Squid Game S2 Episode 5 Reaction

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  1. countershock3032986
    31 minutes

    More detail with the money because this season they could split the money, last season if they left it was "you lived"

  2. hewmanity
    48 minutes

    English does have some names with meanings like Rose, Lily, Robin, Dawn, or Autumn.  But we have so many that weren't originally English that we don't understand their meanings anymore.  Like Peter was Greek for rock, John was Hebrew for "God is Gracius", Paul was Latin for humble, and Alice was Old German for noble.  Name etymology is really fascinating (to me at least lol)

  3. Ruukasu97
    1 hour

    western names have meaning too carl for example means free man and eric eternal ruler

  4. Raptor
    2 hours

    149 vaguely reminded me of meeting my wife’s grandparents for the first time. They live in a small town in Texas and found out I was half Chinese. Use your imagination beyond that.

  5. TheWojtek11
    3 hours

    43:12 Nah, bro's IQ is in negatives

  6. rin
    4 hours

    This episode was my fav!

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