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1 month
Blake and Yang's moment in the Punderstorm was because their confessing their feelings to each other was an unresolved emotional issue. They had to resolve it in order to end the storm.
1 replies
28 days
I feel like sometimes they miss important bits of dialogue because they end up joking around and talking over it. Jaune explained this earlier and it seems like they missed it.
1 month
Jumping a little bit ahead as a Neo stan to say this because I don’t expect yall to read Roman Holiday before next week; Roman was the *only* person in Neo’s life to understand and accept her. She’s naturally got heterocromia and is mute, but her parents forced her to wear contacts and tried to force her to speak. When it didn’t work they basically shipped her off to an abusive boarding school and thru hijinks, she met Roman. He embraced her eccentricities and communicated with her easily, they bonded and became family. It wasn’t romantic, he was more like an older brother—when he threw his lot in with Cinder it was because he figured it was safer for him and Neo to be on their side than the heroes, and Neo didn’t care what they did as long as they were together. Losing him was losing everything. All Neo ever wanted was a family.
PS HE DID HELP HER BASICALLY KILL HER PARENTS SO LIKE LMAO DONT GET ME WRONG SHES MY LIL PSYCHO 💜 fr if you haven’t, read Roman Holiday, it’s great. So are the Fall books.
1 month
Nothing will make me more annoyed than how oblivious WBY are to how Ruby is feeling. Like what do you mean you don't question her giving away the Rose emblem?
1 month
next week is peak RWBYThe Tea Party!
I'm so hyped!
1 month
Since Alyx and Lewis do not have names based on color, it is implied they lived before the Great War which happened over 80 years ago from Team RWBY's perspective. It is said by Ozpin in Volume 2 that during the Great War people began naming their children after colors as a form of protest and the process stuck. So based on that some believe Jaune likely went back over 80 years in time making him near 100 in present time. As to why he has only aged as much as he has is up for debate but I suspect it's due to how the Afterans perceive time. Its effects may not be as pronounced as it would be in Remnant.
1 month
Mayve if one of yall would have paid attention when Jaune was explainging the punderstorm you wouldnt be confused
1 replies
1 month
Bold to assume they pay attention to the important things
1 month
Weiss is into DILFs, confirmed
1 replies
1 month
Aside from her obvious daddy issues I believe she mentioned in one of the earliest seasons that she preferred mature types.
1 month
Don't know if anyone told you yet but the opening changed slightly after episode 5
1 month
Before I saw it, I kind of assumed Blake and Yang were already together and the relationship was just happening off screen because of how little room there is for things that don’t move the plot forward in RWBY seasons. But as official confirmation, I gotta respect the time they took to let the relationship develop. It took 9 Volumes and multiple in-universe years before they were actually a couple. If this were made today they would’ve had it all happen in the first season and parade it around as the selling point to watch the show. And knowing it was planned from the beginning and not tossed in as an afterthought (like Korrasami), it’s very believable and I respect the patience they had to slowly develop what’s probably the least rushed relationship I’ve ever seen. Even the Ever After saw Blake and Yang and said “Hell no, we aren’t doing this another 9 Volumes.”
2 replies
1 month
I assumed the same thing. That it's just been going since volume 6 but we've got bigger things to spend our screentime on. I kinda think the writers felt like they needed to do this scene because there were still so many deranged bmblbb shippers being like "we need confirmation!" And an even more deranged sect of bmblb anti-shippers pretending that it's not a thing and people are seeing something that's not there.
And then all the anti-bmblb crowd did was seamlessly pivot to calling it "shoehorned in."
1 month
I'm not sure I'd say that Korrasami was 'tossed in at the end'. It was a different time, even though it was just 10-ish years ago. Tv shows had a LOT less leeway in what they were allowed to put onscreen. IIRC part of the reason Steven Universe got canceled was because Rebecca Sugar refused to compromise on some aspect of Ruby and Sapphire's wedding. Korrasami was the creators doing all they were allowed to do.
1 month
Certainly my least favorite ship in the show, but I like the Jaune stuff. Boy's been through it.
1 month
Like you guys mentioned, this is a mystical world, with mystical creatures, with mystical beliefs. Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang and Jaune aren't Afterans, they are outsiders who happen to have lost themselves in the Ever After. They come from Remnant. Rules and logic that applied in Remnant don't necessarily apply in the Ever After.
There's a lot of questions needing to be answered right now, but it will mostly all be answered and make sense in this volume. So there's that.
1 month
The Time is here!, been waiting for this!
1 month
There may only be 4 episodes left, but they did release a deleted scene animatic that serves as a sort of epilogue for this season, I HIGHLY recommend watching it after you finish volume 9.
1 month
No no, the bisexuals have bi-laws.
