RWBY S9 Episode 3-4 Reaction

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  1. Artemis
    5 days

    Ruby's has always hidden her depression and sadness since season one via Red Like Rose's Part 2. She was always positive and motivated others. Even after her mom died, watching Panny die, then watching pyrrah die, she told Oscar that you just have to keep moving forward. She kept everyone moving forward after Haven, after learning Salem couldn't be destroyed. She's 2 years younger than everyone else, but they all looked to her for guidance and support. All of it started catching up to her volume 8, but we're seeing it here and her team are still a bit oblivious to it like they were before. I was so happy they started touching on the toll it's taking on Ruby this volume. It was also touched upon on her song Until the End on volume 8.

  2. Tvol
    5 days

    Are you all aware of the scrapped, but storyboard animated and voiced final episode for this volume? When you do the final episode of the season, maybe tack in on there for us :] ? Or as a final separate rwby episode. It's so good!

  3. Zale
    7 days

    I can't wait for next week. y'all are gonna love episode six :)))))

  4. Anthony
    7 days

    My guess for why we haven’t heard everything about Volume 10 and beyond is because there are contracts that are still in place that VIZ is waiting for them to run out. Do I know this for a fact, no. But I do think it’s a possibility and it would make sense. 

    When VIZ brought RWBY, all the music was taken off steaming sites like iTunes and Spotify. The soundtrack for Volumes 1-8 have return, after a few months but Volume 9 soundtrack has yet to be re-released, the reason given was contractual issues. Add on the fact, that there is no legal way to steam RWBY and you can see why I think the reason behind the lack of NEWS is because of contracts.

  5. Petrichor12
    7 days

    Obscure voice actor funfact, but the Curious Cat is voiced by Robbie Daymond, who is Scar in Arcane and Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon, to name a few.

    1 replies
    1. SauceyRed
      7 days

      And a guest star in Critical Role's third campaign (which is how I found out about him lmao, I was SHOCKED when I discovered he was the Curious Cat when V9 released)

      1 replies
      1. Petrichor12
        7 days

        And Cerkonos in the Vox Machina show! Season 2 for sure, but I can't remember off the top of my head if he was in S3. (He was also like 15 BG characters in that new TMNT show, just while we're bragging on VAs.) The range of Robbie, everybody! lol

  6. MegumiMary
    7 days

    I honestly think the Vacuo arc will be three volumes making the series a total of 12now as for what the arc will be I think 2 in Vacuo and 1 back at Beaconnow for the actual meat of the reactionthe thing I love most about the drug sequence is how the three characters who questioned themselves back in volume 2 were now so sure of themselves and Ruby who was once so sure of herself now questioned herselfJust like when Ren snapped at Jaune by throwing "You cheated your way into Beacon" and Jaune just brushed it off this shows massive growth for these three characters in particular and it also shows how Ruby has been constantly beaten down time and time againPenny dying a second time was her breaking point- it broke Ruby on a fundamental level and everything that she had been running from all they back when beacon fell back in Volume 3 is now crashing down around herWiess, Blake, and Yang ALL spent volume 4 searching their soul and learning to find their heart, courage, and brains respectively while Ruby ran off down a yellow road to meet up with some wizard named Oz. Now that choice of going to Haven instead of unpacking her trauma from the fall of beacon has finally caught up with her- along with everything else she has been neglecting sinceOz's lies, Wiess almost dying, Raven's Betrayal, multiple deaths, her Uncle almost dying, the horrific journey to Haven, the horrific journey to Argus, causing a grim attack on Argus, failing Atlas so badly they are the reason the city fell from the sky while Cinder getting not one but TWO relics! Add in the revelations she made about the hound and what happened to her mother and you have 1 incredibly broken Ruby....Ruby has been through it but the one thing that hurt than all of those was loosing Penny... she could have kept going... if it weren't for Penny.Penny meant the world to Ruby, she was everything to Ruby.Ruby loved Penny and as a fan I love how the girl who loved weapons more than people in volume 1 saw Penny as a person and not a weapon in volume 2!This is one of the reasons why Penny had to die in Volume 8... I'll explain the others at the end of the volume...

