RWBY S5 Episode 13-14 Reaction

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  1. thevoidbender
    6 days

    I love that Raven bounces off to Taiyang since it stays consistent with her powers. Her portals only work with people she's bonded too. Yang won't work since she's with Yang. Qrow is upstairs so like that's also pointless. Vernal is dead and was also with her so that's a bust. That only leaves Tai who is back on Patch as her means of escape.

  2. A
    6 days

    You guys should check out RWBY Chibi! 

  3. Tigerhawk
    9 days

    SHIT SHIT SHIT. That shoulder brush leading to Raven crying and the connection I just came to from V9. Her "I'm sorry" wasn't for Yang.

  4. Tearsofla
    1 month

    The issues a lot of people had with the combat mostly boiled down to "It became more anime". Monty's fights were done more like dance choreography. Every attack, block, parry and step flowed from one movement to the next and carried momentum and inertia with it. For example, Sun vs Roman, when he unveils his gunchucks for the first time, it is like 15 consecutive hits in 4 seconds but each hit still has recoil and gets deflected in the proper direction from where Roman parries it, but that just lets the attack flow into another hit and all of it is done in clear view. A similar example from the new animators is when Oz/Oscar does the cane jiggle multi attack. His hand just kinda disappears and 20 cane tips appear in the same frame to show a lot of attacks, which has no weight or realism behind it, it just looks cool. If we compare this fight, which is still an epic fight, there is a lot of "Slam swords together, they stop dead against each other. Then the characters disappear in a smear, and slam back into each other, and its full of "Slash vfx" white lines to show where their attacks are instead of being explicitly understandable. This isnt necessarily a bad thing, as its how 90% of anime fights are done because its hand drawn and done at a lower framerate, but its just not how the GOAT did his fights, and it feels kinda floaty when its in 3D instead of 2D, where the human brain is more likely to apply real world rules to the scenario instead of glossing over them.

    1 replies
    1. RancorSnp
      5 days

      Also - let's be honest. In seasons 4 to 7 there's 2 fights that actually look good. Qrow vs Tyrian and Raven vs Cinder. All the others are really, really, stiff and boring

  5. HappyMan0203
    1 month

    While Volume 5 is my least favorite just because it's much slower paced and so much of it takes place in a house, at the same time it does a lot for character growth and development, especially for Yang and Blake. I think in general people are far harsher on it than it deserves, even if I do think it's oen of the weakest Volumes overall. It's one where it's individual moments I think shine a lot brighter than the whole does.

    Thankfully any weaknesses that Volumes 4 and 5 had are pretty much rectified in Vol. 6, which is considered one of best in the show.

  6. Stash
    1 month

    Woo! I personally found this finale cathartic (the girls all meeting up again, Adam being shoved to the side, the shared Salem hallucination, Yang yelling at Raven, etc.). I can see how people feel like the finale doesn't quite do the buildup enough justice, but I still enjoyed what we got (waiting those two weeks after Weiss was speared was definitely tough lol).

    I can't wait until y'all start volume 6!! It's one of my faves (maybe even most fave because a lot of the elements in that volume really satisfy my personal preferences for story beats, horror, and tragic character development). Now that Weiss has effectively gotten a hold on the guys, I'm hoping they'll pick up on the ice flower bits in volume 6.

  7. Dotaku
    1 month

    Volume 4 and 5 are my least favorite of the post Beacon Era material, especially 5. I still like them a fair bit but you could definitely feel a lot of the growing pains, Volume 5's biggest issue was the somewhat lacking finale compared to everything that was being built up. Generally speaking though I still loved a lot of the character moments and some of my favorite fights were in these Volumes (Raven v Cinder and the Nuckelavee) so they definitely weren't nearly as bad as the hate watchers were making it out to be back in the day.

    ALL that said, you guys are in for a TREAT because it is majorly uphill from here. Volume 6 was a HUGE step up over 5 and each Volume after that just keeps getting better. I can't wait to see you guys react to all of the amazing moments you have waiting for you! XD

    Also, would like to throw my hat in the ring of recommending World of Remnant, you should be good to just watch all of them at this point since there's no potential spoilers in this at this point in the show and they are pretty good for Lore especially the later ones.

  8. TJBeifong
    1 month

    This volume had very strong story development but an incredibly weak finale, the combat being the most notably weak. The fight between Raven and Cinder was far more climactic than everything else they had been building up throughout this volume, which is unfortunate but it is what it is. At this point, the show was still in it's adjustment period using the new Maya engine and having lost Monty. Fortunately, there's still a lot to love from this finale. Yang's confrontation towards Raven was probably my favorite bit, her finally getting to express her anger over Raven abandoning her and how much she despises Ravens motives and morals. The FULL reunion of Team RWBY is another great segment, it's something that people had been waiting for over the course of two years back then and it's just.. man. Everyone loved it. 

    Anywhosies, everything is uphill from here both lore and combat wise. Combat will still have some messy segments, but not to this finale's degree. The lore gets JUICY though and I'm very excited for you guys to experience it all :)

  9. SaviorOfNirn
    1 month

    Don't worry about what some hate watchers say. Vol 4 and 5 were great for what they did for character and story development. It's all uphill, RWBY is goated.

  10. Subaru130
    1 month

    I'd say one of my problems with this last part of Volume 5 is that it kinda felt a bit too large scale for what they could handle with all the different fights going on at the same time. Raven vs. Cinder was amazing, but everything else just felt too stop and go and slow-paced for me. I also felt like Mercury suffered a lot. I get that he's cocky as shit, but he's also an incredibly skilled fighter and nothing he did really felt up to par with his showings from Volume 3.

