Toy Story 3 Reaction

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  1. I do think 4 is good but the biggest problem with 4 is that 3 is just TOO perfect of an ending for the series, so regardless of what they did for a sequel it would be impossible to hold up to it. I’m glad kids enjoy it tho. Maybe one day a possible Toy Story 6 will be as good for the current generation as 3 was for those who grew with the first ones

  2. Because of the Barbie movie  it’s so funny watching Barbie do the same ploy on Ken in this movie, begging to go be taken back to and living in the dream house. 

  3. You guys called it, the garbage driver was Sid! And I feel like this one would have been a perfect ending to the franchise but the 4th one is still really good. But I still feel like the 5th one isn’t necessary, that might change when it comes out.

  4. Toy Story 4 is legitimately really good.  I can understand how certain plot points can strike a sour chord, but that’s also kind of the point.  4 is bittersweet in a similar, yet different way to 3.  Also, if I may recommend another Tom Hanks movie that hits very similar feels to this, A League of their Own.  REALLY solid, classic movie that I feel y’all will enjoy if you haven’t seen it yet.

  5. I went alone to watch this in a theatre full of adults, and spent like the last 20 minutes of the movie crying into my fleece blanket like some crazy lady lol. First because of the landfill, like, I knew they weren’t going to fry them, but at the same time I was like, omg is this how it ends, they wouldn’t do that, but *would* they???? lol, and then the scene between andy and bonnie. i was just a mess leaving that theatre, haha. When I was a kid and the first movie came out, that movie was my life, and even ate at Pizza Planet at the park back then too.

    I wasn’t happy at first when I heard of TS4, cause I felt like, the story ended perfectly and it didn’t need anymore. but finally gave it a go some time after it released and I ended up enjoying it a lot.
    also the Buzz Lightyear movie that came out in 2000, not the tv series but animated movie that lead into the tv series, was pretty good too. I still have that VHS in the clamshell packaging, haha

  6. surprisingly, i’ve never seen the 4th movie. i loved the 3rd movie. watching this movie now, the ending hits different. the bee movie or the maze runner series could be a fun reaction!

  7. I really like just how blind your reactions are. I never really considered showing Andy being college age to be a twist, but it was fun seeing someone find it surprising. I never thought about it given how the movie was advertised.

  8. So glad you got around to this one.
    I was 4 years old when Toy Story 1 came out, I was 8 years old when Toy Story 2 came out, and then I was 18 when Toy Story 3 came out. I was literally in the summer between High School and College when this movie hit theaters. I am part of that group that feels like these movies were made for us specifically given the timing. It was BRUTAL to watch this as a kid moving on from school and “childhood” in a sense.

  9. Fun fact! The voice of Andy is the same voice as the first two films! TS3’s director called him up and, hearing his voicemail and hearing how his voice didn’t really change, immediately got him on.

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