction so far, keep it up! <3

  3. Ashes2Ash
    1 year

    Livio is a manga character who never got to exist in the original Trigun anime purely because he hadn't been introduced at the time of production! He very much is different here (both appearance and overall personality), but in the manga he is definitely a kid who grew up at the same orphanage as Wolfwood and the two are brothers (adoptive, but still brothers).

    Stampede has a good job introducing characters from the manga that never appeared in the original, unfortunately changing them either slightly (Livio) or majorly (another character you've met but haven't been officially introduced to yet). 

    I'm hoping in season 2 we get more aspects of the manga as well, but I think Stampede did a fine enough job considering they worked with Nightow himself when making it!

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