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14 days
I think I remember reading a theory that the weapons Nika is often portrayed with are actually Zoro and Sanji as the Wings? With Zora being the sword - obviously - and Sanji being the spear? I can't remember all the details, but it was such a fascinating theory? I need to find it again!
Love the reactions, my dudes, keep it up!
4 months
someone gifted me a shirt of all the crew members and what made me happier was JIMBEI WAS ON
4 months
Chopper also goes into baby geezer mode after he uses his powers a lot and someone introdduced a theory maybe that means luffy can use rumble balls to further push his zoan like chopper
6 months
fishman island is underrated. We went so long without seeing most of the strawhats and got to see them flex their growth
6 months
Vegapunk is talking about most Zoan users (Luffy and Lucci are exceptions). Remember the guards from Impel down? Those were awakened Zoan too, but they were "failed" awakenings.
6 months
anime fights in general are better when animated get to see how the movement and effects were meant to be
6 months
Well ofc you won't see JImbei have a lot of merch the dude just joined the crew for crying out loud espcially compared to the other straw hats which been on the crew for a long ass time (shoot the last member to join was Brook and he joined the crew before the anime reached 400 episodes while Jinbe joined passed 800 episodes), so obvisouly the other straw hats will have more merch than him.
1 replies
6 months
Oh and I also looked up Wano merch and they do have a shirt with all the straw hats in it including Jinbe (another one is a poster) while all the other shirts are either from early Wano (where Jinbe wasn't present) or the final battle that shows just Gear 5 Luffy vs Kaido or sometimes they'll have Yamato in it with them or Sanji and Zoro facing off against King and Queen.
6 months
Give us more One Piece. All the One Piece and I don't just mean the remake!
6 months
Man I stopped what I was doing immediately haha hypee
I think I remember reading a theory that the weapons Nika is often portrayed with are actually Zoro and Sanji as the Wings? With Zora being the sword - obviously - and Sanji being the spear? I can't remember all the details, but it was such a fascinating theory? I need to find it again!
Love the reactions, my dudes, keep it up!
someone gifted me a shirt of all the crew members and what made me happier was JIMBEI WAS ON
Chopper also goes into baby geezer mode after he uses his powers a lot and someone introdduced a theory maybe that means luffy can use rumble balls to further push his zoan like chopper
fishman island is underrated. We went so long without seeing most of the strawhats and got to see them flex their growth
Vegapunk is talking about most Zoan users (Luffy and Lucci are exceptions). Remember the guards from Impel down? Those were awakened Zoan too, but they were "failed" awakenings.
anime fights in general are better when animated get to see how the movement and effects were meant to be
Well ofc you won't see JImbei have a lot of merch the dude just joined the crew for crying out loud espcially compared to the other straw hats which been on the crew for a long ass time (shoot the last member to join was Brook and he joined the crew before the anime reached 400 episodes while Jinbe joined passed 800 episodes), so obvisouly the other straw hats will have more merch than him.
Oh and I also looked up Wano merch and they do have a shirt with all the straw hats in it including Jinbe (another one is a poster) while all the other shirts are either from early Wano (where Jinbe wasn't present) or the final battle that shows just Gear 5 Luffy vs Kaido or sometimes they'll have Yamato in it with them or Sanji and Zoro facing off against King and Queen.
Give us more One Piece. All the One Piece and I don't just mean the remake!
Man I stopped what I was doing immediately haha hypee