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7 days
Hopefully you guys finish watching all of this!
15 days
This CANT be it
19 days
Need more of this shit ASAP!
19 days
Hope you watch more of this
20 days
So sad this was just a one-shot😢
1 replies
20 days
Nah we just gotta keep badgering them
21 days
Let’s do more of this please!!!
22 days
I love RvB so much
23 days
yo RvB is such a nostalgia trip. Hope you guys watch more
24 days
Since your watching Roosterteeth, mabye you should check out Death Battle
25 days
Yesss, keep watching rvb. It's so good, roosterteeth was op for rwby and rvb
25 days
so for the first 26 episodes the way they recorded it was there was an unnamed camera player that we're seeing every shot form the perspective from. In the original version of the episodes before they were cleaned up for Blu Ray it was really widescreen with like the black bars on the top and bottom and the assault rifle reticle in the middle of the screen. Halo 1 was before freecam and replay features existed, so they had to record the actual game.
25 days
RIP Rooster Teeth
1 replies
Mr. Eldritch
21 days
Actually, Bernie Burns recently repurchased rooster teeth. It’s coming back
25 days
I really hope you guys can go through the seasons cause the plot is actually pretty awesome and yet the comedy is even better. You’ll love the extra animations they do and music ofc. So many more characters to laugh at
25 days
Just occurred to me, Erik gives off Caboose vibes like mad 😂
26 days
Celly would soooooo let Church pick her up in Sheila the tank ;) I'm so glad you guys decided to review Red vs Blue and are already sort of immersed in it. It's a fun show. You mentioned animation and I think you should know that way back in 2009, Rooster Teeth hired a young guy by the name of......Monty Oum......he was the animator from 2009 to 2012 for Red vs Blue prior to him creating RWBY. I hope that makes you think about continuin gthis. Season 12 and 13 are the best of the series, especially the finales, and I hope you get there. You will recognize tons of voices too. Burnie did Taiyang, Yang and Ruby's dad, as well as Church in this series. Kathleen did Glynda in RWBY and Tex here. Joel did Caboose (WHO STEALS THE FLIPPIN SHOW) as well as Oublekk, the green haired teacher on speed in RWBY. Nora's, Ruby's, and so many other voices end up in both series. Hope you guys enjoy it. I sure will enjoy watching you watch this fabulous underated show.
26 days
Can’t wait for season 2
26 days
yoooo saw this on the calendar. didnt watch til 2014 but the OG web series is timeless
1 replies
26 days
omggg lopez....I didnt know spanish when I watched the first time six centuries ago but now that I do I realize how it's absolute dogshit lmao
27 days
It was called a tank so enemy forces wouldn't know it was a weapon. It was originally designated a land ship or land cruiser but the committee involved called it a water tank in official documents so German interception of the documents wouldn't know it was a land cruiser. And then the name Tank just kinda stuck.
27 days
Where 2 at?
27 days
where's season 2
27 days
Please do more rvb
27 days
Sarge cracks me up lol I love how much he hates Grif
27 days
they called it a tank so enemy forces when intercepting documents would think it was a water tank it was just a false name
27 days
No season 2?
27 days
I thought this was season 2😭 I hope you guys are keeping the series on!
27 days
please keep going! it just keeps getting better the longer you go!
27 days
PLEASE do this to s16 and the movie I would have diamond for this alone once rwby is over, its AMAZING the further u go
1 month
1 month
Upgraded to diamond just to watch this
1 month
Pick up line while driving tank : hey girl wanna go for a ride on my Cannon ?
1 month
We need to at least watch up to season 4
1 month
Please, sirs, may we have some more?
1 month
I’m so excited y’all are watching RvB major nostalgia, Hope y’all love the series as much as we all did ❤️🔥
1 month
PLASE keep going with this. I’ll keep Diamond as long as RvB is on the schedule. It gets so much better. Everything past season 6 is god tier. The story is amazing.
1 month
Just have to say you don’t have to do all just up to season 16 and the last “movie”
1 month
I have been picked up in a tank, a German war vechicle called the Pinzguaer it had no cup holder only gun holders and max speed was 55mph but that thing did great on dirt roads and mountain trails.
1 month
Man I door dashed from midnight to 2 am in 8 degree weather to buy diamond so I can watch this right now, i am hyped
1 month
Darn I might have to renew my diamond for this
1 month
I hope you go through it cause its one of the best series ever imo
1 month
No fucking way
1 month
Re-subbed my Diamond tier for this!