  7. haggy1001
    7 days

    They haven't confirmed anything yet, but VIZ did say they were working on "something" when RWBY fans were asking them about it on Twitter when VIZ announced a ton of things during 1 day. Nothing 100% yet but i am optimistic.

  8. Hailey
    7 days

    It did take I think a little over two years until we even heard anything about Volume 9 since the end of Volume 8. If we ever do hear anything about Volume 10 or beyond, my expected timeframe is around that amount of time more or less. I’m just praying that VIZ didn’t just buy it to sell merch as a cash grab.

  9. Raptor
    8 days

    It’s crazy that it took 9 seasons to start developing a character that shares a name with the show. But this does remind me of volume 2 when Oobleck was asking the other 3 girls why they wanted to become huntresses, and they had to think about their honest answers for that. Ruby never got that at the time because she had a the innocent view of a younger character. This is where I think Oobleck made a mistake. Despite Ruby’s certainty, no one had ever challenged her way of thinking. Now she’s at the age the others were then, but they’ve had all this time to grow while Ruby has slowly been beaten down by the weight of the world. She doesn’t know what to do because no one has ever thought to ask her the hard questions. Even though it took this long to get here, I’m glad Ruby is getting attention to become humanized instead of a boundless ocean of optimism. Even people that seem fine may not be, and that’s sadly WAY too easy to forget in shows and real life.

    1 replies
    1. Patrick
      7 days

      We see the seeds of her problem even earlier, in volume 1. When she's talking to Jaune (I forget exactly which episode) when they're both sitting in the hallway outside their dorm, she says something along the lines of "we're the leaders, we're not allowed to have doubts" or something like that. And at the time, it could be passed off as her being optimistic and trying to encourage Jaune, but looking back, that's the core of her problem. She thought she wasn't allowed to have doubts, that she had to bottle everything up and always be the beacon (haha get it because they went to Beacon Academy) of positivity.

      Though I don't think it's fair to say that "it took 9 seasons to start developing" Ruby. It's just that her development has been on a different course to everyone else.

      1 replies
      1. James
        7 days

        Yea, Ruby isn't really static with her development. But it is really subtle and slow compared to others. Compare her Beacon self with her V4-6 self. Sure she still has optimism, but you can tell she trying to force a smile at times. She took Ozpin's advice (leaders must always be at their best. they aren't allowed to fail) and took it the wrong way. Not to mention the pedestal she puts her mother on. The (in her mind) perfect huntress who still failed to stop the evil that is Salem. So Ruby internalizes the failure as her fault, because she's the leader. If they lose a relic, it's her fault, if they fail to save a town, it's her fault. Because she's the leader. Her and Ren are basically repression buddies. But while Ren tries to be more emotionless and straight faced, Ruby hides it behind a smile.

  10. Sagi
    8 days

    Rosters Teeth is back 

    1 replies
    1. TEG
      7 days

      The IP was reacquired by it's original creator, yes, but that is entirely irrelevant in regards to anything around the RWBY franchise as it is still owned by VIZ media. It only has a effect on the remaining IPs under the Rooster Teeth brand like Red vs Blue or Camp Camp.

  11. Andre
    8 days

    I’m pretty sure they’ll need at least 2 more volumes to wrap up the show. Volume 10 to focus on Vacuo and the Relic of Destruction. Then Volume 11 to return to Beacon Academy where it all started to find the Relic of Choice and defeat Salem. 

    1 replies
    1. TEG
      7 days

      Ideally would be 3 though, as RWBY has operated in measures of 3 in regards to the seasons in many ways. So far every 3 seasons the characters received a redesign, every major story arc revolved around 3 seasons (1-3 Beacon Academy, 4-6 The Journey through Remnant, 7-9 The Fall of Atlas). So I can imagine the writing staff originally at least planned it out to follow that pattern in the future as well.

  12. jdetoro
    8 days

    You guys should react to The Dragon Prince next

  13. Patrick
    8 days

    "Checkmate" (the song from when they beat the Red Prince's game pieces) is definitely one of my favorite pieces of RWBY music.

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