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3 months
Cordo isn't a Mantle citizen, the guards at the base aren't Mantle citizens, they're all from Atlas, who everyone else in the world are already uneasy of because of Ironwoods robots turning against Vale, Nora, Ren and Jaune explained in an earlier episode that the military of Argus city are all from Atlas and helped Mantle civilians to colonise the area.
3 months
So fun~ The loss of Bumblebee (the bike) for the ship Bumblebee (Yang Blake = Bumblebee).
Also Adams scar says SDC = Schnee Dust Company
3 months
I'm so mad that they gave Adam, a character that I absolutely despise, one of the coolest fighting styles in the show. Like, the guy is a POS, but he's got moves. Also, I love how Yang has learned to control her Semblance so that, instead of using it during the whole fight and send back damage at a regular pace but with less power, she stores everything up until she can deal a massive blow. It allows her to keep her aura active longer, so she can last longer in the fight.
4 months
as a fellow gay i was picking up the little signs of yang and blake i thought i was crazy for a minute i was checking comments to see if anyone else talked about them and no one did so i was like maybe im imagining it glad to see i wasn’t
4 months
0:50 Na that's the NRA gun nut talk. I got all these weapons so you better feel safe. Naaaa, I'm only afraid of the psycho who thinks they need prep to kill an army. I'd always be on guard
4 months
Thats the Leviathan, his name is Larry
4 months
The fight scenes in this season and onward are back to Pre volume 3 levels imho and are just so damn cool. Doesnt feel nearly as floaty and its got its momentum back. I like the plot as a narrative, but the character writing drags it down for me. Cordovin as a stuck up old bitch who is unhelpful is great, cordovin randomly going off the deep end and pulling out a superweapon to murder children is less great. The team feeling betrayed by Ozpin is great, Ruby then placing all of those feelings on every other authority figure or mentor and refusing to see alternatives is less great.
Honestly, the second half of this season is kind of contrived, as they were given a perfectly valid choice with "send Weiss to atlas, have her send someone to pick them up", but nope, let's jump straight to "antagonize the military of the country we are trying to get to, commit grand theft fighter jet, disable the radar that protects the city, and fight the giant robot instead of just leaving and figuring out a new plan"
Of course, there still needs to be a conflict, and it could have been great even keeping the same characters with the same premise, but the out of left field, nuclear option decisions dont make a whole lot of sense.
4 months
I absolutely hate the Bumblee ship because it comes out of nowhere, flies in the face of the already set up ship of Blacksun and only happened because some fans were just so toxic about it
6 replies
3 months
Sun isn't real, he isn't going to reward you for sticking your tongue up his bunghole
3 months
all of this is wrong lol
4 months
It was massive pandering and it got forced in and we already know the RT community is super toxic given the forums were a dumpster fire and they attack anyone who dares have their own opinion as I see you already have angry replies to this
4 months
I don't hate the ship (that much) but I very much dislike the toxic BB fans who harass anyone who doesn't ship them. I've seen reactors stop watching the show entirely because of it.
4 months
I absolutely hate this way of thinking. I like Blacksun and Bumblebee about equally, but I think it's ridiculous to say that something "flies in the face of the already set up ship" like a person can't be attracted to multiple people but only enter a relationship with one, or that when it happens, they're obligated to be with the one they were attracted to first. Blake and Sun COULD have ended up together, but they didn't, and that happens in real life, too. As far as I am ware, a lot of people on the crew have said that Bumblebee was intended for a long time, and I'm inclined to believe them. They got shipping moments, too. This has absolutely not "come out of nowhere."
4 months
Oh here we go...the anti-bumblebees just have to make their comment. If you don't think they set up the ship from Season 1...well nothing I can say now will convince you...but please stop stating your opinion as fact.
4 months
The fights are fun but the writing goes down is the problem
1 replies
3 months
nah V6-V7 is peak
4 months
🎶Ding Dong the bitch is dead! The bitch is finally dead!🎶
4 months
Ep. 12 was the episode that actually made me ship Blake and Yang. Like I had never disliked the ship before it, but I never bought it as being a thing. However, after this episode, and how they shared that moment with each other after the fight, I felt it. I knew it was meant to be.
4 months
Grimm aren’t attracted to fear, they’re attracted to all negative emotions. Having a giant mech like that out in the open could make people paranoid and anxious for alot of reasons.
