Rick and Morty S7 Episode 9-10 Reaction

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  1. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i would go in the fear holeee 

  2. Bomb-Boy
    2 months

    Honestly the black hole is a great episode I love the concept and flow of it all along with the plot twist

    1 replies
    1. peanutguy07
      2 months

      Fear hole

  3. shaquithahawkins.
    2 months

    Stop hiding that you guys are smoking weed we all know it and they can always block it on YouTube. You guys are chicken and it shows.  Do you guys forget you have Patreon and can do whatever it's legal. Can you guys react to Rick and Morty anime? That would be awesome 

    1 replies
    1. A.M
      2 months

      It saves there editor having to censor everything they still make money off yt

  4. zaxzumu
    2 months

    Solar Opposites would be a great show to fill in the Rick and Morty slot.

    1 replies
    1. SunXBreathing
      2 months

      I agree!!

  5. nate
    2 months

    You guys need to react to man in black 2

  6. Ruben
    2 months

    Fun Fact Mr.poopybutthole is right handed the one where he replaced himself was left handed so his wife knew what was up immediately 

  7. Darc
    2 months

    The hole episode is a great finale. And it proves that after everything, no matter how bad rick can be. He has a photo of morty in his wallet proving how much he still cares

  8. Jj
    2 months

    With the Bill Cypher thing. The creators of gravity falls and Rick and Morty are like best friends, so they sneak things in rick and Morty that are Gravity Falls related, one being when Stan lost his hat, mug, and notepad, in a rick and Morty episode I think in the first season when they were hopping multiple dimensions, those 3 items were seen coming out of a portal. With that being said, the universes containing Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls are canonically somewhere in the Cental Finite Curve.

    2 replies
    1. Silverr
      1 month

      old ass reply but we also know Rick and Stanford where Friends, Rick wrote on Stanfords Wanted Poster seen in Journal 3 (The irl version of the Book) and in the Morty Mindblower Episode, he had a vile called Stanford and one called Bill Cipher

    2. Arrowwolf
      2 months

      Yeah it was whatever episode had a ton of portals on one wall, they were running from someone used it as a way to confuse them, I can’t remember what it was now dammit 

      1 replies
      1. Berserker88
        2 months

        Season 1, Episode 10 I believe. The one that introduced the Council of Ricks.

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