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2 months
I remember watching this when it first came out and I loved it, it was sooo great and it was a ton of fun seeing it here again. Obviously very gen1 based storywise but with some new touches because it was also being used as promo for the X and Y games so it was out there but not really well publicized and its too bad its kinda faded into obscurity at this point.
Concerning the badges the big main rule has always only been u need 8 badges to compete in the Pokemon League but that doesnt mean the 8 badges shown in the games/anime for each region are necessarily the only ones available. Examples of this are in the anime when they did Kanto Gary shows up in Viridian around the same time Ash does looking for his 8th badge but like 3 of Gary's badges are just random looking things from gyms we never get any clue into. They do something similar in the X/Y anime where one of the rivals in that anime ends up getting a few different badges too so even if the Viridian Gym was often closed because its leader was away people would be able to still get into the League cause there were more than 8 other gyms available to go to instead. Also the League has a governing body that evaluates/names gym leaders tho process may very depending on the medium they're represented in
Also I know it isnt animated but if you want to check out more really cool Pokemon media u might want to check out the actual official manga. It has its own unique (and quite darker at times) version of the Pokemon world and is very good imo
Also (and even I had to look this up to confirm how early) Ryhorn has always been able to learn thunderbolt, it doesnt learn it by lvl up but you can teach it via TM, same as Rhydon being able to learn Surf
3 months
I love that the English VA for Reina is also the one for Madoka Magica
4 months
Also Side Note! This is how Mega Charizard X was revealed! No one knew about it until this series which aired on YT a few days before X and Y dropped.
4 months
So.... Are we getting reactions from the others too? Please tell me we are!
Also the Brock of this seems to be the opposite of the main anime, while the other is unprofesional af and just wants to get laid, this one is profesional by an order of magnitude and girls are into him lmao
5 months
The voice for Red sounded like English Eren Jeager, and Blues voice sounded like English Ichigo Kurosaki 😎 kept messing with me all through it lol
so now what you and the crew need to watch is "Pokemon RED FULL GAME ANIMATION" by Pedro Araujo on Youtube. He tells a full red game style play through with a mixture of Ash anime, Red manga, and all these anime and western meme references throughout the series that keeps it hilarious yet also wildly accurate to the video game with some anime nods.
6 months
It would be cool if you react to Bokura no war game (Our War game) it's the second Digimon OVA, but I think you would like it, it's really cool, but I prefer the Japanese dub with English subtitles, the American version just smash up 3 different OVAs, change the story of it and call it a movie xD
6 months
*Mew at the end*Mew: I'm going to hide under a truck!
Mr. Eldritch
6 months
There was an actual white hand there…
1 replies
6 months
I had to go back and you're right! A translucent white hand behind his shoulder!!!!
6 months
I watched it free on YouTube on the pokemon channel. When it came out during the last anniversary
6 months
Pokemon evolutions is one you could watch
6 months
you bought this!?!?!?!? this was uploaded for free on their YT channel awhile ago, I hope you didn't buy it
6 months
This was a really big deal when it came out, but over time it faded into obscurity as it all but dissapeared off the internet. The reveal of Mega Charizard and the fight with Mewtwo was so crazy.
6 months
I remember watching this for the first time and thinking "OMFG THE MEMORIES!!!"
6 months
Please react to pokemon red full game animation on YouTube.
6 months
There's a aite called Pokeflix that you can watch this on for free. It has all episodes from the regular anime, the movies, specials and even other pokemon media like Twilight Wings. You should check out the shorts called Pokemon Generations that goes through different moments in the games. Also if you play Black and White, you HAVE to play Black 2 White 2 which are sequels to the previous games and not just the same game they release a year later. And I hope you guys pick up more Pokemon content or at least go through more of the movies 💜💜
While I am more of a Bulbasaur supremacist, I must admit Gen 1 and 3 are the games where there are no wrong choice when it comes to starters. Squirtle do be a homie
6 months
Surprised you didn't hear about this when it came out years ago.