4 months
Boom is right to ship Blake and Yang, they’re the couple ever
2 replies
4 months
massive RIP to you dropping spoilers
4 months
theyre one of the couples, sure
4 months
The Cordo fight is one of those times where the show reminds you that Crescent Rose isn't just a gun - it's a sniper rifle.
4 months
Adam is branded with S.D.C (Schnee Dust Company).
4 months
3:00 You guys have seen a Water based Grim, the Sea Dragon Blake & Sun faced off with back in Volume 4
4 months
Now that the bitch is dead I get to say some of the stupid shit Adam defenders were on. Some of them said that Blake slapping sun in volume 4 was the equivalent to Adam STABBING HER and criticized her for it. Adam fans are butthurt to this day that he's dead even though his abusive red flags could make a parade.
1 replies
4 months
It’s amazing how toxic the FNDM was. In retrospect it’s clear to see how a lot of the hate the show gets is due to misogyny, and hate for LGBTQ like coco, or even jaune’s sister.
4 months
Some important things to note about this fight, Monty actually had a hand in it. Apparently there were originally plans to have an extended fight back in volume 3 when Adam cut Yang's arm off, and a lot of the stuff Adam does in this fight were from that unfinished animation. I think some clips of it leaked a while back. Now its also very important to note that as far as we can tell, the vast majority of the Blake and Yang vs Adam fight was done by the new animators. I just thought it was cool that this fight, which imo is probably the best in the whole show, is the collective effort of both Monty and the new team. I might be wrong about some of this stuff since its been years since this came out tho.
4 months
My love for the unique way they animate and choreograph Adam’s fighting style is cancelled out by his personality’s innate lack of likability after he murdered a bunch of White Fang members to sit in a chair for a while and become a stalker ex. He isn’t even fun to hate honestly.When he asked “What does she even see in you?!”, my first thought was “redeeming qualities”.
4 months
Blake and Yang vs Adam is up there among the best fights in the series.
4 months
Funfact, the lyrics to Yang's song actually do quote her going Super Saiyan! Sure would be great if Spotify would get over their rights dispute with the RWBY music already...
1 replies
4 months
They kinda did. Jeff Williams was allowed to upload everything again as "Songs" Part 1-8 without the RWBY branding.
2 replies
4 months
It even worked good enough, to restore Volumes 1-8 in my old playlist. So I didn't even have to search for it again.
4 months
Oh really!? Good to know!!
4 months
What atracted the Grimm is the mass panic the city had when seeing a giant Robot walk out of their Military base for unkown reasons
Cordovan, by using the robot for somthing so petty, caused unessecary panic and brough the Grimm to the city. This is litterally her fault for not only causing the panic but endagering the only tool they had against large grimm that come from the ocean depths. What's great is they set this up one episode earlier with Jaune saying "This thing is clearly designed to fight giant grimm that come from the ocean". This show does forshadowing great!
4 months
I remember the fan reception with these couple of episodes and I don't know if I've ever said this, but I'm so happy y'all are watching this after the fanbase has kind of died down because HOLY SHIT.
1 replies
4 months
Honestly, same, the fandom's feelings towards Adam frustrate me so much.
4 months
Blake and Yang vs Adam is quite literally one of my favorite fight scenes from RWBY. It feels so well choreographed and the genuine emotion and desperation during it feels so good.
Adam feeling jealous of Yangs closeness to Blake is also really significant here. He saw her as a threat to his relationship and essential "ownership" of Blake, and wanted to kill her to not only prevent Yang frpm "stealing her away", but also to punish Blake, who clearly cares for Yang (be it platonic or romantic)
So excited for when you guys get to 7 and 8, They're def some of my favorite seasons.
1 replies
4 months
V7 and 8 are my favorite volumes as well
4 months
I wonder why so many reactors (at least the ones I've watched) struggle with reading Adam's scar as SDC, I read it just fine the first time, and within the context of the show and Adam's history, it's the only thing that makes sense. I guess if you can only read the S clearly, it might be a bit difficult to figure out SDC, but if you get at least two out of the three letters, I'd think it'd be fairly easy to fill in the gap.
1 replies
4 months
I think it's cause the D in SDC with that font looks kind of like an O and also because a lot of people kind of don't think about the Schnee Dust Company regularly, I think also because a lot forget about the lore between faunus and the SDC.
1 replies
4 months
That's fair. I will admit I was (and still am) really into RWBY so I definitely kept a lot of info active in the back of my mind while watching, which probably helped make that connection.
