One Piece Episode 1093-1094 Reaction

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  1. joyboy1019
    3 months

    In the case of Penguin and Shachi, the implication seems to be that the reason they can swim well and spit water like that... is because thats how kids in the North Blue roll, i guess.

  2. Aspy
    7 months

    Was looking at the cost plus tax when my dog jumped on me 2 hours before the 1st of July. I wanted to sub diamond but I can’t afford both 40$ (Canadian) charges. Can I please for the love of everything get the first one refunded? This is going to fuck up my car insurance payment. I already messaged the sorta stupid patreon and booms patreon 

  3. Brye
    7 months

    Oda straight up said in official comments that he had seen comments from fans online about how one piece characters didn't have well drawn butts and he decided to used the Egghead arc to practice literally drawing women's butts. He'd also never really drawn women in panties and therefore was bad at butts. The quote includes him saying "I specially studied the method of drawing erotic buttocks, and gradually became good at drawing buttocks" then he goes on to say how fun it is to draw those angles. So all the butt angles in the manga were 100% on purpose. 

  4. Annelies
    7 months

    So excited for this!

  5. Megabutler
    7 months

    Wow! Great to see you all watching this again! Now that you've all caught up, Does this mean a return to One Piece Manga Bros too?

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