6 months
There Pokemon mega evolution special, 4 episode 20 min long
6 months
If you like this you should react to Pokemon Generations which also was put on in English on youtube 3 years after this. It's eighteen 3-5 minute episodes dealing with diffrent story things from the games from Gen 1-6.
Then they made Pokemon Evolutions which was for the 25th anniversary. It's 8 episode series 6-10minutes each that tells a diffrent story from each generation starting with 8 and working backwards. It was also released on youtube but it may not have english I'm not sure tbh.
Both would be great series for this format since they are both around a hourish give or take and have this level of high quality animation based around the games.
6 months
if youre really interested in having more pokemon content that are mini series, pokemon realeased a series called "pokemon generations" for the 20th anniversary and soon after created other mini series that tackles future games that came out after called Pokemon evolutions
6 months
24:36 You missed the white hand that really was on his shoulder
1 replies
6 months
I was looking for this comment
6 months
I remember stumbling upon this series as a kid and being pretty confused where ash was lol. At the time I had only played SS too, so I had no connection to the original game but I enjoyed it nonetheless, rewatching it now I'm so glad it holds up and is honestly even better than I remembered.
6 months
I think my (and many others) favorite aspect of this series is the creation of an in-universe explanation as to why the gym leaders in the early game are so low level when they’re career trainers. They see how many badges you have and choose their team accordingly.Having done this though, it’s annoying that Scarlet/Violet didn’t take this approach being the first game you can choose the order.
I remember there was a series of romhacks of Pokemon FireRed that modified the game to tell the story of the manga, it was:
- Pokemon Special Red chapter that the game was the story of the first saga from Red's perspective
- Pokemon Special Blue Chapter, the story of the first saga from Blue's perspective
- Pokemon Special Green Chapter, the story of the first saga from Green's perspective from her kidnap to the end of the league
- Pokemon Special Yellow chapter, the story of the second saga from Yellow's perspective
6 months
They've basically started doing web series like these for every new Pokemon generation that comes out, but how they handle it changes from series to series. This one follows Red's journey in the original games, but the next one, Pokemon Generations, is a series of shorts that covers events from all the games up till Gen 6, I think. For the order these web series came out, it goes Pokemon Origins, Pokemon Generations, Pokemon Twilight Wings, Pokemon Evolutions, Pokemon Hisuian Snow, and Pokemon Paldean Winds (which is for the current generation). There was also a series about kids playing the Pokemon card game called Path to the Peak.
6 months
Funny that Ruff didn't noticed the white hand over Red's shoulder, even that line was on the game
6 months
i would recommend checking out the different pokemon web anime that are available on the pokemon youtube channel! pokemon generations and pokemon evolutions follow different games and don't necessarily follow the perspective of the protagonist which is pretty neat. then there's twilight wings, which focuses on pokemon sword & shield, hisuian snow (legends arceus), and paldean winds (scarlet and violet)
they're worth looking into for sure
6 months
Hey Ruff, if you didn't read it yet, I recommend you to read the manga called "Pokemon Special Adventures", every manga is based on the games, obviously it had its own canon, it had a lot of sagas with the name of the games1rst Red Green Blue
2nd Yellow
3rd Gold Silver Crystal
4th Ruby Sapphire
5th FireRed LeafGreen
6th Emerald
6 months
I can’t wait for the Pokemon movie reactions to come back
1 replies
6 months
especially 'cause they stopped before the peak. The 9th and 10th Movie are insanely good
6 months
On the Japanese version Blue is called Green and Blue is the female trainer, on the Jap dub Oak ask him if he's going to select Bulbasaur because his name is Green but he says that's dumb and he chooses Squirtle because Red selected Charmander, also on the Charmander screams on the Japanese version when Squirtle bites his face sounds really painful
I remember watching this when it first came out and I loved it, it was sooo great and it was a ton of fun seeing it here again. Obviously very gen1 based storywise but with some new touches because it was also being used as promo for the X and Y games so it was out there but not really well publicized and its too bad its kinda faded into obscurity at this point.
