The Bear Episode 1 Reaction

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  1. Jasmine
    9 months

    When I first saw this show I got EXTREME ptsd from working in a kitchen a decade ago.

  2. jemx27
    9 months

    Yesss! So glad you are doing the bear! Another good short one is poker face. 8 EPs and renewed for a season 2. I'd enjoy Sean's and Eric's reactions to it too tho as I know Sean will go crazy over the actors in it.

  3. Ben
    9 months

    The restaurant I currently work in, they don't stay behind or any of the things you're supposed to do in a kitchen, anytime I bring up stuff like that they look at me like I'm crazy. I love working in a kitchen. It may be stressful but it's so satisfying

    1 replies
    1. Jasmine
      9 months

      I worked in a Red Lobster years ago, and I'm still replying 'heard' as if it makes sense outside of a kitchen lol

  4. Keegan
    9 months

    cant wait for more

  5. joshua_baskin
    9 months

    Oh this is gonna be amazing. This show is so good

  6. Anait
    9 months

    Ah yes. The most stressful TV series ever made. You guys are gonna love it

  7. PKKite
    9 months

    Was hopin this was a whole crew reaction but still good. Wonderful show imo and having been in a kitchen yes this show can be very realistic with alot of this. They even got a chef to be a consultant on the show to make sure they also got the food and kitchen stuff right not just drama.

  8. Brandon
    9 months

    You guys will love this show.

    I’m excited for season 3!!!

  9. Brandon
    9 months

    oh FUCK YEAH

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      9 months

      Same name gang!!!

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