Lilo and Stitch Movie REACTION

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  1. Slasher2
    3 months

    Im sorry but I thought Hound Dog was supposed to come out of Stich's mouth not what ever that was

  2. Charlie
    8 months

    bro the opening song to lilo and stitch goes harder then diamond, i got chills too listening after so many years

  3. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    I had a huge crush Nani when I was a kid and even as an adult she still hot.

  4. Victoria
    1 year

    The beginning threw me off at the Disney logo opening cause I know that is for the 2nd movie, but I just let it keep playing and I'm glad I did. The "Oh brother, this guy stinks" was a fabulously funny touch as always! ?

    The show is such a good watch. If you wanna watch all the movies in chronological order, the show is a must inbetween the other movie and "Leroy & Stitch." I'd watch all those reactions.

  5. Molly
    1 year

    I read somewhere that Lilo takes pictures of white tourists the same way that white tourists take pictures of indigenous people sort of like wildlife than people in their home, which as a native I really love that detail. I also think they made them fat people just bc that was funny at the time :/

  6. An
    1 year

    I BEG PLEASE WATCH THE SHOW! I haven't seen anyone react to this series and it was one of my all time favorites. I think you guys would really enjoy it too!

  7. Daniel
    1 year

    All the Aliens "existing" things have been 100000000% been proven to be hoaxes. Hence why nobody cares. The two claims from the Mexican Government have been proven false by the artist who created them, and how he did it with actual human and i think Llama bones (might have been a different animal, can't recall). As for the American Pilots, they saw something they didn't know (So by LITERAL definition, An Unidentified Flying Object) , and reported it. The American Government then said what they saw was classified. So they said what they saw was an Alien UFO, and the government didn't stop them from saying this info, therefore it can be concluded that this was not correct. Otherwise the US Government would have been way more mad for leaking classified intel and they would have been reprimanded. If I had to hazard a guess, the US Government was probably testing an aircraft of some kind, and didn't want the pilots snitching on what it actually was and didn't care what they claimed it was. As long as it wasn't what it actually was. I rest my case your honor XD

  8. Antonio
    1 year

    the show and all the movies were really good from what i remeber. One of my favorite franchises when i was younger.

  9. Rez
    1 year


  10. Juan
    1 year

    I love that you guys watched this movie. Definitely underrated and forgotten in a weird way. The movie and Stitch became popular enough to get several movies and a show. But the original movie and its message didn't get as much appreciation until recent times. The director of Lilo & Stitch (L&S) mentioned in a conference on the 20th anniversary of the film that they were glad that Frozen was successful but they felt very unappreciated because everyone in their mother was praising Frozen for their portrayal of sisterhood over romance. The director continued to say that L&S did that way before Frozen. I agree 100% that L&S did sisterhood way better so I am glad that you guys are giving this film some love.

  11. Juan
    1 year

    Man, this movie hits hard. Yes, if you guys didn't know, Lilo forgot to feed the fish one day, and that is when her parents died in a car crash. That is why she believes the fish controls the weather. I also think there is a reason why she only takes weird pictures, but at the end of the film, you see Lilo take photos of her new family and friends. The other movies and series were enjoyable as a kid, but I haven't seen them for a long time. It's wild how short the show was. But watch Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch has a glitch. Then Stitch: The Movie was good, too, which is tied to the show. The show was a lot of fun because you saw Jumba's other experiments. Lero and Stitch was fun as a kid, but I don't know how it holds up now. But it is also tied to the show. They made an anime of Stitch, but Lilo isn't in it. It's like an alternate timeline where Stitch lands in Japan. Stitch is apparently really popular there, so they made the anime so people can relate more to him and see him in their homes.

  12. cyberguccx
    1 year

    It would be pretty fun if you guys took a shot at Disney's Treasure Planet, a pretty good animated movie that doesn't get talked much.

  13. shaquithahawkins.
    1 year

    Yes Lilo & Stitch The Movies and the sequels

  14. Bryan
    1 year

    not only a show but an anime that is after everything

  15. iKirbeeburgr
    1 year

    If you're going to watch the other movies and the TV show,

    Lilo and Stitch 2 is the 3rd film released, But it takes place between Lilo & Stitch and the TV show's pilot film Stitch! The Movie. So you could watch Lilo & Stitch 2 next, then > Stitch the movie > the series > Leroy & Stitch

  16. Brasskicker
    1 year

    I'd like for you guys to react to the animated movie "Songs of War". It's actually surprisingly good for being on youtube with its expansive story and well thought out visuals. It's better than most mainstream movies that come out these days.