Concerning the badges the big main rule has always only been u need 8 badges to compete in the Pokemon League but that doesnt mean the 8 badges shown in the games/anime for each region are necessarily the only ones available. Examples of this are in the anime when they did Kanto Gary shows up in Viridian around the same time Ash does looking for his 8th badge but like 3 of Gary's badges are just random looking things from gyms we never get any clue into. They do something similar in the X/Y anime where one of the rivals in that anime ends up getting a few different badges too so even if the Viridian Gym was often closed because its leader was away people would be able to still get into the League cause there were more than 8 other gyms available to go to instead. Also the League has a governing body that evaluates/names gym leaders tho process may very depending on the medium they're represented in
Also I know it isnt animated but if you want to check out more really cool Pokemon media u might want to check out the actual official manga. It has its own unique (and quite darker at times) version of the Pokemon world and is very good imo
Also (and even I had to look this up to confirm how early) Ryhorn has always been able to learn thunderbolt, it doesnt learn it by lvl up but you can teach it via TM, same as Rhydon being able to learn Surf
I love that the English VA for Reina is also the one for Madoka Magica
Also Side Note! This is how Mega Charizard X was revealed! No one knew about it until this series which aired on YT a few days before X and Y dropped.
So.... Are we getting reactions from the others too? Please tell me we are!
Also the Brock of this seems to be the opposite of the main anime, while the other is unprofesional af and just wants to get laid, this one is profesional by an order of magnitude and girls are into him lmao
The voice for Red sounded like English Eren Jeager, and Blues voice sounded like English Ichigo Kurosaki 😎 kept messing with me all through it lol
Wasn’t it free on YouTube when it first drop?
Watch Pokémon Generations and Pokémon Evolutions
GREAT content
so now what you and the crew need to watch is "Pokemon RED FULL GAME ANIMATION" by Pedro Araujo on Youtube. He tells a full red game style play through with a mixture of Ash anime, Red manga, and all these anime and western meme references throughout the series that keeps it hilarious yet also wildly accurate to the video game with some anime nods.
It would be cool if you react to Bokura no war game (Our War game) it's the second Digimon OVA, but I think you would like it, it's really cool, but I prefer the Japanese dub with English subtitles, the American version just smash up 3 different OVAs, change the story of it and call it a movie xD
*Mew at the end*Mew: I'm going to hide under a truck!
There was an actual white hand there…
I had to go back and you're right! A translucent white hand behind his shoulder!!!!
I watched it free on YouTube on the pokemon channel. When it came out during the last anniversary
Pokemon evolutions is one you could watch
you bought this!?!?!?!? this was uploaded for free on their YT channel awhile ago, I hope you didn't buy it
This was a really big deal when it came out, but over time it faded into obscurity as it all but dissapeared off the internet. The reveal of Mega Charizard and the fight with Mewtwo was so crazy.
I remember watching this for the first time and thinking "OMFG THE MEMORIES!!!"
Please react to pokemon red full game animation on YouTube.
There's a aite called Pokeflix that you can watch this on for free. It has all episodes from the regular anime, the movies, specials and even other pokemon media like Twilight Wings. You should check out the shorts called Pokemon Generations that goes through different moments in the games. Also if you play Black and White, you HAVE to play Black 2 White 2 which are sequels to the previous games and not just the same game they release a year later. And I hope you guys pick up more Pokemon content or at least go through more of the movies 💜💜
I think you would definitely enjoy Pokémon Generations and Evolutions.
0:04:28 Blue chose the better starter
While I am more of a Bulbasaur supremacist, I must admit Gen 1 and 3 are the games where there are no wrong choice when it comes to starters. Squirtle do be a homie
Surprised you didn't hear about this when it came out years ago.
