Fantastic Mr. Fox REACTION

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  1. I don’t think anyone ever knows this unless they watch Harry Potter but Mr. Bean is voiced by Dumbledore’s actor (movie 3-8). Speaking of Harry Potter would love to see you guys react to it if you’ve never seen it. They’re amazing early 2000’s gems.

  2. As a lover of Stop Motion animation, I cannot recommend this enough. Would you guys react to Kubo And The Two Strings? It’s so amazing. And there’s a record breaking thing that you need to see in the credits as well. It’s so freaking beautiful.

  3. Grand Budapest Hotel is my favorite Wes Anderson movie, please do it next. It takes place during a snowy winter so its also appropriate for this time of year

  4. one of my fav movies ever!! i just love stop motion movies so much and the way wes anderson directs was so perfect for this movie. i hope you also watch isle of dogs it’s a similar style to this movie 🙂

  5. Boom: Aren’t they sentient foxes, isn’t this technically murder.
    You’re right, rich billionaires with access to weapons and bombs would never murder!

  6. i’ve never seen this movie because it looked creepy to me when i was younger. i’m 21 years old, and i still feel some type of way LMAO, but i’m gonna watch it with yall

  7. I’ve seen this once before and I hadn’t realized it was a Roald Dahl story until now!
    As for Grand Budapest hotel, I remember watching it, I remember liking it, I have it on DVD even, but I cannot remember a single thing about it. It was too long ago! Would love to watch it again with you guys!

  8. This was actually my first time watching this movie, I really enjoyed along with your guys reaction to it. You guys should check out Rise of the Guardians, its a really good movie.

  9. This is one of all favorite films of all time! So glad y’all are checking it out. Wes Anderson did another animated film that is pretty awesome as well, Isle of Dogs!!

  10. This is in my top 20 all-time favorite movie list, so I’m extra excited to see you guys react to it. And to get to experience it again through your eyes.

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