Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 3-4 REACTION

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    9 months

    lol just catcing up to the series again and to what Boom said, thats why in the black community there's been a push to break free from relaxers or 'the creamy crack'. The chemical burns i got on my scalp from that stuff as an 8 year old to 14 year old prompted me to shaving my head at 15/16 

  2. Steamed
    11 months

    Ruff and Eric’s reaction to Hot Dog Water with the gang at the title card was brilliant

  3. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    I’m calling it now: Brad and Judy are gonna be robots made and sent by Pericles to spy on the group, paying homage to Chameleon building and sending robots of Peter Parker’s parents to spy on Spider-Man.

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      11 months

      The 1 on a D20 is completely on the opposite side of the 20 so that roll he made should have been a 14 which may have still been a loss depending on the AC but most likely would have still been a success.

  4. Darc
    1 year

    To be fair. Fred did talk about traps for 99% of his session instead of talking about Daphne

  5. mykanike
    1 year

    7:08 So funny that Boom said this since I'm doing my hair right now LMAO

  6. Arifur
    1 year

    I'm so glad y'all are loving this season. The writing really takes a notch.

  7. Havoc
    1 year

    Ah Mystery incorporated, where the technology makes no sense and the concepts get wilder and wilder. I love it

  8. Raptor
    1 year

    I wish I’d seen the intro for episode 3 first time watching it. It puts Marcie’s feeling about Velma into perspective, and is one of I think two times we get any kind of hint at it. It also makes enough sense too for it not to feel like a forced “hey look our show has an LGBT character we’re so progressive” kind of thing. Despite her rivalry with Velma and there being not interest in her at that point, she ended up being the first and so far only person that was nice to her. Everyone else either looked down on her or felt neutral. It would’ve been nice though to have had at least 1 episode before this one to see this bond take place instead of doing it all offscreen, or more than just the intro easter egg. I’m guessing there was only so much they were allowed to do with the ship.

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