4 months
23:52 Eric, his aura ran out after getting hit by Yang's big hit at 22:30.
4 months
If you can't see it, Adam's Eye says SDC (Schnee Dust Company)
Cordo isn't a Mantle citizen, the guards at the base aren't Mantle citizens, they're all from Atlas, who everyone else in the world are already uneasy of because of Ironwoods robots turning against Vale, Nora, Ren and Jaune explained in an earlier episode that the military of Argus city are all from Atlas and helped Mantle civilians to colonise the area.
So fun~ The loss of Bumblebee (the bike) for the ship Bumblebee (Yang Blake = Bumblebee).
Also Adams scar says SDC = Schnee Dust Company
I'm so mad that they gave Adam, a character that I absolutely despise, one of the coolest fighting styles in the show. Like, the guy is a POS, but he's got moves. Also, I love how Yang has learned to control her Semblance so that, instead of using it during the whole fight and send back damage at a regular pace but with less power, she stores everything up until she can deal a massive blow. It allows her to keep her aura active longer, so she can last longer in the fight.
as a fellow gay i was picking up the little signs of yang and blake i thought i was crazy for a minute i was checking comments to see if anyone else talked about them and no one did so i was like maybe im imagining it glad to see i wasn’t
0:50 Na that's the NRA gun nut talk. I got all these weapons so you better feel safe. Naaaa, I'm only afraid of the psycho who thinks they need prep to kill an army. I'd always be on guard
Thats the Leviathan, his name is Larry
The fight scenes in this season and onward are back to Pre volume 3 levels imho and are just so damn cool. Doesnt feel nearly as floaty and its got its momentum back. I like the plot as a narrative, but the character writing drags it down for me. Cordovin as a stuck up old bitch who is unhelpful is great, cordovin randomly going off the deep end and pulling out a superweapon to murder children is less great. The team feeling betrayed by Ozpin is great, Ruby then placing all of those feelings on every other authority figure or mentor and refusing to see alternatives is less great.
Honestly, the second half of this season is kind of contrived, as they were given a perfectly valid choice with "send Weiss to atlas, have her send someone to pick them up", but nope, let's jump straight to "antagonize the military of the country we are trying to get to, commit grand theft fighter jet, disable the radar that protects the city, and fight the giant robot instead of just leaving and figuring out a new plan"
Of course, there still needs to be a conflict, and it could have been great even keeping the same characters with the same premise, but the out of left field, nuclear option decisions dont make a whole lot of sense.
I absolutely hate the Bumblee ship because it comes out of nowhere, flies in the face of the already set up ship of Blacksun and only happened because some fans were just so toxic about it
Sun isn't real, he isn't going to reward you for sticking your tongue up his bunghole
all of this is wrong lol
It was massive pandering and it got forced in and we already know the RT community is super toxic given the forums were a dumpster fire and they attack anyone who dares have their own opinion as I see you already have angry replies to this
I don't hate the ship (that much) but I very much dislike the toxic BB fans who harass anyone who doesn't ship them. I've seen reactors stop watching the show entirely because of it.
I absolutely hate this way of thinking. I like Blacksun and Bumblebee about equally, but I think it's ridiculous to say that something "flies in the face of the already set up ship" like a person can't be attracted to multiple people but only enter a relationship with one, or that when it happens, they're obligated to be with the one they were attracted to first. Blake and Sun COULD have ended up together, but they didn't, and that happens in real life, too. As far as I am ware, a lot of people on the crew have said that Bumblebee was intended for a long time, and I'm inclined to believe them. They got shipping moments, too. This has absolutely not "come out of nowhere."
Oh here we go...the anti-bumblebees just have to make their comment. If you don't think they set up the ship from Season 1...well nothing I can say now will convince you...but please stop stating your opinion as fact.
The fights are fun but the writing goes down is the problem
nah V6-V7 is peak
🎶Ding Dong the bitch is dead! The bitch is finally dead!🎶
Ep. 12 was the episode that actually made me ship Blake and Yang. Like I had never disliked the ship before it, but I never bought it as being a thing. However, after this episode, and how they shared that moment with each other after the fight, I felt it. I knew it was meant to be.
Grimm aren’t attracted to fear, they’re attracted to all negative emotions. Having a giant mech like that out in the open could make people paranoid and anxious for alot of reasons.
