Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 5-6 REACTION

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  1. Steamed
    1 year

    Oooh if Eric likes mystery can we get Sorta Stupid Reacting to PLUTO on Netflix? Because PLUTO is fucking phenomenal and I think you guys will love it.

  2. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    You guys talked over it but the German guitarist’s real name was Hans Van Shownon-Gruber. As in Hans Gruber, the German villain from Die Hard

  3. LastHale
    1 year

    As a native Wisconsinite who grew up in a small town who’s biggest industry was a a creamery I can confirm we have a lot of cheese and caftans.

  4. Darc
    1 year

    And here's where we see the start of Scooby-Doo being a total hypocrite. He got mad at shaggy for dating velma, even said "you're cheating on me" and then tried to put the moves on a girl dog the moment he saw her

  5. Raptor
    1 year

    I’ve always had a weird fondness for how the Scooby franchise sometimes gives a character a name that’s just a silly version of a celebrity with the same occupation like they did for Andy Warhol and Taylor Lautner. Whenever an episodic character has an unusual name, I usually try to spot the reference. My favorite was from a previous series where we get a professional golfer unapologetically named Cougar Forest.


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