Batman: Under The Red Hood REACTION

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  1. Charles
    5 months

    Dick was the first Robin (nightwing)Jason is the 2nd (red hood)

    Tim is the 3rd robin

    Damian is the 4th

    1 replies
    1. Quenterius
      2 months

      Isn't damian the 5th cause of stephanie 

  2. Charlie
    10 months

    ok they gotta check out the whole dceu now.

  3. Raven
    11 months

    The DC animated movies are actually so much better than the live-action ones. I HIGHLY suggest you watch "Justice League vs. Teen Titans" - The animation is incredible, the story is captivating, it's filled with superheroes and overall awesome experience.

  4. Michael
    1 year

    Please check out Batman the Killing Joke, y’all would absolutely love it.

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      10 months

      ew lol not the movie.nobody wants to see the beginning part lol

  5. MegumiMary
    1 year

    guess I'm streaming some Arkham Asylumn today

    you guys got me in the mood for it with this!

  6. Sam
    1 year

    Loved seeing you guys react to this movie, it’s honestly ONE of my favorite DC animated movies as a HUGE DC fan. You should definitely watch more of these animated movies because they are just masterpieces and have great stories. The DC animated movies that I recommend you guys should watch next are The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 and 2, Justice League Crisis on Two Earths, Batman/Superman public enemies, Son of Batman, and Batman Vs Robin. There are more amazing DC animated movies but I would recommend the ones that I listed for now. Loved your reaction can’t wait for more.

  7. Katie
    1 year

    Please check out Batman The Long Halloween Part 1 and Part 2 and Gotham by Gaslight

  8. sam16621
    1 year

    LOVE your reaction to this masterpiece dudes! Wanna see a Superman movie with THIS level of epicness?! PLEASE check out "Superman vs. The Elite"!

  9. LinNier
    1 year

    I'd really like to see you guys react to flashpoint paradox. It's another great DC animated movie.

  10. lightning63
    1 year

    For DC shows I'd recommend Young Justice, Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Superman and Lois. For Movies Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Superman vs The Elite and The Suicide Squad (2021 version by James Gunn).

  11. George
    1 year

    I highly recommend Batman: Arkham Asylum. Its essentially a Suicide Squad movie in the Arkham game series universe and its one of my favorites, so good.

  12. Mustafa__0321
    1 year

    If you are wanting DC content in movie format you can search DCAMU or Tommorowverse continuities both have good content. For more mystery/eerie/darker toned movies top picks from their runs would be Justice League: Dark, Batman: The Long Halloween Pt 1&2, Batman: Hush, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. Theres also the Injustice movie for a stand alone movie.

  13. Van
    1 year

    A Personal Favorite is Young Justice

  14. Keegan
    1 year

    will always praise and mention young justice is amazing show that needs to be seen

  15. Mugen
    1 year

    Oh boy... If these guys think this is dark... Well I guess they did say they know nothing about DC comics but yeah... DC gets very dark!

  16. nate
    1 year

    You guys need to react to the panda red

    He does skits on YouTube about DC comics and almost all of them are funny

  17. DKThunder
    1 year

    Recommending Batman vs TMNT!

  18. mushog
    1 year

    damn I'd love if they watched the live action Gotham series, it's got some of my favourite depictions of Batman's villains

  19. thespiderman360
    1 year

    Here two good stand-a-lone animated movies: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths and Superman vs the Elite.

  20. Patrick
    1 year

    There have been 5 robins in the main DC continuity. Dick Grayson, jason todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Damian Wayne

  21. NickLay
    1 year

    wait so you're telling me that jthe guy that voiced jake the dog is voice acting as the joker

  22. Darc
    1 year

    Batman a death in the family is an alternate retelling of this story. As the story goes through you can select your own choices to change what happens. In the beginning you can choose Jason Todd dies, Bruce Wayne dies, or neither dies. As an example

  23. Dinamo89
    1 year

    Superman and Batman original animated crossover and than Superman and Batman /Public Enemies.

