TMNT (2003) S2 Episode 11-12 Reaction

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  1. Charlie
    1 month

    not the doctor Connors

  2. Dylan
    1 month

    You should do a reaction to songs from phineas and ferb, it's definitely worth a reaction as they are some of the best songs ever made, here's a few you should react to:

    "Somebody Give Me a Grade"

    "Robot Riot"

    "Bouncing Around the World"

    "I Ain't Got Rhythm"

    "Rollercoaster Song"

    "Summer Belongs to You"

    "Perry Come Home"

    "Gitchie-Gitchie Goo"

    "Watching and Waiting"

  3. Joseph
    2 months

    not sure if you know or mentioned it in a previous turtle's video but donnie is Scalan shorthalt have the same  voice actor

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