Over The Garden Wall Episode 1-5 REACTION

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  1. justajinx
    3 months

    I was freaking out... I thought my resolution went to ship. XDEXD

  2. jemx27
    1 year

    Ruff recognizing Elijah Woods is another reason y'all need to watch summer camp island! there's so many Celebs and VAs that Boom won't be the only one freaking out over the voices!! it's also my favorite part of the reactions to see how long until Boom recognizes a voice. 

    1 year

    still think you guys need to watch Infinity Train if you like the artstyle of this show

  4. Space-dogs
    1 year

    I love this show so much, I've been watching it every October since I found out about it <3 This year will be my 7th anniversary of OTGW

  5. Cloud
    1 year

    So happy you guys watched this series~! It's definitely one of my favorite (hidden) gems, especially for the Fall season. The music is great, I love the art style, and it just gives me a wonderful spooky, good-time vibe.

  6. Rebecca
    1 year

    I usually end up re-watching this show two or three times a year. It’s one of my all-time favorites. Very excited to see your reactions.

  7. George
    1 year

    Wait, are they really removing Over the Garden Wall from Max? Man, I love the promise of "digital media will last forever" slowly shrink and fade away every time a company considers it nonprofitable.

  8. alex.
    1 year

    Oh my god oh my god yess!!! They finally did it! This show holds such a special place in my heart that it's practically a fall tradition to watch it every year lol

  9. Petrichor12
    1 year

    I'm so excited for this one! I rewatch it every October! I cant believe they're about to take it off Max, and RIGHT before Autumn!?

    How dare they! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  10. Molly
    1 year

    This show is a fall/halloween CLASSIC dude. I'm so glad you guys are gonna love it

  11. Ringo
    1 year

    The BEST mini series in my opinion.

  12. Crow
    1 year

    Beatrice is such a bitch and I love her for it

  13. Crow
    1 year


  14. Kayla
    1 year

    And yup the wagon driver is voiced by Sam Marin who also voices Pops, Muscle Man + Benson in Regular Show.

  15. hurryupmode
    1 year

    I've met a Greg that sucked-- This MAGA alt-right dude who used to work where I do. Dude got fired. His least offensive belief was that Jack Black was a Satanist.

  16. blitz1126
    1 year

    Hope they react to more mini series. i like them finishing series that they don't have to put too much time into.

    1 year

    You guys really need to watch infinity train i feel like you guys would love it

    2 replies
    1. themania.
      1 year

      I agree, infinity train is amazing

    2. drac
      1 year

      Seconded! It's an incredibly amazing series.

  18. zimXzombie
    1 year

    This is absolutely my favorite 'movie' of all time. I watch it AT LEAST once a year, and have been planning a massive thigh piece tattoo for it for years.

  19. zimXzombie
    1 year

    After asking for 420 days (LOL) It's finally hereeeeeeeeee thank you so much <3

  20. zimXzombie
    1 year



  21. RufusPr1me
    1 year

    Whoa whoa whoa. How did I not hear about this?? This has got to be one of my favorite all-time series. The music, the acting, the world building. I watch this every Halloween, or whenever I'm feeling in a nostalgic mood. I'm so hype to watch this with y'all ❤️

  22. Icy
    1 year

    I re-watch this series ever few years around Halloween, first aired November 3, 2014

  23. Icy
    1 year

    About the town name in episode 2 "A potter's field, also known as a common grave, is a term for a place for the burial of unknown or impoverished people who could not afford marked graves. and Potter's fields were also used to bury masses of 10,000 to up to 34,000 people on occasions."

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