Steven Universe S2 Episode 9-10

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  1. Kyron
    3 days

    I know this an old video, but we have already seen a fusion between the 3. 

  2. Astra
    2 months

    Man they're REALLY gonna hate pearl after this XD

  3. Damon
    3 months

    Tbf, when Pearl yawned, Steven had just said that dreams are hard to explain, which makes them boring to listen to. So, it makes sense that it would put her to sleep when she was already exhausted.

  4. Peluche
    9 months

    yeah I don't get how people choose to like one gem and hate on the other for doing similar things!! I'm glad y'all gave the scene a chance to play out! Both amethyst and pearl have so many flaws and amazing things about them

  5. Hamma
    1 year

    What happened to hman?

    1 replies
    1. nms67
      9 months

      Right?! It took until the Sardonyx fusion to notice ?

  6. Unpaid
    1 year

    Looks like these forgot the episode where Connie lied about Steven having a Nuclear family and the all 3 Crystal Gems fused into Alexandrite to go to the family dinner with Greg, posing as Steven's mom.

    1 replies
    1. bay_paytak
      4 months

      They also forgot Pearl and Amethyst's fusion at the end :))

  7. Melora
    1 year

    I feel like garnet has changed because of Steven. Rose was the only one who interacted with humans heavily. The gems seem to not understand emotions the same way humans do but being around Steven has made her understand.

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