    And I'm not saying this as a hater of everything past Volume 3 or anything. I think a lot of the later fights are just as good or better than the early fights. It's really just the end of Volume 5 in particular that I have an issue with.

  11. Mercurium
    1 month

    good stuff!Now on to my personal favorite volume! Looking forward to seeing what you guys think of it. 

  12. Paul
    1 month

    The start of the last episode is one of the best fights in all of RWBY - and that's saying something - and not a single punch is thrown.

  13. Toa
    1 month

    I can finally say this now, this fight - the one that supposedly all that buildup that took place in the house was supposed to lead up to - wasn't really my cup of tea. I was expecting a big climactic fight between Team RNJR+WY vs Cinder Squad and Raven. Instead we got a bunch of cuts of disjointed stuff happening there while the real action happened everywhere else. It's great that Jaune unlocked his Semblance, but it was just kinda a mess. And the big fight that all the budget went into, between Raven and Cinder, while very cinematic, I really didn't care much about the stakes. I hate Cinder and Raven equally, I'm like "oh, one of them is going to kill the other. Cool. Wonder which one, but not all that invested."

    That said, the episode after that fight, with Yang telling mom to GTFO, and Blake completely dissing Adam, along with all the other developement those two get, definitely still make this Volume one of my favorites, even in spite of the disappointing fight with Hazel. (we don't even get to see Blake and Weiss hit him with Checkmate!)

  14. Nike
    1 month

    I'm not sure if you guys have seen it yet but I just wanted to let you know there is a short in between this and next season which is about Adam just to let you know it's there!

  15. Yokiyume
    1 month

    You guys haven't reacted to the Adam character shot yet (you reacted to all the trailers/ character shorts but this one. It came out before Volume 6 and  I think you shoul watch it before Vol 6 )

    2 replies
    1. SauceyRed
      1 month

      They watched all of the trailers and shorts before they started the show, so they HAVE watched it, but they've pretty much forgotten all of them, so a rewatch would be appropriate.

      1 replies
      1. SauceyRed
        1 month

        Wrong comment I replied to, but maybe it's a good thing because I thought they DID watch the Adam one back then. Can't believe they accidentally missed it lmao.

    2. Yokiyume
      1 month

      *short, sorry. Anyways I can't wait for Volume 6! I think that Volume 6 to 9 are the best Volumes for the insane lore drops, the fights and the pure emotinal moments. Volume 9 is peak madness too

  16. CD
    1 month

    Have y’all watched Dead Fantasy by Monty Oum?

  17. Lester
    1 month

    Strap in boys, because here on out it’s going to get wild!

  18. Alex
    1 month

    Oh man... You're gonna love V6.

  19. Sagi
    1 month

    My problem with RWBY is season 7 and 8 and half of 6

    5 replies
    1. RancorSnp
      5 days

      I like season 7 a LOT. In a vacuum. I didn't even bother watching 8 because I know that they didn't make Season 7 good on purpose, they were so bad at writing season 7 they accidentally made it interesting, and had to fix this error with season 8

    2. SauceyRed
      1 month

      Yikes, my favorite volumes are 7 and 8, along with... 6 or 9?

    3. MephilesNumberOneFan
      1 month

      6 is one of my all time favorites (it and 5 compete pretty frequently for my top spot).

      I like 7 a lot.

      And 8 is like 3 for me in that it's objectively great, but also feels darker than the previous few seasons in a way that makes it hard to rewatch

    4. Toa
      1 month

      The Volume 7 finale has like 5 different spectacular fights back-to-back-to-back, I'll never get the hate for it.

    5. demonic-myst
      1 month

      Personaly dont find six that bad but 7 goes down hill and most if not all of 8 problems are just the writers trying double down on the bad decitions from season 7 in almost  cartoonishly spiteful way 

      1 replies
      1. Ryan
        1 month

        When it came to Volume 8, I could never understand a single decision they made and just to throw it all in the trash. I question it so much and I hope they never mention it again

        1 replies
        1. SauceyRed
          1 month

          V7-8 are two of my favorite volumes, I love how much of a darker and serious tone they have, and how the characters and story developed. Ironwood became one of my favorite characters after watching them. I just overall was very intrigued and hooked into the plot and characters.

          1 replies
          1. James
            1 month

            Yea, V7 and V8 are really good. The decisions made there makes sense. I won't go into detail because spoilers. But the characters are making decisions based off their emotions. It makes a lot sense for all the characters and where their head spaces are at. That's what makes these volumes really good.

  20. Hailey
    1 month

    You guys will probably want to do a triple episode next week because the first 3 episodes of V6 pop off with insane lore drops.

    2 replies
    1. Toa
      1 month

      Imagine how pissed they'll be at the cliffhanger tho? If we had to deal with it when it was coming out, they should have to deal with it too.

    2. Alex
      1 month

      I second this notion.

  21. Petrichor12
    1 month

    Alright, here we go! Seasons 4, 5, and 6 are some of my favs! Can't wait to finish this arc!

  22. Sylva
    1 month

    So Raven wasn't the Spring Maiden that went missing. We don't know who she was just that when she ran she ended up with Raven's clan and then she died somehow in the period that no one has info on and the Maiden power passed to Raven

    2 replies
    1. SaviorOfNirn
      1 month

      It was made very clear Raven killed the former Spring Maiden years ago.

    2. Toa
      1 month

      Raven betrayed and murdered the previous Spring Maiden

  23. MephilesNumberOneFan
    1 month

    Yang confronting her mom is such a great sceneLooking forward to V6

  24. Zen
    1 month

    No one else knew Raven was the maiden

    1 replies
    1. Paul
      1 month

      Well, Vernal obviously, but yeah. As far as we know at this point it was just those two.

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