  17. DandyZombie
    1 year

    Has anyone pointed out that Lilo's parents died in a storm and she now goes out of her way to feed a fish she believes controls the weather. Thats so heart breaking to me.

    1 replies
    1. Juan
      1 year

      Yes, a few comments above yours someone just mentioned it. I think it adds so much context, and its heartbreaking.

  18. docrubente
    1 year

    I would love to see reactions in the following order:

    Stitch the Movie

    Lilo and Stitch the Series

    Leroy and Stitch

    Those three properties follow the same canon, where Stitch the Movie leads into the series, and Leroy and Stitch is basically the series finale.

    Stitch has a Glitch is its own separate continuity I think.

    1 replies
    1. iKirbeeburgr
      1 year

      Stitch has a glitch takes place after the 1st movie, it's the same continuity, just before the events of Stitch! the movie & the tv show.

  19. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    Once again, if we're reading this Disney Animation ride, then may I request A Goofy Movie.

  20. iKirbeeburgr
    1 year

    "i didn't even know there was a second one"

    there's FOUR and a TV show;

    Lilo & Stitch,

    Stitch! The Movie,

    Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch,

    Leroy & Stitch

    And Stitch! The Movie is basically like the pilot for Lilo & Stitch the Series, as it sets everything in motion for the tv show

  21. Katie
    1 year

    Lilo feeds Pudge every Thursday because the one day she didn't feed him it rained and her parents died. Hence why she believes he controls the weather. I want more reactions from the disney post renaissance era. Atlantis, Treasure Planet

  22. Kevin
    1 year

    Here's how I watched all the lilo and stitch stuff so I watched the second movie which was direct to video which was stitch has a glitch, then I got on and watch the pilot movie to the TV show called stitch the movie and then go what the TV show and then end it off with the Leroy and stitch season finale movie just saying this if you guys want to watch it

  23. James
    1 year

    There's a movie, a sequel, a TV movie, a show (which crossed over with several other shows), then a TV movie finale, then an anime, then a Chinese series, then a book series, all in one continuity I believe

  24. Gevin
    1 year

    whenever there is time in the actual viewing schedule i would love for a lilo and stich tv series reaction :D

  25. Nicolas
    1 year

    you guys should definitely react to the show. It's been almost a decade since I've seen it, but I remember it being one of my favorite shows as a kid.

  26. Circuitdoodles
    1 year

    I remember always trying to watch the tv show before school when possible it was a fun series. It’s basically about all of the other 625 experiments ending up in Hawaii and having to find them the place where they belong.

    I personally like how Jumba and Pleakley just join the family at the end so much Jumba is so funny man just created evil creatures for fun meets a nice family and becomes a neutral scientist.

  27. Roberto
    1 year

    I would love for you guys to see all of it the rest of the movies and the show

  28. reni
    1 year

    horton hears a who or the lorax could be a fun watch :)

  29. .jadie
    1 year

    Really hope you guys will do Princess and the frog! Its one of, if not the last 2D animated Disney film

  30. Gavynnnnn
    1 year

    Love this movie, more on a rewatch actually.

  31. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Did yall see that Nani had a Mulan poster in her room?

  32. Xmrtehe
    1 year

    Stitch the movie was one of my favorites growing up, looking forward to the rest of the movies and the series

  33. Havoc
    1 year

    Can we appreciate the gigachad that is cobra bubbles who after saving the world in the cia, moved on to help kids in need

  34. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    If you watch the rest, the chronological order is Lilo and Stitch 2, the Origin of Stitch(a short film. Don’t be fooled by the title, it’s not a prequel), Stitch: the Movie(the pilot for the original show), Lilo and Stitch: the Series, Leroy and Stitch(the finale of the original show) and finally Stitch and Ai.(another show) There’s a show called Stitch! but it exists in a separate continuity.

  35. squidkitty.
    1 year

    I love Leo and Stitch is one of my favorite movies and I'm so happy you guys watch it I'm so excited if you guys watched the series also

  36. Iruma
    1 year

    I remember the show. The show had like four crossover episodes with four other Disney Channel cartoons at the time. So technically Lilo and Stitch is like the only Disney movie that connects to other Disney Channel cartoon universes.

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      1 year

      The crossovers were with American Dragon, Proud Family, Kim Possible, and I think Recess, right?

