Steven Universe S3 Episode 11-12 REACTION

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  1. Luminous
    6 months

    Ruff, did you just say the N word?! Time stamp 4:26. Referring to Ronaldo? U said this N**** got a scooter…. 

    1 replies
    1. Luminous
      6 months

      I loveeeeeee u guys and pllzzz don’t think I’m one of THOSE people but coming from a black person…. I can’t control what you say and what you do but as a respect thing plz remember tour fans, patrons and audience. I love you guys and appreciate you and hope to see more content from yall 

      1 replies
      1. SquirtleBob
        1 month

        Ruff said "He's like 'I got a scooter' in regards to what Ronaldo was thinking. I'm black & I thought he said the N word, too, but he's clear.

  2. Forceable
    11 months

    you can see Ronaldo's gf in two episodes to my knowledge, Lion 2: The Movie and Beach City Drift

    1 replies
    1. Forceable
      11 months

      two OTHER episodes, i should have specified

  3. Unpaid
    1 year

    you guys kept making tokyo drift references, but based on the type of car they are driving, its safe to assume that this is based on Initial D. A drifting anime where the main character drives a 1985 Toyota Corolla.

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