1 month
Jaune kind of explained what the Punderstorm does. If you are caught in it you have to deal with an emotional cross-roads. That is why Blake and Yang were separated from the others. The punderstorm forced them to lay their feelings out on the table to each other instead of tap dancing around it. Also I wouldn't call Jaune mature here. Sure, he's mature in age, but that doesn't mean he's more emotionally mature. Also doesn't make him wiser either.
1 replies
1 month
In a general sense I can kinda agree with the Jaune maturity thing. But it's not just age, we also see the warrior he's become. His trials have hardened him in a way and he's known to help the Afterans when needed, no just the Pleasers. But... he's also kinda crazy.
1 month
they missed the intro nooo
1 replies
1 month
Unfortunately, tragic
1 month
fun fact, the Blacksmith is voiced by Chichi's VA from DBZ Abridged
1 replies
1 month
Really? Cool! Learning new things!
1 month
Bumblee be is a bad ship because it was so forced. Blacksun forever!
4 replies
1 month
I can agree that them getting together was a bit forced (through the whole punderstorm thing, though I'm fine with it because it was adorable and made a bit of sense with the wackiness of the Ever After), but the relationship between them had been developing throughout the show. And yeah I think I would've enjoyed Blacksun, but I like the direction they went in.
1 month
"Forced" bruh, it was there from day one, you're just homophobic.
2 replies
1 month
Seriously, you are what gives us BB supporters a bad name. The second anyone disagrees with our ship people like you call them homophobic just for having an opinion.
1 replies
1 month
Nah, anytime someone says it was forced, ignoring ALL evidence to the contrary (the subtle and obvious hints throughout the show, the creator's statements on the subject, the VA's statements on the subject, etc etc) it is damn near always coming from a place of homophobia. If someone feels the need to pop into a video to comment on disliking a ship because it was "forced" basically out of nowhere, guess what, it's homophobia.
4 replies
2 days
It's always "subtle obvious hints" with you people, the ship was made to appease fans of a dying show, that's it. And its poorly written, and people only like it because it's a gay ship. But hey, ya got what you want, so congrats.
1 month
It’s Called an opinion hell I love BB and even I think it was forced so by your logic I’m homoohobic. How incredibly childish, ignorant and shortsighted you people are
1 month
You can't really say that when the relationship is a highlight in the video. And YES!, it does feel forced. Nothing about their relation ship has ever felt natural. As a person who says that this feels forced but could see a genuine connection between Qrow and Clover, feel free to call me homophobic. It never holds up.
Its just my misfortune that RT is shut down because I actually had a list of all the reasons BB felt forced and it was all based around the character interactions. And if that's the case then it's on the writers. I can make a case for Ruby and Oscar/ Ruby and Weiss (though its just a sisters thing), Saffron and Terra, Qrow and Clover, Glynda and Ironwood (though that didn't last), Winter and Marrow, Winter and Qrow, Penny and Ruby.
But very little in the first 3 volumes would lead anyone to believe that was anything between Blake and Yang that wasn't purely teammates and friends.
2 replies
1 month
"Its just my misfortune that RT is shut down" What does that have to do with the ship (in your opinion) being forced?.
1 month
I forgot Jaune and Ruby
1 month
this. On rewatch its obvious. even as early as the sleepless scenes in v 2 when blake is insomniac from trauma and worrying about white fang stuff and yang brings coffee
1 replies
1 month
That doesn’t make some one who disagrees homophbicnjist for having an alternative opinion. Its just obnoxious
1 month
I agree that it was there from day one, but the homophobia accusation is unnecessary.
1 month 2025 we agreeing with a Brony...but yea, never have been a fan of Bumblebee, even less of a fan of Oscarpin and Ruby...that's
1 replies
1 month
...and Oscarpin/Ruby has what to do with this conversation?
1 replies
1 month
Figure it out, I have fath in you my dear sweet child, How about we not try to bicker over inocuous things and let people say what they want in the comments okay babe? Okay love you see you at din din
1 replies
1 month
You randomly call people babe and that you love them? Very creepy. Sounds like you need some therapy. Just some friendly advice.
1 month
people who think that just have zero media literacy/reading (well, watching) comprehension.
2 replies
1 month
No just sounds like you can't see when the writers just give up
1 replies
1 month
This is what's a bad faith argument. You don't like BB? That's fine. Everybody has ships they don't like. You like BS more? Again, fine. Nobody says you can't. But claiming that writers caved into a decision that you don't agree with is bad faith and there is no proof to it. If they really caved into what fans wanted then Whiterose would have been canon by V2, Pyrrha would have been brought back to life and Penny wouldn't have died a second time.
