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1 month
The falloff after dark knight returns for frank millers batman in the later 2 sequels is crazy lmao. Like here he clearly is still batman not a sociopath who abused dick grayson and is willing to let untold people die
9 months
The Joker's line "Batman... Darling" is so hype.
9 months
So glad you decided to watch this movie guys! This one is one of the main cornerstones of the modern batman mythos as I mentioned before in the YouTube comments! 😀
9 months
Nightwing operates in a different city called Blüdhaven
9 months
There was a crossover between Marvel and DC years ago in the comics, which included a scene where Joker and Red Skull teamed up, until Joker found out Red Skull's political leanings (aka what he identified as) and then beat Red Skull with a crowbar stating that, "I might be a psychopath, but I'm an AMERICAN psycopath!", pointing out that even the worst of the criminals in DC still hate the Nazis.
9 months
I feel like "Billy Berserk" should be a Patreon tier
10 months
Can you guys react to wreck it ralph Please?
10 months
A bit of backstory to TDKR, the original comic was written by Frank Miller, meant to be the conclusion of his take on Batman. His story starts with Batman: Year One, a story that started out as semi-canon, but because it was so well received, it’s now the definitive origin story for Batman, going as far to be the inspiration for the Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy(along with TDKR). .
The second series in this continuity is All-Star Batman & Robin, written after TDKR
, it was a comic run that was meant to bridge the gap in between Year One & TDKR, but it was HATED by every single Batfan who read it because of how out of character Bruce was written(he made Batman an actual sociopath… even more than before lol), that series was written as a time where Miller had become more or less disillusioned with Superhero comics. .
The final story in this series is The Dark Knight Returns, which while beloved by fans, is a far cry from what people would consider the definitive ending to the character. TDKR went on to heavily influence both The Dark Knight Rises & Batman V Superman.
There’s also The Dark Knight Returns 2(not to be confused with Part 2) written after AS:B&R, but that comic is pretty much universally hated, to the point where it’s now lost to DC media.
1 replies
10 months
Ahh All Star Batman and Robin. The series that gave us the infamous "what are you dense? Are you re***ded or something? Who the hell do you think i am? I'm the goddamn batman". Truly there are no better words to say to a child that you just kidnapped who is also freshly grieving the loss of his parents
1 replies
10 months
Seriously, how Frank Miller went from one of the greatest Batman writers to having Batman & Robin paint themselves yellow in order to beat on Green Lantern(WHO WAS TRYING TO HELP) I’ll never know?
10 months
i have only ever seen that female robin in Teen titans go istg
1 replies
10 months
Kerry was created solely for this series
10 months
Oh I’d freak out if you guys reacted to v for vendetta
10 months
Harvey dent's Lore in Batman long Halloween
1 replies
10 months
Fax, but I wouldn’t recommend them start those movies until after they start the DCAMU, the end credits of B:TLH will leave them wanting more from that universe but that’ll be a bit confusing to watch without having seen the rest of the series?
10 months
Just so that you guys can understand the "timeline" and the way continuity
works in DC, i highly suggest you guys check out Alex Lennen's "The Entire
History of Batman" video.
10 months
Two-Face insanity doesn't come from how he looks or him feeling like he's ugly. It's a dark-side that Harvey always had in him that came from his father's abuse. Múltiple Personality Disorder.
Residentfan 1
10 months
Nightwing operates in a city called Bludhaven. It’s essentially DC’s Atlantic City.
Residentfan 1
10 months
“I want superheroes!” You missed it but we did have superheroes in Seattle from 2011 to 2014.
10 months
There have been some DC/Marvel crossover comics, both as crossing universes and for interesting, COMBINING universes and characters into what's known as the Amalgam Universe. Examples being Batman and Wolverine, Superman and Captain America, etc.
10 months
You guys should check out the Superman Doomsday film from 2007 I think it was. It's a really good animated film.