  24. Darc
    1 year

    For some context. Long ago they made a story about the first Robin, Dick Grayson aka the teen titans robin, growing up and becoming nightwing and eventually batman meets Jason Todd and makes him the new robin. He was more brutal and was a jerk and apparently wasn't a fan favorite so DC did something wild and had a vote on whether or not they killed him and got a huge amount of support for killing him. So they did in the most brutal way, with joker beating him to death slowly with a crowbar for days while Batman tried to find him.

    Eventually they brought Jason Todd back as an undead called the Red Hood who started killing villains around Gotham and his main motivation half the time is to get batman to kill the joker.

    We're currently on like the 4th or 5th robin which is Damien Wayne, biological son of Bruce and Talia AL ghul, the heir to the league of assassins. He is a child raised by assassins so he doesn't get why batman doesn't kill and is very smug. He is not much of a fan favorite yet, but that might change with the recent alternate universe teen titan movies that came out a few years ago

  25. Wheremoon
    1 year

    I strongly suggest Baman VS TMNT!

  26. frank
    1 year

    if you thought this was good watch batman beyond that series is really good

  27. JJ
    1 year

    There's a lot of comments, so I didn't bother checking if someone posted this already, but SUPERMAN VS THE ELITE is a banger!!!

    1 replies
    1. JJ
      1 year

      *edit the end discussion really makes me recommend the "Superman vs the Elite" movie

  28. Jordon
    1 year

    If You Guys Are Looking For Recommendations You Can Do The DCAMU, A Number Of DC Animated Movies in The Same Cinematic Universe.

    DCAMU Order:

    1. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

    2. Justice League: War

    3. Son Of Batman

    4. Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis

    5. Batman: Assault On Arkham

    6. Batman Vs. Robin

    7. Batman: Bad Blood

    8. Justice League Vs. Teen Titans

    9. Justice League Dark

    10. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

    11. Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay

    12. The Death Of Supermen

    13. Constantine: City Of Demons

    14. Reign Of The Supermen

    15. Batman: Hush

    16. Wonder Woman: Bloodlines

    17. Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

    3 replies
    1. Indegoraven
      1 year

      I’m late but I super agree to this!!! This is definitely the way to go!

    2. Johnny
      1 year

      Yes i agree to this right here. Checked out the DCAMU^

      All though Batman Assault on Arkham is part of the Arkhamverse like the same universe as the Arkham Games not the DC Animated Movie Universe. Still a really good movie though.

      There's also a lot of good one off movies like

      The Dark Knight Reteurns 1&2

      Justice League: Doom

      Batman vs TMNT

      Batman: Gotham by Gaslight

      Batman: Year One

      Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

      All-Star Superman

      Green Lantern: First Flight

      Justice League: New Frontier

    3. aussbear
      1 year

      This! This is awesome!

  29. jdetoro
    1 year

    Do Son of Batman

  30. Kee
    1 year

    I know I mentioned these already but I think you guys should include Brie and watch Batman 1989 and Batman Returns. I think she'd like those movies if she wants to see the heroes do some killings!

  31. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    1:09:49 hey Bruce you know what else is a crime? Vigilantism! It’s almost like you’re just another criminal too!

  32. devontetheenigma
    1 year


    Batman=Morally Good

    Wonder Woman= Chaotic Good

  33. Unkn0wn_
    1 year

    batman assault on arkham

    batman mask of the phantasm

  34. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Also, pigging backing off the DC movie suggestions:

    - Lego Batman

    - Batman vs the TMNT

    And just for personal preference, I am tossing in "Batman Beyond Return of the Joker". If you can find the uncensored version, that gets pretty dark for the OG animation style.

