Batman (1989) Reaction

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  1. The
    26 days

    You guys definitely watch Smile and Smile 2! There so good and scary! probably one of the best horror films with great jumpscares and Ray Nicholson did a great job wit his creepy smile!

  2. asotcha
    1 month

    You guys may also like 'Batman, The Animated Series', to react to at least a few episodes if not more-- then you'd also get to see Mark Hamil's take on the Joker, which borrows some of Nickolson's carefree vibe. Pretty good stuff in there for sure.

  3. Unstablebeast
    1 month

    I will continue ti post this on DC related videos, hope you guys watch james gunns the suicide squad, peacemaker and creature commandos someday

  4. Swordfish
    2 months

    I like how Ruff keeps saying the other two movies and no one is correcting him lol like "yeah buddy, only two more to go, there's no such thing as a fourth one, you'll never have to watch it. The fourth one can't hurt you." I still have nostalgia love for Batman and Robin Forever. Also Bat-Plane from this movie is best toy!

  5. NickLay
    2 months

    when i hear the soundtrack of this movie all i think of is the first lego batman game for the wii

  6. Pip
    2 months

    I realized that I don't think I actually watched this one, even though I thought I did. I kinda feel Bruce Wayne comes off as a bit Autistic in this, which I find interesting. Usually, he is shown as being really smooth and confident, but this Bruce Wayne feels very socially awkward. I mean, it kinda feels like it makes sense that Batman would be autistic, given how good of a detective he is.

    1 replies
    1. Pikasan
      2 months


  7. Jakeb
    2 months

    25:20 Fun fact, a mansion is technically defined by a home that has at least 5 to 6 bedrooms and a total of approximately 5000 SQ. FT of space. 

  8. Liam
    2 months

    I remember this coming out when I was in high school. Before it, the only media we really saw Batman in outside of actual comics was Superfriends and the old 60's show, so for a lot of us, it was the first we'd seen of a darker portrayal. Despite him not being  a comic fan, it's funny that Burton's movies really seem to have left their aesthetic marks on the animated series and movies. 

  9. casualking21
    2 months

    Best Batmobile!!

  10. Kristjaan
    2 months

    Also the alley that Bruce parents go in is literally named Crime Alley Because it's known lots crime to be there

    That also bit stupid

    1 replies
    1. thespiderman360
      1 month

      It was called crime alley because the Wayne’s were killed there.

  11. Kristjaan
    2 months

    thought you was going to have more a reaction to the reveal that joker killed his parents

  12. Matt
    2 months

    I can’t wait to see your reactions to the rest of the Batman movies, both live action and animated!

    One thing I must ask though: could you or would you consider reacting to The Batman tv show? It’s animated, and it’s honestly a cool take on the Batman, very anime like, I think you’d enjoy it! Plus it has a movie with him fighting Dracula! And that’s just fun!

  13. lightning132ttv
    2 months

    You guys should watch the 2004 Punisher film with Thomas Jane, extended cut of course ;)

  14. collinpeacock
    2 months

    Gotham is technically in New Jersey

  15. nameiskirito
    2 months

    You need to watch inspector gadget

  16. collinpeacock
    2 months

    if you guys are doing Batman movies you can't skip Mask of The Phantasm it was released in theaters and is the only animated Batman movie to do so also incredible soundtrack

  17. collinpeacock
    2 months

    other fun fact the Batman's boots are modified velcro Nike shoes

  18. collinpeacock
    2 months

    fun fact Jack Nicholson is allergic to the industry standard spirit gum which is used to glue prosthetics to your face so needless to say they had a really hard time with his makeup in this movie

  19. Black
    2 months


  20. Kyle
    2 months

    Was that a hint at watching BtAS? Still one of the greats!

  21. ntolson7
    2 months

    Can you guys watch the Predator movies...especially Predators

  22. Colonel
    2 months

    Who is the other Shaun?

  23. Saint
    2 months

    you guys should watch the original christopher reeve super man movie series. to get hyped for the james gunn reboot later this year.

  24. lightning132ttv
    2 months

    If you guys watch Batman V Superman make sure you watch Man of Steel first!

    1 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      2 months

      Also, PLEASE watch the Ultimate Edition of BVS, and if you watch Justice League PLEASE watch the 4-hour-cut of JL!

  25. Kee
    2 months

    Please watch the Adam West Batman movie and maybe the series as well! They're campy as all get out but so entertaining if you like that sort of thing! 

  26. Juju’sWrld
    2 months

    u guys have to watch batman forever and batman & robin and batman returns since thoses are from 1997 & 1992 & 1995 they are really so good and i would love for u guys to watch it 

    1 replies
    1. Kacey
      2 months

      Wouldn't really Call Batman and Robin good. 

      1 replies
      1. Atticus
        2 months

        It's not good, but it's great.

  27. Kee
    2 months

    Really looking forward to you watching Batman Returns! That is my personal favorite Batman film of all time aside from Pattinson's! It's also my favorite Christmas film!  Yes I consider it a Christmas film. 

  28. Brye
    2 months

    48:37 - I had a rich friend in a small rural town in North Carolina and they, no joke at all, had a garage next to their very large house that was the size of a 2 story house larger than most people we knew lived in. It even had a 1/2 second floor over a workshop area. The upstairs had a pool table, a personal bar, and a movie projector on like a 100 inch wall screen. 

  29. Katie
    2 months

    can't wait for batman returns and batman forever. these movies were my childhood.

  30. matthew
    2 months

    I have the original movie poster of this my uncle gave it to me for christmas after he got it from his aunt who bought it when the movie left theaters 

  31. LaLa
    2 months

    Batman Returns will eternally be my favorite Batman movie. Not because it's better than the others, far from it. But, Michell Pfeiffer. 

  32. Sam
    2 months

    U gotta then watch all the other ones. Batman Returns, Batman Forever, and this is one is a hard one… Batman and Robin but it can be skipped 😂😂

    3 replies
    1. Kee
      2 months

      Nah they need to watch it. It's only right. It's like you're not a true Avatar the Last Airbender fan until you suffered through the 2010 Shamalamadingdong movie! lol

    2. The
      2 months

      hopefully they watch The Batman too! 

      1 replies
      1. Sam
        2 months

        I think they are going to watch all of them, they should at this point 

    3. Jakob
      2 months

      Nah, they gotta watch Batman and Robin, it would make for great laughs from them and great fun for us.

      1 replies
      1. Sam
        2 months

        True 😂😂

  33. KaiserKnight217
    2 months

    Plz React to Nostalgia Critic video of Did you know about Batman and TMNT 1990

  34. rin
    2 months

    Only recently did my mom show me this batman movie because she used to love nicholson growing up & said he was her fave so  im hyped to see it again

  35. Mr.Maple
    2 months

    Yet again asking for Superman vs the elite.

  36. Kane_LikesToDraw
    2 months

    Pour one out for Bill Finger

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      2 months

      Bob Kane really screwed him over…..

  37. Robin
    2 months

    I hope we get all the dc movies until the Flash and what's to come! I always enjoy superhero movies, good or bad. Great start already acknowledging how good Jack Nickolson's Joker is! Time to enjoy the clown prince of crime!

  38. KaiserKnight217
    2 months

    this movie was my first Batman Movie to watch when i was a Kidbut my favorite Batman Movie is The Batman 2022

  39. Ameena
    2 months

    Please react to mummy 2 

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