One Piece Episode 1, 2, 3, 4 REACTION

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  1. Joanna
    1 month

    I loved this so much! As I've watched Ruff and Boom's OP reactions! and episode 4 all of it had me emotional with Shanks lines and the music and omg it's peak!!! <3 I'd love to see the best OP moments not sure it will happen but I'd enjoy them! And I'm fully caught up in the Anime and reading the manga which I'm up to Enies Lobby! 

  2. princesskooh
    6 months

    Nice! I need more of the group, the gang, the Sorta Stupid CrewThe Billy Pirates reacting to the 

    One Piece of the past 

  3. Bertan
    1 year

    Hope u do bleach too

  4. Cloud
    1 year

    Baratie arc is one of my favorites of the East Blue saga, especially looking back at all of Sanji's centric-episodes that hold hints of what is to come. XD

  5. zimXzombie
    1 year

    Ruff's knowing shifty eyes throughout ep 4 is KILLING me

    Boom and SeeOhKnee have NO idea ahahaha

  6. zimXzombie
    1 year

    Over the Garden Wall THEN this??? I'm so blessed this week.

    I started with watching Ruff react to the One Piece openings, then watched him react to the entire series, been a 2(?) year long journey, and luckily found Sorta Stupid through it all!!

  7. Imaginebreaker7
    1 year

    My favorite thing about Morgan? The fact that if you pay attention during the Kuro flashback you realize Morgan only became a captain and got that ego was because he thinks he captured the real Captain Kuro so both his rank and ego are a massive joke.

  8. Harley
    1 year

    I am so down for you reacting to either parts of One Piece again or the whole thing together. Also we could never leave out the One Piece movies that is a crime that shouldn't be committed. But genuinely, whatever you guys wanna do One Piece wise I would love and watch it.

  9. hexoutx
    1 year

    Those guys that you thought were marines in the first episode were just the crew of the passenger ship

  10. Sabrina
    1 year

    I'm sooooooooooo hyped for this! My body is so ready :D please continue this!

  11. Eric
    1 year

    I honestly wouldn't mind a full series rewatch. One Piece is just that amazing. Looking forward to the movies though. 4, 6, strong world and gold are my favorites. I also kinda like movie 7 for particular reasons.

  12. The 16bit Couple
    1 year

    Why am I so hyped for this!!!??

  13. logan
    1 year

    it would be cool if you did this for the other big 3 too

    1 replies
    1. taco-man
      1 year

      if we can get them to do bleach and naruto id cry

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