Tokyo Ghoul Episode 1-6 Reaction

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  1. XaXa
    4 months

    i found it funny you guys were taking hits under the blanket, i was like what is that in his hand and then he starts to cough and i was like i get it now

  2. Thomas_Stilinski
    5 months

    this man eric somehow confusing nolan north with jk simmons

  3. Dartz0023
    6 months

    I have not seen the dub of TG, its actually not bad and I love a good dub

  4. xav98
    6 months

    4:00 everyone did even though they say kana key

  5. Klayton
    6 months

    boom lookin hella diffrent

  6. Yokaiiisama
    6 months

    I still cannot get over a crying child just running through crowds of people turns no heads.

  7. Kay
    6 months

    I'm fine with subbed or dubbed since they are both good for this show.  So glad you guys are doing it 🙏

  8. Dovah
    6 months

    Boom is looks a little strange. Did he get a hair cut?

  9. Charlie
    6 months

    Heck yeah love the tokyo ghouls dub

    1 replies
    1. AllThingsNeo
      6 months

      I went into this praying it was a dub reaction 🙏😭 too many people do subbed 

  10. allen
    6 months

    still loving the reactions just missing the old camera layout the new one blocks the screen a bit too much.

  11. _Crimson_Fkr_
    6 months

    They gave him her organs so he could survive not because she bit him.

    1 replies
    1. AllThingsNeo
      6 months

      I love how even when it’s said twice they still didn’t fully acknowledge it until the anime itself did😭😭 I love these guys 

  12. Obsidianfox
    6 months

    I actually just started season 2 last week so this is AWESOME timing! Also just asked for the OST on Vynil for my b day so this is just an absolute treat.

  13. koltoney
    6 months

    Fantastic anime, the manga is so much better tho

  14. Captain
    6 months

    wow, you guys just made my day. I LOVE this anime.

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