So saying that BB was forced and the shippers forced the writers to change it, is a bad faith argument. We both know the only proof is you're specific opinion on what you saw in the show. And that's it. I don't think people would call you troll if you didn't phrase things in bad faith.
1 month
Would be best to ignore this person. They are always trolling or posting rage bait comments.
1 replies
1 month
Nope fully serious, and with the writing it was very clear that it was done out of the fans being annoying about it. I don't toll I mean it seriously.
Blake and Yang's moment in the Punderstorm was because their confessing their feelings to each other was an unresolved emotional issue. They had to resolve it in order to end the storm.
I feel like sometimes they miss important bits of dialogue because they end up joking around and talking over it. Jaune explained this earlier and it seems like they missed it.
Jumping a little bit ahead as a Neo stan to say this because I don’t expect yall to read Roman Holiday before next week; Roman was the *only* person in Neo’s life to understand and accept her. She’s naturally got heterocromia and is mute, but her parents forced her to wear contacts and tried to force her to speak. When it didn’t work they basically shipped her off to an abusive boarding school and thru hijinks, she met Roman. He embraced her eccentricities and communicated with her easily, they bonded and became family. It wasn’t romantic, he was more like an older brother—when he threw his lot in with Cinder it was because he figured it was safer for him and Neo to be on their side than the heroes, and Neo didn’t care what they did as long as they were together. Losing him was losing everything. All Neo ever wanted was a family.
PS HE DID HELP HER BASICALLY KILL HER PARENTS SO LIKE LMAO DONT GET ME WRONG SHES MY LIL PSYCHO 💜 fr if you haven’t, read Roman Holiday, it’s great. So are the Fall books.
Nothing will make me more annoyed than how oblivious WBY are to how Ruby is feeling. Like what do you mean you don't question her giving away the Rose emblem?
next week is peak RWBYThe Tea Party!
I'm so hyped!
Since Alyx and Lewis do not have names based on color, it is implied they lived before the Great War which happened over 80 years ago from Team RWBY's perspective. It is said by Ozpin in Volume 2 that during the Great War people began naming their children after colors as a form of protest and the process stuck. So based on that some believe Jaune likely went back over 80 years in time making him near 100 in present time. As to why he has only aged as much as he has is up for debate but I suspect it's due to how the Afterans perceive time. Its effects may not be as pronounced as it would be in Remnant.
Mayve if one of yall would have paid attention when Jaune was explainging the punderstorm you wouldnt be confused
Bold to assume they pay attention to the important things
Weiss is into DILFs, confirmed
Aside from her obvious daddy issues I believe she mentioned in one of the earliest seasons that she preferred mature types.
Don't know if anyone told you yet but the opening changed slightly after episode 5
Before I saw it, I kind of assumed Blake and Yang were already together and the relationship was just happening off screen because of how little room there is for things that don’t move the plot forward in RWBY seasons. But as official confirmation, I gotta respect the time they took to let the relationship develop. It took 9 Volumes and multiple in-universe years before they were actually a couple. If this were made today they would’ve had it all happen in the first season and parade it around as the selling point to watch the show. And knowing it was planned from the beginning and not tossed in as an afterthought (like Korrasami), it’s very believable and I respect the patience they had to slowly develop what’s probably the least rushed relationship I’ve ever seen. Even the Ever After saw Blake and Yang and said “Hell no, we aren’t doing this another 9 Volumes.”
I assumed the same thing. That it's just been going since volume 6 but we've got bigger things to spend our screentime on. I kinda think the writers felt like they needed to do this scene because there were still so many deranged bmblbb shippers being like "we need confirmation!" And an even more deranged sect of bmblb anti-shippers pretending that it's not a thing and people are seeing something that's not there.
And then all the anti-bmblb crowd did was seamlessly pivot to calling it "shoehorned in."
I'm not sure I'd say that Korrasami was 'tossed in at the end'. It was a different time, even though it was just 10-ish years ago. Tv shows had a LOT less leeway in what they were allowed to put onscreen. IIRC part of the reason Steven Universe got canceled was because Rebecca Sugar refused to compromise on some aspect of Ruby and Sapphire's wedding. Korrasami was the creators doing all they were allowed to do.
Certainly my least favorite ship in the show, but I like the Jaune stuff. Boy's been through it.
Like you guys mentioned, this is a mystical world, with mystical creatures, with mystical beliefs. Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang and Jaune aren't Afterans, they are outsiders who happen to have lost themselves in the Ever After. They come from Remnant. Rules and logic that applied in Remnant don't necessarily apply in the Ever After.
There's a lot of questions needing to be answered right now, but it will mostly all be answered and make sense in this volume. So there's that.
The Time is here!, been waiting for this!
There may only be 4 episodes left, but they did release a deleted scene animatic that serves as a sort of epilogue for this season, I HIGHLY recommend watching it after you finish volume 9.
