Rick and Morty S7 Episode 7-8 Reaction

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  1. Jerry
    5 days

    “86 that ass” is insane considering she’s a 7. This is one of the best written episodes imo

  2. Myles
    9 days

    He wasn't president yet. He said in the scene that he is the governor at the time

  3. Elina
    9 days

    Wanted to leave this on a live action/movie reaction, but since this video is the most recent one I can comment on: I'd love to watch you guys react to Severance. It's the biggest show on Apple's streaming service, season 2 is finally coming out so a bunch of other big reaction channels have started s1 recently, and the shock factor, humor and all the twists and turns make it a great series for reactions. If you have space in your schedule for another live action series, now would be a great time to check it out :)

  4. Brian
    1 month


  5. khalil
    1 month

    “anyone who’s name starts with an ‘s’ is un trustworthy” - Sean 🤣 

  6. Darc
    1 month

    Honestly with the amount of stuff morty does for rick I am surprised morty doesn't have more stuff

  7. Andre
    1 month

    When Water T started attacking in the beginning, he had put a 7 through a 9 like a spin on the joke "7 ate 9"

  8. rin
    1 month

    Lmao love how they mentioned watching squid games in the game awards stream and missed the reference peak timing

  9. Kristjaan
    1 month

    How do Mean no Rick and morty gameThere is Rick and morty vr game 

    1 replies
    1. deus._.deorum
      1 month

      they mean like an action adventure type thing, kinda like high on life and trover plus some space battle and crazy rick and morty shenanigans  

  10. Kristjaan
    1 month

    End credit scene was squid game reference 

    1 replies
    1. Kristjaan
      1 month

      The one of People with the mask

  11. zealixtv
    1 month

    I could be wrong, but i believe the reason why Water T couldn't remember morty is because of the change in voice actors

  12. endymion619_96433
    1 month

    the end scene for episode 7 was a squid game reference

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