1 month
1 month
Please watch more! It gets so much better the longer the series goes on!
1 month
plz more i bought diamond tier just to watch this reaction
1 month
Please please watch more! It just gets better!
1 month
Only seen season 1 back in highschool.
1 month
You guys don't need to react to the whole series but if you somehow are interested enough to get all the way past 6 seasons, this show makes one of the most craziest changes in writing going from a comedic sketch series to an action heavy story around season 6. You'll also get to see some of Monty Oum's (creator of RWBY) best animations he's ever worked on during season 7 + . But its a long ass road ahead.
1 replies
1 month
If they were to stop id recommend after the war arc
1 month
After season 3 I fell off the show. Just because I forgot about it. When I tried watching later seasons. I was like it's not for me anymore.
1 month
Found out about this show throughout my high school days while it was already in its late seasons. BUT OMMMMGG YES KINGS. Do all of them. PLEASE ❤️🙌🏼🙏🏼
It goes without saying but this show HAD AN IMPACT on the Internet for years to come
1 month
pleas do more
1 month
Yes! literally upped my sub cause I needed this ASAP. Do them all boys!!!
1 month
You ever wonder why we're here
1 month
i dont think the internet would be what it is today without this show. this show started as 4 guys crammed into a guest bedroom thinking that a glitch in halo was funny and recording themselves. little did they know that they would change everything.
1 month
LET'S GOOOOO!!!! this show absolutely fits your sense of humor so i'm so hype so see more
1 month
1 month
1 month
Lmao the mental decline of Micheal J NEEDS to be studied
1 replies
1 month
Keep your babies away from him!
1 month
if your gonna do another web cartoon after this I soo recommend Dick Figures which is a cartoon about a red stick man and a blue stick man and they go on a stupid adventures SOO GOOD
Residentfan 1
1 month
“Holy crap, who is running this army?!” What everyone to ever be stationed at Fort Polk has asked themselves at least once.
1 month
1 month
1 month
Oh man so much nostalgia. Good and bad that came with Roosterteeth this heals my soul. So glad you all are doing it season by season. I’ll for sure be tuning in!
1 replies
1 month
I'm so excited y'all are watching RvB major nostalgia hope y'all enjoy the series as much as we all did❤️🔥
1 month
thank you guys so much i needed this today been ruff pun intended
1 month
I belive the intro was made when they recreated season 1. As Vlad3163 said, the original season 1 was created on four LAN'd XBoxes. You can still watch the original episodes on YouTube to see the cropped hud and no intro.
1 month
As a woman. The tank? Hell no. The Warthog, though? Hell yeah!
1 month
The way I jumped in excitement seeing this as the next reaction. RvB is amazing and goes such a long way in development, plus I still love the jokes they got in here. Although it gets a in the later seasons (after 12-13 personally for me) I always love watching new reactions for this show. And I'm super happy to see each week we'll be getting a season done, woo!
Also fun fact the voice of Caboose also does the voice for Professor Oobleck (Coffee drinking speedy guy with glasses) on Rwby and the voice of Church does Taiyang's voice (Ruby and Yang's dad).
1 month
Rvb, specifically the first few seasons, probably first 5, were incredible for the Internet before YouTube, I believe it was the most popular videos around when it comes to using video games as animations. Since you are watching the blue rays, you should probably know that there are some special mini series that take place in between some seasons that are kinda important to watch. There's one between season 4 and 5, one between 5 and 6 and one between 6 and 7. Some trailers are also canon, I believe on the season 6 and 7 trailers are the only canon ones that could be watched before, their respective seasons tho not necessarily required.
1 month
Camp Camp is also a really good Rooster Teeth show
1 month
So back when they originally made this on Halo CE, they straight up recorded all this through another players pov, and just added the black bars to hide the hud. Halo 3 is when theater and forge modes were added. I forget how they recorded for Halo 2 but it wasn't the same strategy. Lol.
1 month
So for the talk about how they recorded without a HUD, the answer is: originally they didn't. They LAN'd together 4 Xboxes, one of which was a dedicated "cameraman" which recorded raw game footage. During editing, they cropped out the HUD, except for the targeting reticle. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the remastered footage for 1-5 (on the Blu-Rays) was recorded in Halo PC, which could be modded and manipulated easier. Once we got Forge and theater mode in Halo 3, they recorded there because obviously more options.