10 months
So the only things I knew before going into this were old man Batman and that you can wear his costume from this in the Arkham games
10 months
This is why I get pissed when everyone says that Zack Snyder made Batman a killer when he literally kills in the Dark Knight Returns and people still call me a liar. The Snyder DC movies weren't perfect, but they were definitely ahead of their time. Zack was adapting the Dark Knight Returns, Doomsday, Injustice, and Apokalips War stories into his films. The fact people were pissed about it shows they never wanted to give Snyder a chance.
6 replies
6 months
Batman doesn't kill anyone in this story, bud. He brutalizes them and cripples thme but he doesn't kill them
10 months
I'm on the fence about Snyder's Batman killing, the concept is alright it just needs the right execution. I really like how it is in DKR for multiple reasons. First, it's an Old Batman and you can just say, "He's old, tired and doesn't care as much" which is good enough for me. It's also kept ambiguous enough that people are dying, far more attention is directed towards how he brutalizes people. The people he's also quote unquote, but most probably, killing are ******* dirtbag pieces of ****. "Worst criminals Gotham City has seen since the Joker" perfectly describes them and even in the comic Batman has an interior monologue about how the Mutants are just crazy. He sees the Leader walk up and stand in front of the Batmobile's Turret and start ranting and he's like "What are these people, Dick. We never faced beings like THIS, we faced HUMANS." It's really easy to excuse him killing them under these circumstances. Miller also makes it a point to illustrate that Batman... is crazy. He NEVER fully healed from his parents' deaths and has only gotten worse after the assumed events that led him to retire. He's also forced to compromise on his ideals, he's using guns. Two Face was the same way, and I found it funny that they kinda sniffed it out just a tad when they went "Isn't 20 million a little low?" In the comic he notes that he wanted to make it 22 million, but he had bills to pay.
10 months
Just so that you guys can understand the “timeline” and the way continuity works in DC, i highly suggest you guys check out Alex Lennen’s “The Entire History of Batman” video.
Batman is more brutal here sure, but he’s not killing people, if he was, it would make a certain fight later on completely redundant.
10 months
I totally agree with you, but I think it was another era when Marvel was at its peak, and the audiences wanted entertaining movies like Avengers with humor. The general public struggled to understand why Batman was like that because Ben Affleck didn't have his own Batman movie.
10 months
Im sure lots of people die in the comic of this but least from what I saw in this moive Batmans just more brutal he's not legit killing people yet, cause we know what happens in part 2
2 replies
10 months
Also, don't forget that one mutant that was electrocuted...he straight up dead I'm pretty sure.
1 replies
6 months
He isn't. Batman killing people would make his confrontation and refusal to kill the joker in the next part redundant
10 months
I just don't understand why people are ok with THIS Batman being a killer, but not Snyder's Batman, it makes no sense. And the arguement of "this isn't mainline Batman so it doesn't count" is bullshit. It's still a comic and Batman still kills in it.
1 replies
6 months
Because THIS Batman isn't a killer. That's the point Snyder missed
10 months
Yeeeeeesssss \(^o^)/
10 months
Now, Keep in mind, the Dark Knight returns is an elseworld story, noncanon to the main DC universe, HOWEVER...we DO have a female Robin in canon, after Tim Drake, But Before Damian wayne. Although her stint as Robin was short, Stephanie Brown Aka Batgirl Aka The Spoiler filled Tim's spot for a little bit, and helped out Damian in the DCeased storyline
10 months
so yeah, batman is this movie is Peter Weller. Fucking Robocop.
10 months
Man im so happy you guys watched this and i cant wait for part 2 aswell, its so good.
10 months
I haven't seen this one yet, but if you're interested in Old Man Batman, I gotta recommend Batman Beyond! (you can totally go into the movie without having to watch the series first.)
1 replies
10 months
Hell yeah They need to watch the uncensored version
1 replies
10 months
Oh yeah, a comparison for sure! Just because they can't show blood doesn't make an "edit" any less gruesome! ? Censors are weird.
10 months
This is one of my top 5 favorite animated Batman movie, so glad ya'll finally got around to it and I can't wait when you get to part 2 as well.