    If you want a crash course in all things DC, you could always try Batman the Brave and the Bold or Justice League, that's how I learned about all of the characters at first. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  35. Petrichor12
    1 year

    So I've never watched it, but I think that "Death in the Family" that was showing up at the end is some sort of "extra scenes" "choice make" cashgrab kind of thing that plays off of this movie. I could be totally wrong here, but I recall some dark scenes of thing that look like this movie but I know very much did not happen in my 2010 DVD ?

  36. Puppet
    1 year

    I don't know if this is stated anywhere in the comics but I've always heard from different places that the reason Robin has less protection and wears bright colors is because it's part of the training. The theory that they have to be much more careful and stealthy so when they are ready to be solo heroes they'll be just as good or even better than Batman.

  37. Kee
    1 year

    Please watch the following DC related movies and shows (That unintentionally ended up being a lot of Batman related ones)

    Justice animated series plus it's sequel series Justice League Unlimited

    Batman The Animated Series

    Wonder Woman 2017

    Batman 1989

    Batman Returns

    The Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy

    The Batman 2022

  38. Spooky
    1 year

    I’m sure most of these have been mentioned but:

    Mask of the Phantasm

    Batman and Mr Freeze: Sub Zero

    Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker

    Flashpoint Paradox

    Wonder Woman (2009)

    Batman, Superman Apocalypse

    Batman Superman public enemies

    Justice League Dark

    Constantine: City of Demons

    1 replies
    1. Spooky
      1 year

      Forgot to ad for dc animated shows I HiGHLY recommend Batman the Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Young Justice

  39. anthony_zohos
    1 year

    i couldn't recommend Superman vs The Elite enough. an absolute fantastic DC movie and an amazing Superman movie in general

  40. Ringo
    1 year

    If you want more DC animated content to go through the Justice League 2003 and Justice League Unlimited is one of the best DC animated cartoons.

  41. just_jojo
    1 year

    Please watch the flashpoint movie I'm begging

  42. Karis8894
    1 year

    If you guys like dark DC, I very much recommend Constantine, City of Demons.

  43. Kaitlyn!
    1 year

    When I told y’all how much I love this movie, I mean that I DROPPED MY MUG OF COFFEE ON THE GROUND AND DO NOT CARE!!!!! BRB, I’m gonna watch y’all’s reaction ✌️

    1 replies
    1. Kaitlyn!
      1 year

      Such a good reaction! I suppose if I came back to life and had the opportunity to take revenge like how Jason does, I’d probably take it too.

      Okay, I definitely agree with Tyler in the comments in the order being:

      Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox July 30, 2013

      Justice League: War February 4, 2014

      Son of Batman May 6, 2014

      Justice League: Throne of Atlantis January 13, 2015

      Batman vs. Robin April 7, 2015

      Batman: Bad Blood January 20, 2016

      Justice League vs. Teen Titans March 29, 2016

      Justice League Dark January 24, 2017

      Teen Titans: The Judas Contract March 31, 2017

      Batman and Harley Quinn August 15, 2017

      Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay March 27, 2018

      The Death of Superman July 24, 2018

      Constantine: City of Demons October 9, 2018

      Reign of the Supermen January 15, 2019

      Justice League vs. the Fatal Five

      Batman: Hush July 20, 2019

      Wonder Woman: Bloodlines October 5, 2019

      Justice League Dark: Apokolips War May 5, 2020

      Thank you again for taking a chance on the DC Animated Universe as it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as the MCU does. Y’all will not regret one single movie, they’re all soooo good!!

  44. Kory
    1 year

    There’s a ton of Dc Content to go through. Some Titles people may or may not like. Batman Assult on Arkham, Justice League 2003 Series, Doom patrol, HBO Watchmen Series, Justice League Doom, The Flash point paradox, Batman Ninja, The Suicide Squad is fuckin Fantastic there’s a lot to choose from but if some beginners need a start into the Dc Universe these will definitely be everyone’s go to Movies and shows.

  45. Bradley
    1 year

    You guys haven't seen anything yet, some other movies get way darker than this one. The teen titans movies in this style are great.

