Lilo & Stitch 2 REACTION

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  1. This was a good movie. I’m glad y’all watched it and enjoyed it. Rewatching this film, I think the first one was better. I would love to see you guys rank the films you have watched. I hope the next film you watch is either Treasure Planet, Atlantis, or Dinasour. These are some of my favorite Disney films and super underrated ones.

  2. 5 minutes in, I realized I’d never seen this before. Honestly…it’s ok. I feel it to be ironic that they started playing, “A Little Less Conversation” in the middle of the movie. There are 3 or 4 relationships in this movie having problems…and all of them could be fixed if anyone talked to each other.

  3. The Lilo and Stitch movies show how a premise can be so good, you can basically have the story go in 2 different directions (in this case one with the other 625 experiments and one without) and both are good.

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