Monsters University Reaction

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  1. talon.808
    5 months

    Definitely check out Monsters At Work! 

  2. Rj
    8 months

    Guys I recommend Monsters At Work; is show that deals with the transition from scaring to laugh power… the second season uses Monster University characters and shows you where they are in the present canon 

  3. Inkasaurus
    9 months

    You should definitely react to more Pixar shorts in my opinion. Some of them are great (including the older ones) like Partysaurus Rex, Mike's New Car, Lifted, ect!

  4. Jamel
    9 months

    Definitely the Incredibles, viable to be one of your favorites, PLEASE IVE BEEN FEENING

  5. Steve
    9 months

    The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Inside Out and Up!

  6. koto
    9 months

    if you guys need movie recommendations Inside out is a good movie!

  7. Joseph
    9 months

    bug's life as the next pixar film you guys react to

  8. Movie
    9 months

    Awesome reaction guys loving these animated movie reactions!😊Honestly i do love this movie i think its a strong prequel and has some amazing,hilarious and heartfelt moments and does a great job of telling the story of how Mike and Sulley started as rivals and became lifelong friends and fleshing out there backstories and characters!Also the cast of this one is Stacked my personal favourites Helen Mirren (Shes absolutley terrifying)and Nathan Fillion.I also love all the new designs of the monsters too my personal favourite being the Goth monster who commentates on the scare games so uncaring until she celebrates Oozma kappa winning at and just freaking the fucking out screaming with joy haha🤣🤣

  9. Ellie
    9 months

    Inside out is another great animated film!

  10. Hayden
    9 months

    Book Of Life or Atlantis are very good movies I think you guys will enjoy.

  11. Stickamata8
    9 months

    The show Monstes at work is actually right after the original movie. It shows what happened after laughter replacements Scream energy. It's not as good as the movies but it's decent enough and interesting on seeing Sully and Mick on what they do after the original movie

    1 replies
    1. agilecandle428
      9 months

      Who is Mick???????????????

  12. Andre
    9 months

    Incredibles, Luca, Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life and even though they're not Pixar i highly recommend Wreck It Ralph and Treasure Planet

  13. Todor
    9 months

    The Incredibles or Finding Nemo

  14. Jovan
    9 months

    Please watch the incredibles!!!

  15. Piña
    9 months

    Should definitely watch the incredibles

  16. Luke
    9 months

    Will you be doing the other two Dragon ball super movie's?

  17. david
    9 months

    Yes more pixar movies. Incredibles, Cars, Bugs Life, Finding Nemo/Dory 

  18. Lazygeneration
    9 months

    Would love to see your reaction to the cars trilogy, onward, luca, soul. All great pixar movies

  19. harrison.rogers14
    9 months

    Holy shit I went to nc state too! Wood hall is very far away lmfao - I lived in university towers.

  20. nick
    9 months

    Not Pixar but Zathura is one of my all time favorite movies

    1 replies
    1. Angie
      9 months

      i LOVE zathura, even more than jumanji tbh.

  21. cyborggamerpro
    9 months

    I have a list.

    Cars, The Incredibles, A Bug's Life, Soul, Finding Nemo, Wreck-It Ralph,

    1 replies
    1. cyborggamerpro
      9 months

      I have a list.

      Cars, The Incredibles, A Bug's Life, Soul, Finding Nemo, Wreck-It Ralph, All of the Car Toons Mater Tale Tales, Burn-e. Note these are not in any particular order.

  22. Jojo155
    9 months

    The show, Monsters at work, takes place right after the first movie, I would watch it just to see where they take it!

  23. Joshua
    9 months

    Are you gonna do Lego movie 2?

  24. Anait
    9 months

    The Incredibles for sure if you haven’t seen it yet. A classic for a reason

    1 replies
    1. Taaj
      9 months

      They would absolutely love it if they haven’t seen it yet.

  25. jemx27
    9 months

    brother bear and tarzan 1 and 2! the second tarzan movie is so underated 

  26. sombra_hacker09
    9 months

    I hope you guys do monsters at work it really builds on tbe 2 movies and brings back alot of good plots

  27. Devin11
    9 months

    The Incredibles please!

  28. bertzieblu
    9 months

    These are not Pixar movies but would love to see you guys react to Hunchback of the Notre Dame or Rise of the Guardians :)

    1 replies
    1. thepugprotector
      9 months

      Yes! Rise of the Guardians and then Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole!

  29. MegumiMary
    9 months

    watch Monsters At Work!

  30. Halcyon Days
    9 months

    Finding Nemo and The Incredibles next, please!

  31. genericgamer283
    9 months

    The first movie is a classic, but I genuinely enjoy this one more tbh. This could've easily felt forced and unnecessary, but it holds up as it's own movie, to the point that it enhances the previous film.

  32. .qu4n
    9 months

    Not a Pixar movie but... SURF'S UP!!!!

  33. Cole
    9 months

    I’m blanking out, have they watched The Incredibles?

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      9 months

      not yet no

  34. Darc
    9 months

    Season 1 of the show is okay, nothing too groundbreaking, but season 2 really improved

    1 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      9 months

      good to hear!