  46. ThatOneGuy
    1 year

    I think you guys would like Justice League The Flashpoint Paradox.

  47. CarpetUniversity
    1 year

    I recommend you guys watching Batman mask of the phantasm. It’s part of the Batman animated series and is one of the best animated Batman movies.

  48. iron pirate
    1 year

    you guys should react to the dc animated universe, all these movies are in the same universe Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013), Justice League: War (2014,) Son Of Batman (2014), Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis (2015), Batman Vs. Robin (2015), Batman: Bad Blood (2016), Justice League Vs. Teen Titans (2016), Justice League Dark (2017), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay (2018), The Death Of Superman (2018), Reign Of The Supermen (2019) and finally Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)

    1 replies
    1. Subaru
      1 year

      i second this

  49. Tyler
    1 year

    Currently there are 2 DC animated Universes That have a good catalogue of Movies. Here is the First DC Animated Universe and what order to watch them in.

    Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox July 30, 2013

    Justice League: War February 4, 2014

    Son of Batman May 6, 2014

    Justice League: Throne of Atlantis January 13, 2015

    Batman vs. Robin April 7, 2015

    Batman: Bad Blood January 20, 2016

    Justice League vs. Teen Titans March 29, 2016

    Justice League Dark January 24, 2017

    Teen Titans: The Judas Contract March 31, 2017

    Batman and Harley Quinn August 15, 2017

    Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay March 27, 2018

    The Death of Superman July 24, 2018

    Constantine: City of Demons October 9, 2018

    Reign of the Supermen January 15, 2019

    Justice League vs. the Fatal Five

    Batman: Hush July 20, 2019

    Wonder Woman: Bloodlines October 5, 2019

    Justice League Dark: Apokolips War May 5, 2020

    Next is the reboot Universe which is known as the "Tomorrowverse" which is still ongoing

    Superman: Man of Tomorrow August 23, 2020

    Justice Society: World War II April 27, 2021

    Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One June 22, 2021

    Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two July 27, 2021

    Green Lantern: Beware My Power July 26, 2022

    Legion of Super-Heroes February 7, 2023

    Justice League: Warworld July 25, 2023

    Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part One

    Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Two - (Unreleased so far)

    1 replies
    1. matthew
      1 year

      The first id reccomend cause HOLY SHIT IT GETS DARK and bloody

  50. Down
    1 year

    BTW in the Comic this is based on, Batman wanted to kill Joker but couldn't because shortly after Jason's death, Joker became the ambassador of Iran and the government had to get Superman to stop him because it would cause an international incident. But, Jason doesn't still doesn't know this because batman would rather Jason just resented him.

    1 replies
    1. Down
      1 year

      Btw, in the comics Jason wasn't brought back to life by the lazarus pit, it was when Superboy Prime punch a hole in reality. Jason was death for years IRL. Jason used to be right next to Uncle Ben in the list of Comic Book Charaters that never came back to life.

      1 replies
      1. Down
        1 year

        I just watched the reaction to teen titans S3 Ep 1-2. There's a reference to Jason Todd when Beast Boy pulls out a board of all the people Red X might be.

  51. Jordan
    1 year

    Would love to see you guys watch the Lego Movie and the Lego Batman Movie(the best batman movie)

  52. Kevin
    1 year

    In Bruce’s defense he DID try to kill the joker right after Jason died but Superman stopped him

  53. Subaru
    1 year

    The next movie I recommend is The Dark knight Returns part 1 and 2. It is one of the best DC animated movies

  54. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Some DC shows I hope you react to in the future:

    Batman Animated Series

    Superman Animated Series

    Justice League/Justice League Unlimited

    Static Shock

  55. Sly
    1 year

    The Teen Titans Judas Contract and Teen Titans VS The Justice League are two really good movies with more dark and mature showcases of the Titans. Also Justice League Dark is a good movie as well, It has Batman working with John Constantine.

  56. BILL
    1 year

    You guys should totally watch Batman VS the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies it is so fun.

