SpongeBob S1 Episode 5-6 REACTION

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  1. maniacalhero
    5 months

    Pizza Delivery is hands down my favorite Squidward episode

  2. Miguel
    1 year

    "I wish I lived there!"



  3. Jake
    1 year


  4. LordTouchMe
    1 year

    Gonna be a fun ride seeing you go through the classic first 3 seasons! Also, when you get to the movies, please consider doing all three theatrical movies! The first two movies are arguably neck and neck in quality and enjoyment and 100% worth seeing, and while I will fully admit that the third movie, Sponge on the Run, is the weakest of them all, it still was better than I expected it to be going into it, and a certain prolific actor makes a sweet cameo in it!~

    Do a "triple feature" of the Spongebob movies and I'll commit to a year of Gold Billy status easily!

  5. Kendorable
    1 year

    would def love to see you guys watch the first 3 seasons and the first 2 movies!

  6. It’s
    1 year

    Hey you guys gotta watch SpongeBob anime parody on YouTube. There’s a full episode that use all the jokes you guys have seen in the show so far. It’s amazing

  7. Sarah
    1 year

    I don’t think I’ve seen SpongeBob since I was in elementary school. I’m surprised how I remember of these earlier episodes.

  8. Ranginald
    1 year

    “It’s a weighted blanket” she gets joke of the video

  9. Asad
    1 year

    Double bass order may seem like nonsense but it's actually a legit order made up of fast food lingo. Here are the ingredients and what they mean

    Double Triple Bossy Deluxe: Double Triple = 6 patties, Bossy = all-beef, Deluxe = everything on it.

    On a raft: Toast in place of burger buns.

    4x4: Previous 6 patties x 4 = 24 total patties, with another 24 slices of cheese.

    Animal style: Patties cooked in mustard, 24 layers of everything.

    Extra shingles:  Extra toast, 2 per layer, 14 total.

    With a shimmy: Jelly spread on toast.

    And a squeeze: Orange juice to drink.

    Light axle grease: Light butter on the toast.

    Make it cry: Extra onions.

    Burn it: Patties are well-done.

    Let it swim: Extra special sauce.

    3 replies
    1. Asad
      1 year

      *bubble bass. Why tf did I write Double bass?

    2. Gavynnnnn
      1 year

      This is amazing, thank you.

    3. John
      1 year

      Boom was the one who called it with bubblebass stealing the pickles at 44:40 lol but ceoney did add the part about it being the tongue.

  10. Obsidianfox
    1 year

    The Real Kristy Krab pizza are the friends we made along the way.

    1 replies
    1. Obsidianfox
      1 year

      In all honesty Id love on of these every Sunday.

  11. Circuitdoodles
    1 year

    I don’t know if you guys ever heard about the SpongeBob broadway show but it’s surprisingly good.

  12. Crow
    1 year

    Yeah man, Tom Kenny is literally spongebob, the ice king, three main characters in Powerpuff girls and like so many other shows. It's insane.

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