No no, the bisexuals have bi-laws.
Jaune kind of explained what the Punderstorm does. If you are caught in it you have to deal with an emotional cross-roads. That is why Blake and Yang were separated from the others. The punderstorm forced them to lay their feelings out on the table to each other instead of tap dancing around it. Also I wouldn't call Jaune mature here. Sure, he's mature in age, but that doesn't mean he's more emotionally mature. Also doesn't make him wiser either.
In a general sense I can kinda agree with the Jaune maturity thing. But it's not just age, we also see the warrior he's become. His trials have hardened him in a way and he's known to help the Afterans when needed, no just the Pleasers. But... he's also kinda crazy.
they missed the intro nooo
Unfortunately, tragic
fun fact, the Blacksmith is voiced by Chichi's VA from DBZ Abridged
Really? Cool! Learning new things!
Bumblee be is a bad ship because it was so forced. Blacksun forever!
I can agree that them getting together was a bit forced (through the whole punderstorm thing, though I'm fine with it because it was adorable and made a bit of sense with the wackiness of the Ever After), but the relationship between them had been developing throughout the show. And yeah I think I would've enjoyed Blacksun, but I like the direction they went in.
"Forced" bruh, it was there from day one, you're just homophobic.
Seriously, you are what gives us BB supporters a bad name. The second anyone disagrees with our ship people like you call them homophobic just for having an opinion.
Nah, anytime someone says it was forced, ignoring ALL evidence to the contrary (the subtle and obvious hints throughout the show, the creator's statements on the subject, the VA's statements on the subject, etc etc) it is damn near always coming from a place of homophobia. If someone feels the need to pop into a video to comment on disliking a ship because it was "forced" basically out of nowhere, guess what, it's homophobia.
It's always "subtle obvious hints" with you people, the ship was made to appease fans of a dying show, that's it. And its poorly written, and people only like it because it's a gay ship. But hey, ya got what you want, so congrats.
It’s Called an opinion hell I love BB and even I think it was forced so by your logic I’m homoohobic. How incredibly childish, ignorant and shortsighted you people are
You can't really say that when the relationship is a highlight in the video. And YES!, it does feel forced. Nothing about their relation ship has ever felt natural. As a person who says that this feels forced but could see a genuine connection between Qrow and Clover, feel free to call me homophobic. It never holds up.
Its just my misfortune that RT is shut down because I actually had a list of all the reasons BB felt forced and it was all based around the character interactions. And if that's the case then it's on the writers. I can make a case for Ruby and Oscar/ Ruby and Weiss (though its just a sisters thing), Saffron and Terra, Qrow and Clover, Glynda and Ironwood (though that didn't last), Winter and Marrow, Winter and Qrow, Penny and Ruby.
But very little in the first 3 volumes would lead anyone to believe that was anything between Blake and Yang that wasn't purely teammates and friends.
"Its just my misfortune that RT is shut down" What does that have to do with the ship (in your opinion) being forced?.
I forgot Jaune and Ruby
this. On rewatch its obvious. even as early as the sleepless scenes in v 2 when blake is insomniac from trauma and worrying about white fang stuff and yang brings coffee
That doesn’t make some one who disagrees homophbicnjist for having an alternative opinion. Its just obnoxious
I agree that it was there from day one, but the homophobia accusation is unnecessary. 2025 we agreeing with a Brony...but yea, never have been a fan of Bumblebee, even less of a fan of Oscarpin and Ruby...that's
...and Oscarpin/Ruby has what to do with this conversation?
Figure it out, I have fath in you my dear sweet child, How about we not try to bicker over inocuous things and let people say what they want in the comments okay babe? Okay love you see you at din din
You randomly call people babe and that you love them? Very creepy. Sounds like you need some therapy. Just some friendly advice.
people who think that just have zero media literacy/reading (well, watching) comprehension.
No just sounds like you can't see when the writers just give up
This is what's a bad faith argument. You don't like BB? That's fine. Everybody has ships they don't like. You like BS more? Again, fine. Nobody says you can't. But claiming that writers caved into a decision that you don't agree with is bad faith and there is no proof to it. If they really caved into what fans wanted then Whiterose would have been canon by V2, Pyrrha would have been brought back to life and Penny wouldn't have died a second time.
So saying that BB was forced and the shippers forced the writers to change it, is a bad faith argument. We both know the only proof is you're specific opinion on what you saw in the show. And that's it. I don't think people would call you troll if you didn't phrase things in bad faith.
Would be best to ignore this person. They are always trolling or posting rage bait comments.
Nope fully serious, and with the writing it was very clear that it was done out of the fans being annoying about it. I don't toll I mean it seriously.
RWBY time