Konosuba Episode 1-11 Reaction

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  1. Phishinabowl
    4 months

    Also, there's a VERY good reason that Chris the only "normal" person amongst their group of friends. It's something that they haven't shown yet in the anime at all even in the latest season so you'd only know it if you read the LN but its a very cool twist that explains ALOT about Chris as a character once you know it.

    1 replies
    1. Phishinabowl
      4 months

      Also, goddam, I forgot how much I HATED Aqua in S1. She was such a stuck up pain in the ass bitch back in that first season. She's...still like that...to a point, but she's gotten much better overall by S3. These first few eps she's such a scumbag with the way she treats Kazuma. The part in ep 4 where she's begging him for the money he JUST earned after she thought she would be the only one to make anything really bothers the crap outta me for reasons I can't fully explain.

  2. Phishinabowl
    4 months

    If you're gonna do Konosuba emotes it should be KazumaSteal, AquaDrink, DarknessGasm, and MeguminSplosion

    1 replies
    1. Phishinabowl
      4 months

      Or better yet, for Megumin, LoliSplosion considering the running joke is that she gets called a Loli all the time

  3. BakaSama
    5 months

    As someone who still thinks Aqua x Kazuma is the best ship (they’re both so petty and shitty that they deserve each other), I’m nearly 100% certain Aqua’s disappointment at not being harassed like the other girls is because she takes it as an insult to her ego.

    That aside, I love this show and hope you check out the rest of the series and movie as well as the Crimson Demon prequel series starring Megumin and Yun Yun.

  4. Stash
    7 months

    Aqua is unironically my favorite of the group, but like this: "I love her; she's awful." Aqua is cute and undeniably hysterical. No matter if I watch Konosuba in English or Japanese, her voice actress goes all the way with her shouting and pouting and general awfulness that I have to admire just how insufferable it would be to interact with the character in real life. I think her design is cute, and I think her personality is relatable and entertaining. I just love every moment she's on screen. That said, I also love the rest of the group (Kazuma, Darkness, and Megumin); I just think Aqua's the most wild out of all of them and is the most entertaining to watch as a result (best Worst Girl imo lol).

  5. Mugen
    8 months

    You know... I wasn't expecting such a visible age difference between now and... this.

    1 replies
    1. Jabriel
      7 months

      Yeah I watched a reaction from a year ago and it was a NOTICEABLE difference 

  6. Omegajim
    8 months

    why are we getting the youtube version?

    1 replies
    1. wynosaurus
      8 months

      This is from Ruff's personal channel and I would guess this is from before they started doing uncut reactions on the patreon/website

  7. Jose
    8 months

    is this a reupload?

    1 replies
    1. Lily Mrrgglton
      8 months

      Yep, 2021 ish....btw you can see if its old clip by looking at his arms :p Less tattoos

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