RWBY S7 Episode 13 Reaction

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  1. Tigerhawk
    29 days

    It has been years. But Salem's entrance still gives me chills.

  2. Tigerhawk
    1 month

    I'd also like to recommend that if you have any interest in watching the JL X RWBY movie's then watch part 1 post V7 and Part 2 post V9.

  3. Van
    1 month

    I want Weiss to have a 1v1 against winter eventually and for her to come out on top while ruby fights like ironwood

  4. Paul
    1 month

    There's always been an end credit scene at the end of volumes.  The only reason there isn't one now is because, like, what do you put as the stinger after Salem riding in on a goddamn flying whale?

  5. ChaosDragon
    1 month

    Ozpin's semblance was never revealed to us(if he had one), and Oscar has still not unlocked his.  We saw him use magic for the first time in this episode, which is something he possesses the ability to do thanks to Oz.

  6. Courtney
    1 month

    So much hype for volume 8!!! It has the highest highs and the lowest lows!! Its about to blow your mind and I am ready for it!!!

  7. Matthew
    1 month

    So fun little fact I really love about this episode! 

    Before Ironwood shoots Oscar, there's a sparkle of light in his eyes that all the other characters have. When he goes to shoot, the artists took that sparkle out! Such a cool small detail

    1 replies
    1. FryLord
      15 days

      It was later revealed, disappointly so, that it's his semblance....the lamest semblance in the entire series

  8. Veil
    1 month

    Here we have the Monstro to Penny's Pinnochio.

  9. Pat
    1 month

    How fun that this episode is reflecting the story of Pinnochio. Fria, who is clad in blues, (the blue fairy) gives Penny, a synthetic human, (Pinnochio) the Winter Maiden powers (turning Penny into a 'real girl'). Heck, Monstro's even there! xD It gets me every time

  10. Stacy
    1 month

    Ohhh I am SO excited for y'all to start V8

  11. zackscroggins
    1 month

    Volume 8 is easily my favorite, like, I love the entire show, but volume 8 is peak. You guys are in for a real treat just week. And yeah, you're spot on, it's time for all out war.

  12. mcwilson_1
    1 month

    I get what they were trying to do but Robin is the worst character they've ever made in this show and that's kind of saying something sometimes

    1 replies
    1. SaviorOfNirn
      1 month

      That's a bold face lie lmao

  13. Petrichor12
    1 month

    The way you see the lights leave Ironwood's eyes when he shuts off his emotions.

  14. Impactsona
    1 month

    You guys are about to reach PEAK RWBY IMO. The hype doesn't stop anytime soon.

    1 replies
    1. Matthew
      1 month

      peak is incoming

  15. SauceyRed
    1 month

    I still fucking love Oz's speech at the end so much.

    And I love how it's the "answer" to the episode title. The enemy of trust... is fear.

  16. sguy90
    1 month

    Just a a minor correction, Oscar used magic not a semblance, magic doesn't require aura to use. Ozpin and the maidens use magic

  17. MegumiMary
    1 month

    You can see now why people consider these volumes peak

  18. Raptor
    1 month

    Peacemaker to the Suicide Squad: “I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.”Ironwood to Winter: “WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN!”

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