There Pokemon mega evolution special, 4 episode 20 min long
If you like this you should react to Pokemon Generations which also was put on in English on youtube 3 years after this. It's eighteen 3-5 minute episodes dealing with diffrent story things from the games from Gen 1-6.
Then they made Pokemon Evolutions which was for the 25th anniversary. It's 8 episode series 6-10minutes each that tells a diffrent story from each generation starting with 8 and working backwards. It was also released on youtube but it may not have english I'm not sure tbh.
Both would be great series for this format since they are both around a hourish give or take and have this level of high quality animation based around the games.
if youre really interested in having more pokemon content that are mini series, pokemon realeased a series called "pokemon generations" for the 20th anniversary and soon after created other mini series that tackles future games that came out after called Pokemon evolutions
24:36 You missed the white hand that really was on his shoulder
I was looking for this comment
I remember stumbling upon this series as a kid and being pretty confused where ash was lol. At the time I had only played SS too, so I had no connection to the original game but I enjoyed it nonetheless, rewatching it now I'm so glad it holds up and is honestly even better than I remembered.
I think my (and many others) favorite aspect of this series is the creation of an in-universe explanation as to why the gym leaders in the early game are so low level when they’re career trainers. They see how many badges you have and choose their team accordingly.Having done this though, it’s annoying that Scarlet/Violet didn’t take this approach being the first game you can choose the order.
Hey Ruff! Could you please, please, PLEASE, bring back to Pokémon movie reactions?? They're originally how I found you guys on YouTube, and I believe you only have one more movie to go before the Gen 4 trilogy, which I think you all would REALLY like! Hope you guys start those up again soon! Also, you should react to the show with Erik and especially Sean as well!
Yea! I was just about to comment this !
I remember there was a series of romhacks of Pokemon FireRed that modified the game to tell the story of the manga, it was:
- Pokemon Special Red chapter that the game was the story of the first saga from Red's perspective
- Pokemon Special Blue Chapter, the story of the first saga from Blue's perspective
- Pokemon Special Green Chapter, the story of the first saga from Green's perspective from her kidnap to the end of the league
- Pokemon Special Yellow chapter, the story of the second saga from Yellow's perspective
They've basically started doing web series like these for every new Pokemon generation that comes out, but how they handle it changes from series to series. This one follows Red's journey in the original games, but the next one, Pokemon Generations, is a series of shorts that covers events from all the games up till Gen 6, I think. For the order these web series came out, it goes Pokemon Origins, Pokemon Generations, Pokemon Twilight Wings, Pokemon Evolutions, Pokemon Hisuian Snow, and Pokemon Paldean Winds (which is for the current generation). There was also a series about kids playing the Pokemon card game called Path to the Peak.
Funny that Ruff didn't noticed the white hand over Red's shoulder, even that line was on the game
i would recommend checking out the different pokemon web anime that are available on the pokemon youtube channel! pokemon generations and pokemon evolutions follow different games and don't necessarily follow the perspective of the protagonist which is pretty neat. then there's twilight wings, which focuses on pokemon sword & shield, hisuian snow (legends arceus), and paldean winds (scarlet and violet)
they're worth looking into for sure
Hey Ruff, if you didn't read it yet, I recommend you to read the manga called "Pokemon Special Adventures", every manga is based on the games, obviously it had its own canon, it had a lot of sagas with the name of the games1rst Red Green Blue
2nd Yellow
3rd Gold Silver Crystal
4th Ruby Sapphire
5th FireRed LeafGreen
6th Emerald
I can’t wait for the Pokemon movie reactions to come back
especially 'cause they stopped before the peak. The 9th and 10th Movie are insanely good
On the Japanese version Blue is called Green and Blue is the female trainer, on the Jap dub Oak ask him if he's going to select Bulbasaur because his name is Green but he says that's dumb and he chooses Squirtle because Red selected Charmander, also on the Charmander screams on the Japanese version when Squirtle bites his face sounds really painful
React to the original Pokémon series
immediately after a copyright strike? unfortunately, never gonna happen