The Bear Episode 1 Reaction

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  1. Jasmine
    10 months

    When I first saw this show I got EXTREME ptsd from working in a kitchen a decade ago.

  2. jemx27
    10 months

    Yesss! So glad you are doing the bear! Another good short one is poker face. 8 EPs and renewed for a season 2. I'd enjoy Sean's and Eric's reactions to it too tho as I know Sean will go crazy over the actors in it.

  3. Ben
    10 months

    The restaurant I currently work in, they don't stay behind or any of the things you're supposed to do in a kitchen, anytime I bring up stuff like that they look at me like I'm crazy. I love working in a kitchen. It may be stressful but it's so satisfying

    1 replies
    1. Jasmine
      10 months

      I worked in a Red Lobster years ago, and I'm still replying 'heard' as if it makes sense outside of a kitchen lol

  4. Keegan
    10 months

    cant wait for more

  5. joshua_baskin
    10 months

    Oh this is gonna be amazing. This show is so good

  6. Anait
    10 months

    Ah yes. The most stressful TV series ever made. You guys are gonna love it

  7. PKKite
    10 months

    Was hopin this was a whole crew reaction but still good. Wonderful show imo and having been in a kitchen yes this show can be very realistic with alot of this. They even got a chef to be a consultant on the show to make sure they also got the food and kitchen stuff right not just drama.

  8. Brandon
    10 months

    You guys will love this show.

    I’m excited for season 3!!!

  9. Brandon
    10 months

    oh FUCK YEAH

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      10 months

      Same name gang!!!

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