Regular Show S2 Episode 9-12 REACTION

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  1. b_arnaby
    11 months

    W new site

  2. conglipperus
    1 year

    Honestly the realm of darkon episode feels like the creator had one bad ttrpg experience and quit.

  3. Ratchet
    1 year

    since this show was on cartoon network for kids they couldn't show people Dying. however making people explode into nothing was their way of getting around it.

  4. MysteriousDigi
    1 year

    There is an entire subreddit dedicated to bad DnD and TTRPG stories called r/rpghorrorstories. There's lots of bad GMs out there and bad players too. It can range from the GM making NPCs that are basically god and playing them, outshining the actual players(a DMPC if you will) to players creeping on female NPCs or even female players. I love tabletop games and DnD, but they don't always work out and I'm glad to not have any stories like that of my own really.

  5. Brye
    1 year

    The best part of them ruining the business over the game is that they were just telling people the truth about the game and they decided they didn’t want it. It’s less like dnd and more like box rpg games that are all in one and most of them are rough around the edges and try to hide it until you buy it and play it. They also didn’t slander his business, just the one new product lol

  6. Eck
    1 year

    I would love a big trouble in little china reaction!

  7. Harry
    1 year

    I've never played or really cared about D&D, but Rustage's OP D&D series is actually super entertaining to me

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