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  1. Msr9272tce
    5 months

    it is america, surprised he didn't shoot him over the mailbox

  2. Echo
    1 year

    The first time we watched this, My dad had a full blown asthma attack from laughing SO hard when Russel was hit with the tent pole. I didn’t even know he had an inhaler before this; it definitely cemented this as the best and most memorable Pixar movie for me

  3. MegumiMary
    1 year

    Easily my favorite Pixar Movie and one of my All time favs

  4. shantheman99
    1 year

    The enormity of the emotional impact this movie has on people just goes to show how incredibly well made it is.

  5. ic1025
    1 year

    This is the most emotionally taxing Pixar movie you'll ever see.

    1 replies
    1. Daniel
      1 year

      Inside Out is sadder to me tbh. That movie makes me consistently cry every single time.

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