SpongeBob S1 Episode 1-2 REACTION

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  1. Middyrose
    1 month

    I mean, humans are mammals & Apes but we don't bat an eye when we catch fellow mammals. I'm assuming the same would go for sea creatures lmao

  2. Daniel
    4 months

    There are actually places in the ocean where the water has a significantly higher concentration of salt compared to the surrounding water. This water sinks to the bottom and fish that get caught in it drown.

  3. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Dee Bradley Baker voiced the pants!?!?!?!?

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      1 year

      WAIT! AND THE LIFEGUARD! I totally hear it now!

  4. Multxverse
    1 year

    Gods, it's been so long since I've watched the first episode.

  5. hurryupmode
    1 year

    I really hope y'all get to the Pre-Hibernation Week episode featuring Pantera.

  6. MeikoKouyou
    1 year

    Love that the boys are watching SpongeBob for the first time. I hope they like it and i'm looking forward to seeing what they will react to for the first time in the future. You guys are amazing! Keep doing what you're doing, it's what makes my day.

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