    1 replies
    1. Of Butterflies and Books
      1 year

      I second this comment.

      1 replies
      1. Petrichor12
        1 year


  57. charliematick
    1 year

    You guys should check out the son of Batman

  58. Miles
    1 year

    the order of robins go as Dick Greyson 1st ROBIN, Jason Todd 2nd Robin, Tim Drake 3rd Robin, Damien Wayne 4th Robin son of Bruce and Talia, and I know there is a 5th Female robin but i forget her name. Now also apart of the bat family is Batwomen AKA Barbara Gordon or Oracle as she is also called.

    PS: Barbara or BatWomen as shot in back and crippled by joker which there referenced in this movie. Thats also why she then goes by as oracle later

    1 replies
    1. Down
      1 year

      The 5Th your talking about is probably Carrie Kelly for The Dark Knight Returns. But Stephanie Brown was technically a Robin before Damien.

  59. Jakob
    1 year

    With the Joker I still do not think it is on Batman to kill him but on the state. To be fair though, he has been on death row in a few stories.

    1 replies
    1. Down
      1 year

      Same I agree Joker should die, but it shouldn't be Batman who does it. Batman Is the ultimate Optimist, he believes anyone can change for the better. I think Ideally Joker should die as a consequence to his own actions like in Arkham City.

  60. Joseph
    1 year

    the thing at the end 'batman death in the family' is an interactive version of this film where u can choose the outcome of the story, there are multiple options and endings

    1 replies
    1. Subaru
      1 year

      Can you check if Max has the interactive version? The version i first watched it on didnt have it

  61. Alexis
    1 year

    On the topic of Batman's no kill rule, it may be helpful to consider it from the perspective that Batman as a character can't "cross that line" because he's attempting to hang onto his humanity and has the potential to become a monster, once you get into "greater good" conversations its very easy to lose yourself "in the mission". Dude is walking trauma, motivated by grief and revenge. Believe me, I get it, the Joker is a nightmare and should probably be taken off the board, but I think it's reasonable for a person to hold an individual ethic around lines they won't cross.

    I hope you guys keep reacting to animated DC, it's excellent.

  62. Antonio
    1 year

    Hope yall continue dc movies

  63. Marquez
    1 year

    Batman Beyond return of the Joker

  64. Adrienne
    1 year

    If you're doing animated DC movies, can i recommend Batman the long Halloween. It has two parts. Batman is by far not my favorite hero but his movies are some of the coolest

  65. Gabriel
    1 year

    I just thought about how people get upset since certain Superheroes dont kill, well why just blame them? these citizens and countries and such live in a world with Supervillains so why don't they have death sentences or anything? But on a side note You guys should check out Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 and Part 2. Also Superman VS The Elite, Superman: Doomsday, and Superman/Batman Apocalypse.

    1 replies
    1. Down
      1 year

      They should also watch All-Star Superman and Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

  66. Hellfire69
    1 year

    they gotta watch the killing joke next just gotta

  67. Lor
    1 year

    Batman: Year One, you guys got see it

  68. James
    1 year

    I recommend The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 and Part 2 (not to be confused with the live action The Dark Knight). Since you enjoyed this movie I think you would enjoy this two parter.

  69. Ranginald
    1 year

    Superman Vs. The Elite is the perfect followup to the question of why Batman doesn’t kill; why doesn’t Superman?

  70. AniMangaFan
    1 year

    I'm glad you guys liked it! You know there's another animated movie about another Robin I also think you'd enjoy. It's called "Son of Batman".

  71. Julian
    1 year

    My favorite animated Batman movie. Makes me want more John DiMaggio Joker

    1 replies
    1. Julian
      1 year

      Justice League: War or Doom or better yet both

  72. Aegis
    1 year

    Batman the Brave and the Bold so so good and fun yall gotta check it out if you never have.

  73. Ashes2Ash
    1 year

    If you guys want more good DC Movies, esp Batman with Violence, I do recommend The Long Halloween! It's two movies that are set in Batman's early years (before Robin) and are really fun and action packed in my opinion!

