One Piece Episode 1089-1090 (Egg Head Arc) REACTION

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  1. LaLa
    3 months

    I think the art style complaints stem from just coming out of WANO and the polar opposite of color and detail. The only way for it to have been any more of an abrupt change was if they had decided to do EGGHEAD in all stick figures. 😂

  2. numberhunter62
    10 months

    Dragon literally picked up chair and carried it away from the table just so that he could sit down and look East.

  3. rin
    10 months

    Watching them react to anime does give me hope for jjk s2 since it was second best on the poll

  4. Miles
    10 months

    Will the sorta stupid room become normal in every reaction? If so, love it!

    1 replies
    1. boom
      10 months

      Yes. Once Erik moves here it will be our main recording space

  5. Khaled
    10 months

    Very cool!

  6. Copper
    10 months

    Yes! You two are separately my OG reactors for One Piece, so seeing you together in one room watching Egg Head is a dream come true. So happy!

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