Boom is right to ship Blake and Yang, they’re the couple ever
massive RIP to you dropping spoilers
theyre one of the couples, sure
The Cordo fight is one of those times where the show reminds you that Crescent Rose isn't just a gun - it's a sniper rifle.
Adam is branded with S.D.C (Schnee Dust Company).
3:00 You guys have seen a Water based Grim, the Sea Dragon Blake & Sun faced off with back in Volume 4
Now that the bitch is dead I get to say some of the stupid shit Adam defenders were on. Some of them said that Blake slapping sun in volume 4 was the equivalent to Adam STABBING HER and criticized her for it. Adam fans are butthurt to this day that he's dead even though his abusive red flags could make a parade.
It’s amazing how toxic the FNDM was. In retrospect it’s clear to see how a lot of the hate the show gets is due to misogyny, and hate for LGBTQ like coco, or even jaune’s sister.
Some important things to note about this fight, Monty actually had a hand in it. Apparently there were originally plans to have an extended fight back in volume 3 when Adam cut Yang's arm off, and a lot of the stuff Adam does in this fight were from that unfinished animation. I think some clips of it leaked a while back. Now its also very important to note that as far as we can tell, the vast majority of the Blake and Yang vs Adam fight was done by the new animators. I just thought it was cool that this fight, which imo is probably the best in the whole show, is the collective effort of both Monty and the new team. I might be wrong about some of this stuff since its been years since this came out tho.
My love for the unique way they animate and choreograph Adam’s fighting style is cancelled out by his personality’s innate lack of likability after he murdered a bunch of White Fang members to sit in a chair for a while and become a stalker ex. He isn’t even fun to hate honestly.When he asked “What does she even see in you?!”, my first thought was “redeeming qualities”.
Blake and Yang vs Adam is up there among the best fights in the series.
Funfact, the lyrics to Yang's song actually do quote her going Super Saiyan! Sure would be great if Spotify would get over their rights dispute with the RWBY music already...
They kinda did. Jeff Williams was allowed to upload everything again as "Songs" Part 1-8 without the RWBY branding.
It even worked good enough, to restore Volumes 1-8 in my old playlist. So I didn't even have to search for it again.
Oh really!? Good to know!!
What atracted the Grimm is the mass panic the city had when seeing a giant Robot walk out of their Military base for unkown reasons
Cordovan, by using the robot for somthing so petty, caused unessecary panic and brough the Grimm to the city. This is litterally her fault for not only causing the panic but endagering the only tool they had against large grimm that come from the ocean depths. What's great is they set this up one episode earlier with Jaune saying "This thing is clearly designed to fight giant grimm that come from the ocean". This show does forshadowing great!
I remember the fan reception with these couple of episodes and I don't know if I've ever said this, but I'm so happy y'all are watching this after the fanbase has kind of died down because HOLY SHIT.
Honestly, same, the fandom's feelings towards Adam frustrate me so much.
Blake and Yang vs Adam is quite literally one of my favorite fight scenes from RWBY. It feels so well choreographed and the genuine emotion and desperation during it feels so good.
Adam feeling jealous of Yangs closeness to Blake is also really significant here. He saw her as a threat to his relationship and essential "ownership" of Blake, and wanted to kill her to not only prevent Yang frpm "stealing her away", but also to punish Blake, who clearly cares for Yang (be it platonic or romantic)
So excited for when you guys get to 7 and 8, They're def some of my favorite seasons.
V7 and 8 are my favorite volumes as well
I wonder why so many reactors (at least the ones I've watched) struggle with reading Adam's scar as SDC, I read it just fine the first time, and within the context of the show and Adam's history, it's the only thing that makes sense. I guess if you can only read the S clearly, it might be a bit difficult to figure out SDC, but if you get at least two out of the three letters, I'd think it'd be fairly easy to fill in the gap.
I think it's cause the D in SDC with that font looks kind of like an O and also because a lot of people kind of don't think about the Schnee Dust Company regularly, I think also because a lot forget about the lore between faunus and the SDC.
That's fair. I will admit I was (and still am) really into RWBY so I definitely kept a lot of info active in the back of my mind while watching, which probably helped make that connection.
23:52 Eric, his aura ran out after getting hit by Yang's big hit at 22:30.
If you can't see it, Adam's Eye says SDC (Schnee Dust Company)
The scar on Adam is SDC for Schnee Dust Company.