Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 21-22 Reaction

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  1. cyborggamerpro
    9 months

    Day 27 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  2. Steamed
    9 months

    The Darrow Family’s animal was a cat named Whiskers.

  3. Sean
    9 months

    The Donkey’s name is Porto, from the episode where they preform a play about the Sinking of the Missionaries

  4. Black Ice
    9 months

    I already said it but the last 3 episode is just 1 very long episode.

    So might be better for the flow to watch them in 1 go. Or not.

    You do you.

  5. Wes
    9 months

    The Darrow family has a cat named Whiskers. Don’t know why it wasn’t shown.

  6. Radar
    9 months

    These two episodes are bangers, and spoilers for the last episode in this video: (the talk Fred and Mayor dad is super sweet)

  7. Residentfan 1
    9 months

    The factory sequence reminds me, Ruff SHOULD WATCH FUCKING STAR WARS!

  8. cloudydragon2010
    9 months

    It's going too get so insane soon they have no idea.

  9. Elizabeth
    9 months

    The mirror episode is one of my favorites.

  10. Zanforian
    9 months

    The Darrow family has a pet cat that’s usually in their portraits with the young boy holding it. Not sure why it’s missing here.

  11. Raptor
    9 months

    Professor Pericles is a genius, but sometimes to a fault. He seems to prefer overly complicated plans just because he’s smart enough to come up with them. Did he really go with engineering mutant cattle and simulating an apocalypse before he thought of simply threatening Daphne?

    2 replies
    1. Kalley
      7 months

      Especially when he folded so quickly. There was no hesitation in handing it over once she was put in danger.

      They could have had it ages ago if pereclies didn't have to overcomplicate it all just to prove he's a genius.

    2. Residentfan 1
      9 months

      He is the Plankton of this show

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