      I'm debating reacting to it myself but I never did a reaction series when I watched season 1...

  35. KingOfRedLions89
    9 months

    You guys should totally watch the Wreck-It Ralph movies at some point :)

    1 replies
    1. drac
      9 months

      Seconding Wreck-it-Ralph!

  36. mcwilson_1
    9 months

    The fact that there was a quiet moment at the lake in a "kids" movie is amazing. No other movie would allow a kids movie to have a break where kids might get distracted.

  37. Michael
    9 months

    A movie I hope you guys react to sometime is Iron Giant. 

  38. Rez
    9 months

    Watch The Incredibles 1 and 2 next please!!!

  39. Anna
    9 months

    I'm getting an error code =(

  40. Joshua
    9 months

    Yall should really do the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Trilogy bc its amazing

  41. Internet Zing
    9 months


  42. Elizabeth
    9 months

    Is the video working for anyone?

    4 replies
    1. Memphis
      9 months

      No, it keeps saying error for me :(

    2. Brye
      9 months

      They are probably trying to fix the recording and took it down for a few. I just finished watching and the movie audio was split but not super bad

    3. Alice
      9 months

      Nope error code 224003

    4. Neel
      9 months


  43. Darc
    9 months

    In my opinion probably one of the best and most realistic movies that Pixar has ever made. And also one movie I consider among the peak of pixar that they never quite reached again

  44. Matrix
    9 months

    All I see is a black screen

    1 replies
    1. Brye
      9 months

      They are probably trying to fix the recording and took it down for a few. I just finished watching and the movie audio was split but not super bad

  45. Rupix
    9 months

    They probably took it down to fix audio issues? Was working at first but not naymore.

  46. NightRoses
    9 months

    Ok glad I’m not the only one seeing a black screen 

  47. Taaj
    9 months

    Is the movie playing for anyone else or is it just me?

  48. MONIAH
    9 months

    The Incredibles 1 and 2 next!1 or Finding Nemo and Finding Dory

  49. patreon_88310678
    9 months

    I don't know about y'all but it's just a black screen for me but not for other reactions ??

    2 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      9 months

      Oh thank god it’s not just my shitty internet. I’ve been sitting here troubleshooting for like ten minutes. 

    2. Dezwolf86
      9 months

      yeah i refreshed while i was watching to check comments and poof black screen, they are maybe fixing the movie's audio?

  50. Stash
    9 months

    You don't really need an antagonist for a story. All you need is a conflict. It just so happens that conflict appears in the form of an antagonist very often, but you can have an amazing story without a clear villain/antagonist character (Kiki's Delivery Service, Wolf Children, Finding Nemo, Inside Out, Mary Poppins, Ponyo, etc.--all of which I recommend highly if y'all haven't reacted to them already). I especially love stories/movies/shows that don't have a specific villain/antagonist character because it forces the writers to get creative with the conflict. These stories tend to default to depicting character growth and the struggles with it which sets up a story as more relatable and compelling--sometimes gut-wrenchingly stunning in Inside Out's case, Kiki's Delivery Service's case, and Wolf Children's case.

  51. SonicRyan9
    9 months

    I'd suggest either Finding Nemo, Cars or The Incredibles for next Pixar movies

  52. Alexander
    9 months

    You guys have to watch the Incredibles which in my opinion is the best Pixar Movie

  53. Joseph
    9 months

    i forgot how good party central short was

  54. FaalofMan20
    9 months

    You guys should really consider Monsters At Work since that is a proper sequel to the first movie and it does explore the outcome of the ending as well, along with plenty of callbacks to this movie as well.

  55. Kyra
    9 months

    Ayee really enjoy this movie love your reaction

  56. Dylan
    9 months

    Highly recommend you check out "stardust", it's a really good Fantasy movie. One of my favorites

  57. Niamh
    9 months

    Video isn't quite synced up so there is an echo with the movie's audio - just a little FYI.

  58. Cris
    9 months

    Love this movie, but the audio has an echo, makes it sound funny.

  59. Raptor
    9 months

    This is a solid prequel in its own right, but this is also one of my favorite Disney movies just because of the message it’s trying to get across that no other movie I’ve seen ever has. It’s applicable to so many people and it’s an important thing to learn.Everyone has dreams for their lives, but not all of us are built to make them happen. But everyone is built to make their lives just as fulfilling, even if it’s not what you expected.I learned this lesson the hard way a few years into college. I wasn’t made for what I wanted, but because of that I found something even better. I’m nowhere close to the dream I started with, but I found a life (and a wife) I can be happy with. I would never trade what I have for my “dream come true”. I hope others make this their take-away from this movie as opposed to disliking a thing because it’s a prequel.

  60. Asheepslife
    9 months

    Love this, you should definitely check the Last Unicorn. Trust me, it’s a great movie.

  61. Ubergamer
    9 months

    There is an echo in the sound of the movie but maybe it's just on my setup, you guys sound okay though

    2 replies
    1. Roberto
      9 months

      Yeah we all hear that echo I don't think they can hear it I think it's just us who hears it 

    2. rin
      9 months

      no ur not alone there’s totally an echo

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