1 month
whole classic right here
1 month
I'm so excited!
Mr. Eldritch
1 month
Holy shit, not only are they doing red vs blue, but we’re getting all of season 1 in one go, hell yes
1 month
Y'all just started Season 1 and I'm already itching for 8, 9, and 10. Definitely gonna enjoy this ride
Hopefully you guys finish watching all of this!
This CANT be it
Need more of this shit ASAP!
Hope you watch more of this
So sad this was just a one-shot😢
Nah we just gotta keep badgering them
Let’s do more of this please!!!
I love RvB so much
yo RvB is such a nostalgia trip. Hope you guys watch more
Since your watching Roosterteeth, mabye you should check out Death Battle
Yesss, keep watching rvb. It's so good, roosterteeth was op for rwby and rvb
so for the first 26 episodes the way they recorded it was there was an unnamed camera player that we're seeing every shot form the perspective from. In the original version of the episodes before they were cleaned up for Blu Ray it was really widescreen with like the black bars on the top and bottom and the assault rifle reticle in the middle of the screen. Halo 1 was before freecam and replay features existed, so they had to record the actual game.
RIP Rooster Teeth
Actually, Bernie Burns recently repurchased rooster teeth. It’s coming back
I really hope you guys can go through the seasons cause the plot is actually pretty awesome and yet the comedy is even better. You’ll love the extra animations they do and music ofc. So many more characters to laugh at
Just occurred to me, Erik gives off Caboose vibes like mad 😂
Celly would soooooo let Church pick her up in Sheila the tank ;) I'm so glad you guys decided to review Red vs Blue and are already sort of immersed in it. It's a fun show. You mentioned animation and I think you should know that way back in 2009, Rooster Teeth hired a young guy by the name of......Monty Oum......he was the animator from 2009 to 2012 for Red vs Blue prior to him creating RWBY. I hope that makes you think about continuin gthis. Season 12 and 13 are the best of the series, especially the finales, and I hope you get there. You will recognize tons of voices too. Burnie did Taiyang, Yang and Ruby's dad, as well as Church in this series. Kathleen did Glynda in RWBY and Tex here. Joel did Caboose (WHO STEALS THE FLIPPIN SHOW) as well as Oublekk, the green haired teacher on speed in RWBY. Nora's, Ruby's, and so many other voices end up in both series. Hope you guys enjoy it. I sure will enjoy watching you watch this fabulous underated show.
Can’t wait for season 2
yoooo saw this on the calendar. didnt watch til 2014 but the OG web series is timeless
omggg lopez....I didnt know spanish when I watched the first time six centuries ago but now that I do I realize how it's absolute dogshit lmao
It was called a tank so enemy forces wouldn't know it was a weapon. It was originally designated a land ship or land cruiser but the committee involved called it a water tank in official documents so German interception of the documents wouldn't know it was a land cruiser. And then the name Tank just kinda stuck.
Where 2 at?
where's season 2
Please do more rvb
Sarge cracks me up lol I love how much he hates Grif
they called it a tank so enemy forces when intercepting documents would think it was a water tank it was just a false name
No season 2?
I thought this was season 2😭 I hope you guys are keeping the series on!
please keep going! it just keeps getting better the longer you go!
PLEASE do this to s16 and the movie I would have diamond for this alone once rwby is over, its AMAZING the further u go
Upgraded to diamond just to watch this
Pick up line while driving tank : hey girl wanna go for a ride on my Cannon ?
We need to at least watch up to season 4
Please, sirs, may we have some more?
I’m so excited y’all are watching RvB major nostalgia, Hope y’all love the series as much as we all did ❤️🔥
PLASE keep going with this. I’ll keep Diamond as long as RvB is on the schedule. It gets so much better. Everything past season 6 is god tier. The story is amazing.
Just have to say you don’t have to do all just up to season 16 and the last “movie”
I have been picked up in a tank, a German war vechicle called the Pinzguaer it had no cup holder only gun holders and max speed was 55mph but that thing did great on dirt roads and mountain trails.
Man I door dashed from midnight to 2 am in 8 degree weather to buy diamond so I can watch this right now, i am hyped
Darn I might have to renew my diamond for this
I hope you go through it cause its one of the best series ever imo
No fucking way
Re-subbed my Diamond tier for this!