10 months
Wednesday will BE a great day for DC Fans . Part 2 should come and also Young Justice Starts, at least on Diamond Tier.
2 replies
10 months
man I would kill for a guaranteed DC movie timeslot. Super excited for Young Justice though.
The falloff after dark knight returns for frank millers batman in the later 2 sequels is crazy lmao. Like here he clearly is still batman not a sociopath who abused dick grayson and is willing to let untold people die
The Joker's line "Batman... Darling" is so hype.
So glad you decided to watch this movie guys! This one is one of the main cornerstones of the modern batman mythos as I mentioned before in the YouTube comments! 😀
Nightwing operates in a different city called Blüdhaven
There was a crossover between Marvel and DC years ago in the comics, which included a scene where Joker and Red Skull teamed up, until Joker found out Red Skull's political leanings (aka what he identified as) and then beat Red Skull with a crowbar stating that, "I might be a psychopath, but I'm an AMERICAN psycopath!", pointing out that even the worst of the criminals in DC still hate the Nazis.
I feel like "Billy Berserk" should be a Patreon tier
Can you guys react to wreck it ralph Please?
A bit of backstory to TDKR, the original comic was written by Frank Miller, meant to be the conclusion of his take on Batman. His story starts with Batman: Year One, a story that started out as semi-canon, but because it was so well received, it’s now the definitive origin story for Batman, going as far to be the inspiration for the Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy(along with TDKR). .
The second series in this continuity is All-Star Batman & Robin, written after TDKR
, it was a comic run that was meant to bridge the gap in between Year One & TDKR, but it was HATED by every single Batfan who read it because of how out of character Bruce was written(he made Batman an actual sociopath… even more than before lol), that series was written as a time where Miller had become more or less disillusioned with Superhero comics. .
The final story in this series is The Dark Knight Returns, which while beloved by fans, is a far cry from what people would consider the definitive ending to the character. TDKR went on to heavily influence both The Dark Knight Rises & Batman V Superman.
There’s also The Dark Knight Returns 2(not to be confused with Part 2) written after AS:B&R, but that comic is pretty much universally hated, to the point where it’s now lost to DC media.
Ahh All Star Batman and Robin. The series that gave us the infamous "what are you dense? Are you re***ded or something? Who the hell do you think i am? I'm the goddamn batman". Truly there are no better words to say to a child that you just kidnapped who is also freshly grieving the loss of his parents
Seriously, how Frank Miller went from one of the greatest Batman writers to having Batman & Robin paint themselves yellow in order to beat on Green Lantern(WHO WAS TRYING TO HELP) I’ll never know?
i have only ever seen that female robin in Teen titans go istg
Kerry was created solely for this series
Oh I’d freak out if you guys reacted to v for vendetta
Harvey dent's Lore in Batman long Halloween
Fax, but I wouldn’t recommend them start those movies until after they start the DCAMU, the end credits of B:TLH will leave them wanting more from that universe but that’ll be a bit confusing to watch without having seen the rest of the series?
Just so that you guys can understand the "timeline" and the way continuity
works in DC, i highly suggest you guys check out Alex Lennen's "The Entire
History of Batman" video.
Two-Face insanity doesn't come from how he looks or him feeling like he's ugly. It's a dark-side that Harvey always had in him that came from his father's abuse. Múltiple Personality Disorder.
Nightwing operates in a city called Bludhaven. It’s essentially DC’s Atlantic City.
“I want superheroes!” You missed it but we did have superheroes in Seattle from 2011 to 2014.
There have been some DC/Marvel crossover comics, both as crossing universes and for interesting, COMBINING universes and characters into what's known as the Amalgam Universe. Examples being Batman and Wolverine, Superman and Captain America, etc.
You guys should check out the Superman Doomsday film from 2007 I think it was. It's a really good animated film.
