Solo Leveling Episode 2 Reaction

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  1. Phishinabowl
    4 days

    Joohee: "That makes me the useless one...!" Everybody: "Oh honey, we all already knew that..." Can't fkn STAND her character. Highest ranked hunter in the party but she completely chokes to the point that she can't even walk. SO glad she gets written out within the first few chapters/episodes. God forbid she was the one that wound up with Jinwoo, she'd have nagged him to death way before any monster could kill him...

  2. Jose
    7 months

    Never seen the anime but finished the webtoon. From the op looks like they only make it to the crimson knight scene. I can't spell their names. But again idk never seen it

  3. rin
    9 months

    Why did I only just realize that was txt I’m so proud of my boys rn 

  4. Carmen
    9 months

    props to the va just hitting you like an isekai truck

  5. Brye
    9 months

    Season 1 one of Tokyo Ghoul is some of my favorite anime I've ever seen. The anime takes a massive nose dive in season 2 tho tbh. 

  6. SonicMcCall
    9 months

    I haven't watched this yet because I hoped you guys would react to it and I only read like the first couple pages of the manhua and all I can say is... HOLY SHIT THIS SHOW IS INSANE! Keep em' comin!!!

    1 replies
    1. C@mine1723
      8 months


      1 replies
      1. F.
        8 months

        In this case Manhwa is correct.

  7. _Owwls_
    9 months

    Yooooo!!! The fucking intro is done by TXT I love that so much

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