Please watch more! It gets so much better the longer the series goes on!
plz more i bought diamond tier just to watch this reaction
Please please watch more! It just gets better!
Only seen season 1 back in highschool.
You guys don't need to react to the whole series but if you somehow are interested enough to get all the way past 6 seasons, this show makes one of the most craziest changes in writing going from a comedic sketch series to an action heavy story around season 6. You'll also get to see some of Monty Oum's (creator of RWBY) best animations he's ever worked on during season 7 + . But its a long ass road ahead.
If they were to stop id recommend after the war arc
After season 3 I fell off the show. Just because I forgot about it. When I tried watching later seasons. I was like it's not for me anymore.
Found out about this show throughout my high school days while it was already in its late seasons. BUT OMMMMGG YES KINGS. Do all of them. PLEASE ❤️🙌🏼🙏🏼
It goes without saying but this show HAD AN IMPACT on the Internet for years to come
pleas do more
Yes! literally upped my sub cause I needed this ASAP. Do them all boys!!!
You ever wonder why we're here
i dont think the internet would be what it is today without this show. this show started as 4 guys crammed into a guest bedroom thinking that a glitch in halo was funny and recording themselves. little did they know that they would change everything.
LET'S GOOOOO!!!! this show absolutely fits your sense of humor so i'm so hype so see more
Lmao the mental decline of Micheal J NEEDS to be studied
Keep your babies away from him!
if your gonna do another web cartoon after this I soo recommend Dick Figures which is a cartoon about a red stick man and a blue stick man and they go on a stupid adventures SOO GOOD
“Holy crap, who is running this army?!” What everyone to ever be stationed at Fort Polk has asked themselves at least once.
Oh man so much nostalgia. Good and bad that came with Roosterteeth this heals my soul. So glad you all are doing it season by season. I’ll for sure be tuning in!
I'm so excited y'all are watching RvB major nostalgia hope y'all enjoy the series as much as we all did❤️🔥
thank you guys so much i needed this today been ruff pun intended
I belive the intro was made when they recreated season 1. As Vlad3163 said, the original season 1 was created on four LAN'd XBoxes. You can still watch the original episodes on YouTube to see the cropped hud and no intro.
As a woman. The tank? Hell no. The Warthog, though? Hell yeah!
The way I jumped in excitement seeing this as the next reaction. RvB is amazing and goes such a long way in development, plus I still love the jokes they got in here. Although it gets a in the later seasons (after 12-13 personally for me) I always love watching new reactions for this show. And I'm super happy to see each week we'll be getting a season done, woo!
Also fun fact the voice of Caboose also does the voice for Professor Oobleck (Coffee drinking speedy guy with glasses) on Rwby and the voice of Church does Taiyang's voice (Ruby and Yang's dad).
Rvb, specifically the first few seasons, probably first 5, were incredible for the Internet before YouTube, I believe it was the most popular videos around when it comes to using video games as animations. Since you are watching the blue rays, you should probably know that there are some special mini series that take place in between some seasons that are kinda important to watch. There's one between season 4 and 5, one between 5 and 6 and one between 6 and 7. Some trailers are also canon, I believe on the season 6 and 7 trailers are the only canon ones that could be watched before, their respective seasons tho not necessarily required.
Camp Camp is also a really good Rooster Teeth show
So back when they originally made this on Halo CE, they straight up recorded all this through another players pov, and just added the black bars to hide the hud. Halo 3 is when theater and forge modes were added. I forget how they recorded for Halo 2 but it wasn't the same strategy. Lol.
So for the talk about how they recorded without a HUD, the answer is: originally they didn't. They LAN'd together 4 Xboxes, one of which was a dedicated "cameraman" which recorded raw game footage. During editing, they cropped out the HUD, except for the targeting reticle. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the remastered footage for 1-5 (on the Blu-Rays) was recorded in Halo PC, which could be modded and manipulated easier. Once we got Forge and theater mode in Halo 3, they recorded there because obviously more options.
whole classic right here
I'm so excited!
Holy shit, not only are they doing red vs blue, but we’re getting all of season 1 in one go, hell yes
Y'all just started Season 1 and I'm already itching for 8, 9, and 10. Definitely gonna enjoy this ride
You ever wonder why we’re here.-Simons