  37. Hellfire69
    1 year

    how does ruff always take a drink when something happens that make him do the gag thing

  38. Pokerachi
    1 year

    If you guys continue watching Lilo and Stitch stuff, here is the in universe timeline of how to watch it

    Lilo & Stitch

    Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch

    Stitch! The Movie

    Lilo & Stitch: The Series

    Leroy & Stitch (end of the original continuity)

    1 replies
    1. John
      1 year

      Stitch! The Movie comes before Lilo & Stitch 2.

  39. jetstorm98
    1 year

    Fun Fact: the reason why the red spaceship was absolutely massive compared to Gantu's pursuit vehicle, is because originally it was not a chase scene between two spaceships through the mountains, but rather a chase through one of the larger Hawaiian cities between a spaceship- and a hijacked 747. Of course while they were making the film, 9/11 ended up happening and the filmmakers realized they had to make some major changes to the final chase scene.

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      1 year

      ? I think they have some storyboards, deleted scenes, and footage of this on Youtube!

  40. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    44:57 is it bad that my first thought was the day he was born? Anyone heard of his twin brother? No? Well there’s a reason for that!

  41. Reaper
    1 year

    Please, please, please do all the movies and the series! It's some of my favourite animated stuff of all time!

  42. Wheelmagic
    1 year

    Since you guys liked this movie, i suggest you guys watch "Surfs Up". its such a great movie

  43. .qu4n
    1 year

    You guess should definitely should watch the series it's pretty fun

  44. EMosite
    1 year

    Treasure Planet next pls!

  45. charliematick
    1 year

    Yeah check out the next movie

  46. iron pirate
    1 year

    you guys should react to the great kingsman movies

  47. spywi
    1 year

    Awesome movie, still holds a lot of memories for my family, especially when my aunt on my mom's side passed away. If you guys ever do continue the series, I do recommend going through all the material in order (maybe there's like a highlights reel somewhere that can summarize the show if you guys aren't into it). I will say that (if I remember correctly) there is a Lilo and Stitch anime as well that I've never seen except for the first and last episode for some reason. Take what I say with a grain of salt, as I have no clue if that was any good. I do like the main Stitch movies and the show myself.

  48. LJ
    1 year

    I just cried for the first time in years. TY guys <3

  49. Brandon
    1 year

    love how I immediately knew that was the stitch has a glitch opening

    2 replies
    1. Dotty
      1 year

      Fr, that's like my favorite sequel of all time! I really hope they react to it!

    2. Petrichor12
      1 year

      Oh that one made me legit cry! ?

  50. RufusPr1me
    1 year

    One of the few Disney movies that turned into a fantastic show.

    Lilo & Stitch 2, without fail, every single time, tears come a flowing.

    This one? Instant classic.

  51. nayonae
    1 year

    PEAK MOVE!! i would replay this on dvd all the time!

  52. Iruma
    1 year

    I really hope you react to Scott Pilgrim vs the World. That movie is great and it’s based on a great graphic novel! Plus Netflix released an anime based on the graphic novel/movie today.

    However, it’s best if you watch the movie or read the graphic novel first

  53. shantheman99
    1 year

    You should react to The Iron Giant!

  54. smugtini
    1 year

    Do the other movies too, maybe even the tv show. It's all amazing. Theres even an anime of it. I love this franchise

  55. Internet Zing
    1 year

    Please please please please please please do Tarzan next!!!! ????????

    1 replies
    1. Kyra
      1 year

      I second this

      1 replies
      1. Petrichor12
        1 year

        Third! ✋

  56. Raptor
    1 year

    This movie had some of the best teaser trailers when it was advertised. If you haven’t seen them, look them up on youtube. It’s just Stitch fucking up notable scenes from other Disney movies. It’s what made me want to watch it as a kid, and is still one of the only ads I’ve ever gone out of my way to rewatch.

    1 replies
    1. Jazz
      1 year

      I second this request! ? they’re hilarious

  57. Dylan
    1 year

    You guys should definitely check it book of life, it gets compared to and often overshadowed

    by coco alot for looking similar but is for being about day of the dead but it's really good. It also came out a few years before coco.

    1 replies
    1. Juan
      1 year

      Yes, the Book of Life is so good, and I actually did the opposite growing up. I always compared Coco to the Book of Life and still think it is slightly better than Coco. Not as emotional but a lot more enjoyable. Definitely an underrated movie! I think they are making a sequel to it.

  58. Vilmu
    1 year

    My favorite movie of all time. ?

    1 replies
    1. Jrax567
      1 year

      Very few movies keep me consistently teary-eyed like this one does easily one of the best movies out of the mouse House and it’s one of the very few Disney originals too

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