Regular Show S2 Episode 13-16 REACTION

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  1. Arrowwolf
    4 months

    padiddle, from how i was taught, was however many you see depends on how many hours you are intimate with your partner

  2. Sean
    1 year

    I never realized how much Sonic the Hedgehog is in this show. He’s definitely Doug and a few other side characters

  3. Cube
    1 year

    Me and my brother did versions of punch bug for like a dozen different cars so we were punching each other a lot

  4. drac
    1 year

    With you guys talking about how it's always Rigby's fault, while you aren't entirely wrong, it's pretty interesting that already by season 2 Mordecai causes a good amount of the incidents. It's actually making me remember as a kid with episodes like Punchies and Jinxed [among other episodes] I felt extremely bad for Rigby. I do still feel that way a bit, but it's nice seeing these episodes again after so many years to reflect more on this series.

    1 replies
    1. Krispin
      5 months

      Yes. I actually didn't get into anything after season 1 until last year, but they did have a tone shift from season 1 from Rigby being at the helm of most issues to widespread of adventures and character building

  5. Ben
    1 year

    I knew about Slug bug, and the headlight game but never knew it was called Perdiddle. That's interesting ?

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