So the only things I knew before going into this were old man Batman and that you can wear his costume from this in the Arkham games
This is why I get pissed when everyone says that Zack Snyder made Batman a killer when he literally kills in the Dark Knight Returns and people still call me a liar. The Snyder DC movies weren't perfect, but they were definitely ahead of their time. Zack was adapting the Dark Knight Returns, Doomsday, Injustice, and Apokalips War stories into his films. The fact people were pissed about it shows they never wanted to give Snyder a chance.
Batman doesn't kill anyone in this story, bud. He brutalizes them and cripples thme but he doesn't kill them
I'm on the fence about Snyder's Batman killing, the concept is alright it just needs the right execution. I really like how it is in DKR for multiple reasons. First, it's an Old Batman and you can just say, "He's old, tired and doesn't care as much" which is good enough for me. It's also kept ambiguous enough that people are dying, far more attention is directed towards how he brutalizes people. The people he's also quote unquote, but most probably, killing are ******* dirtbag pieces of ****. "Worst criminals Gotham City has seen since the Joker" perfectly describes them and even in the comic Batman has an interior monologue about how the Mutants are just crazy. He sees the Leader walk up and stand in front of the Batmobile's Turret and start ranting and he's like "What are these people, Dick. We never faced beings like THIS, we faced HUMANS." It's really easy to excuse him killing them under these circumstances. Miller also makes it a point to illustrate that Batman... is crazy. He NEVER fully healed from his parents' deaths and has only gotten worse after the assumed events that led him to retire. He's also forced to compromise on his ideals, he's using guns. Two Face was the same way, and I found it funny that they kinda sniffed it out just a tad when they went "Isn't 20 million a little low?" In the comic he notes that he wanted to make it 22 million, but he had bills to pay.
Just so that you guys can understand the “timeline” and the way continuity works in DC, i highly suggest you guys check out Alex Lennen’s “The Entire History of Batman” video.
This was supposed to be its own separate comment
Batman is more brutal here sure, but he’s not killing people, if he was, it would make a certain fight later on completely redundant.
I totally agree with you, but I think it was another era when Marvel was at its peak, and the audiences wanted entertaining movies like Avengers with humor. The general public struggled to understand why Batman was like that because Ben Affleck didn't have his own Batman movie.
Im sure lots of people die in the comic of this but least from what I saw in this moive Batmans just more brutal he's not legit killing people yet, cause we know what happens in part 2
Also, don't forget that one mutant that was electrocuted...he straight up dead I'm pretty sure.
He isn't. Batman killing people would make his confrontation and refusal to kill the joker in the next part redundant
I just don't understand why people are ok with THIS Batman being a killer, but not Snyder's Batman, it makes no sense. And the arguement of "this isn't mainline Batman so it doesn't count" is bullshit. It's still a comic and Batman still kills in it.
Because THIS Batman isn't a killer. That's the point Snyder missed
Yeeeeeesssss \(^o^)/
Now, Keep in mind, the Dark Knight returns is an elseworld story, noncanon to the main DC universe, HOWEVER...we DO have a female Robin in canon, after Tim Drake, But Before Damian wayne. Although her stint as Robin was short, Stephanie Brown Aka Batgirl Aka The Spoiler filled Tim's spot for a little bit, and helped out Damian in the DCeased storyline
so yeah, batman is this movie is Peter Weller. Fucking Robocop.
Man im so happy you guys watched this and i cant wait for part 2 aswell, its so good.
I haven't seen this one yet, but if you're interested in Old Man Batman, I gotta recommend Batman Beyond! (you can totally go into the movie without having to watch the series first.)
Hell yeah They need to watch the uncensored version
Oh yeah, a comparison for sure! Just because they can't show blood doesn't make an "edit" any less gruesome! ? Censors are weird.
This is one of my top 5 favorite animated Batman movie, so glad ya'll finally got around to it and I can't wait when you get to part 2 as well.
Wednesday will BE a great day for DC Fans . Part 2 should come and also Young Justice Starts, at least on Diamond Tier.
man I would kill for a guaranteed DC movie timeslot. Super excited for Young Justice though.
Source: he made it up
OMG! Yes! ive been waiting for this one