TMNT Movie (1990) REACTION

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  1. Yeah the third movie was kinda wack. I was a kid when I watched it and I just remember being disappointed. They played around with the lore too. James Rolfe of Cinemassacre, aka AVGN had a whole video about the third movie. I still love the second one though.

  2. The Menthol or Regular dude is Sam Rockwell! He was Wild Bill in The Green Mile, Guy Fleegman in Galaxy Quest, Zaphod Beeblebrox in Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, plus A BUNCH of other roles. He’s won an oscar, been nominated for another oscar, nominated for an Emmy, and won a Tony award. 

  3. Pretty sure that was Ernie Reyes Jr. in the Donatello Suit. Speaking of, did y’all watch Surf Ninjas? That was another movie from my childhood. I would have been 7 or 8. I got enrolled in Ernie Reyes West Coast TaeKwonDo association and did that up to Red Black, then had to quit sometime before 7th grade, because I studied overseas for a year.

  4. i was gonna say i remember watching this when i was a kid but then looked up the movies and it was TMNT 2 not 1 it was the first TMNT related thing i ever watched

  5. If you guys wanted some more darker underrated classics to watch might I recommend Anastasia and The Secret of NIMH, both Don Bluth animated films I think yall would enjoy (especially Anastasia it’s one of my favorite not technically a Disney princess movie, movie)

  6. I would LOVE for you guys to react to (2003) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Series. It’s what I’d personally say is the best iteration of them and it has a very “Teen Titans” feel to it; in the sense that there’s both villain of the week, big baddies, character growth, AND continuous over arching story progression. I don’t know how popular it was 20 years ago, but I LOVED watching it as a choice Saturday morning cartoon.

  7. Such a fun reaction! Luved these movies growing up! Just curious if you guys were gonna watch the last Lilo and Stitch movie to finish the movies. Luv your reactions they make my day!

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