    Now for the fun stuff:

    The car Red Hood drives to escape Batman after the Amazo incident is a full on reference to Supernatural. It's the same make of car the two boys drive in the show, just blue.

    Also, Gotham actually is located in New Jersey! Little fun fact.


    In the comics, Dick (1st Robin) grows up and starts clashing with Batman. He doesn't want to be a sidekick anymore, and eventually they "breakup" their partnership and Dick becomes Nightwing after moving away.

    Jason becomes Robin not too long afterwards, and after some time he and Batman begin clashing over ideals. Jason learns that the woman he thought was his birth mother actually adopted him, and so he goes on a quest to find his "real mom" after being benched as Robin. He finds her in Ethiopia doing "support work", and meets her, telling her she's Robin. She tricks him into following her, and she leads him to the Joker, and basically sells him out. She gets betrayed after Jason is beat, and the two are locked in the warehouse with the bomb.

    I BELIEVE? Jason attempts to free her (and succeeds?) but the warehouse blows up, and Jason dies.

    Jason coming back to life was a part of a larger event that is very complicated to explain, and he dug himself out of his own grave, but he had very bad brain damage. He was found by Talia (Daughter of Ra's al Ghul) and taken in in hopes that he could be healed. She trained him, but nothing worked. She snuck him into the Lazarus Pits and then set him on a path towards Gotham to get revenge on Batman, since he never killed the Joker.

    The whole Red Hood movie cuts out the addition of Tim Drake, the 3rd Robin. Tim essentially blackmailed Batman into making him Robin because Batman was nearly beating people to death after the death of Jason. Batman stopped being so violent afterwards. Jason (as Red Hood) tries to kill Tim, and fails, but Tim is left injured for the rest of the plot. I believe Nightwing was busy with a different plot in the city he moved to (Bludhaven) so he wasn't around for the final fight between Jason and Batman (too busy having his city Nuked).

    In the end, when Batman throws the batarang, he actually cuts Jason's throat in the comics, not jamming his gun. Jason DOES survive after that, and continues being a. kind of anti-hero? He still kills people but he does more good. kind of. DC is a mess and different comic runs really muddy up explaining things. It could be some of my information is wrong, as I might be pulling from different sources.

  74. Gabriel
    1 year

    only part way through the reaction but wanted to say i love that you guys are reacting to this. you should definitely check out more animated DC movies they are amazing.

  75. Brandon
    1 year

    man, I did not know people didn't know about the death of Jason Todd. fun fact, that death happenned because of a phone vote. people were not the biggest fans of Jason as the second robin so in 1988 DC put out a comic called Death in the Family where an episode ended saying that if you wanted tJason to live call one number and to die call a different one. Die won by a 72 vote margin. 5343 said kill while 5271 said live. he was then dead for 17 years before being brought back in the 2005 story Under the Red Hood which this movie is based off of.

  76. Purp
    1 year

    Would love to see you guys check out the Batman vs TMNT movie

  77. Cadent
    1 year

    Fun fact: Robin's fate here was decided by phone call when this originally happened in the comics. This was a massive moment in Batman history, and 2 numbers were available, 1 to call to give a vote to save Robin, and 1 to kill him. Supposed claims said someone cheated and set up an auto caller to call the kill number, but regardless he died and plenty were happy, cause people HATED Jason. Seeing him as a cheap replacement for Dick Grayson.

  78. sombra_hacker09
    1 year

    I recommend the DCAMU also known as the New 52 films they are great

    1 replies
    1. hobbes314
      1 year

      Ehh they’re fine, you can see as time goes on the less money they’re given. I have stronger feelings on quality of writing and art style but I can understand how they’ve gained a loyal fanbase.

  79. Harry
    1 year

    I will never make a request ever again holy fuck

    1 replies
    1. Unkn0wn_
      1 year


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