One Piece Episode 1091-1092 (Egg Head Arc) REACTION

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  1. William
    9 months

    Oh just wait till you catch up on episodes I can't wait for those reactions

  2. Jarod
    11 months

    How soon will you react to more episodes?

  3. VeaBe
    11 months

    the newest episode is so sick, cant wait for you guys to watch it they did all the characters a justice with this new art style.

  4. Jimmy
    11 months

    Glad you guys are doing this but question: is there a point to having a Ruff Patreon sub and a Sorta Stupid Patreon sub anymore?

    1 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      11 months

      If you want the manga reactions yes, but otherwise no

  5. Colonel
    1 year

    Maito Guy Luffy is 100% a foreshadowing of something... probably another form of gear 5 (I mean, if G4 has them, why not G5?)

  6. Collin
    1 year

    I am not emotionally ready for the Kuma/Bonney backstory to get animated. It's going to destroy me all over again.

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