Invincible S3 Episode 4 Reaction

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  1. astralea95
    9 days

    i love allen hes hilarious

  2. Thomas_Stilinski
    15 days

    I'm with boom on the omnibus thing most of the comics i own are in omnibus form

  3. Purported74
    1 month

    Issue 48 is where S3 starts! 

  4. Charlie
    1 month

    honestly they nerfed battle beast and nolan

  5. TEG
    1 month

    Battle Beast is just a fusion out of Tai Lung and Hisoka and I'm all here for it.

  6. Ben
    1 month

    Something I think about for Oliver is that he didn't really grow up in a way that makes him love the earth that much?  Mark grew up like most normal kids and didn't even know his dad was a hero until his dad gave him the puberty talk basically.  Mark grew up playing team sports (like the baseball flashback we got at the end of season 1) with other kids.  Mark got to make connections with others and then lose some over time and experience being human.  Oliver has NEVER gotten that really.  He had a babysitter and his family.  Why would he care about anybody else?

    3 replies
    1. Charlie
      1 month

      i appreciate the thought but oliver has perfect recall since birth and was raised by thraxans and nolan, trying to force any sort of human lifestyle on him was not going to work. try to teach a praying mantis that life is completely sacred and youll get nowhere, or try to use negative reinforcement like yelling to teach a dog something and the dog just treats it as being punished

      oliver isnt human and trying to force human ethics on him or push for him to live like a human child to be normal is missing the point that hes not human, if you approach it moralistically then its doomed to fail.

    2. Lotus
      1 month

      It's especially tough at this point 'cuz like, there's no one his age strong enough to be able to socialize with without risk of him getting some kinda stanky emotional and seriously hurting/killing them.  It's a big reason why I think Cecil should be allowed to train him.  At least a couple times a week.  I guarantee you he recognizes the necessity of that for Oliver and would do something to allow him to safely socialize with someone other than his family.  Debbie and Mark are good people but they are not handling the Oliver situation as well as they really need to, which is understandable given the circumstances of the situation.  They're trying their best and Debbie is a fantastic mom but what she doesn't realize  is that she has much less support and a much tougher situation to raise Oliver than she had with Mark.   And that's not even counting that Oliver is clearly much more like Omniman than Mark ever was.... and his Thraxan side probably makes him more likely to not see the value in life; his other people live only a year at most and never assign blame, always looking forward.  They're much less introspective than other races like humans.

    3. Deli
      1 month


  7. Jojo155
    1 month

    Advanced fistbump

  8. Ranginald
    1 month

    52:18 actually Nolan doesn’t even know Oliver’s name to tell Allen. Debbie named him because the Thraxan tradition was to let babies name themselves as soon as they could(which was basically immediately for them)

  9. Ranginald
    1 month

    The hilarious thing about Battle Beast still fighting that Viltrumite in space is that his species is not adapted for space combat at all. He can’t fly and it’s a matter of time until he suffocates or freezes, but he has enough breath to fight, and his blood is running hot so he just ignores all that. GOATED

  10. Brandon
    1 month

    this seasons gonna end around issue 64-65. 

  11. Andrew
    1 month

    The thing is in the comics ray was a man. They really served no purpose in the comics that’s memorable so gender swapping here actually saved the character and made it better. Also season one covers issues #1-13 with a little 14-15 and season 2 is issue 14-24 i believe. Someone correct me if im wrong please.

    1 replies
    1. fuzzylillemon
      19 days

      some parts of season 1-2 are changed up in the comics, like robot turning into rudy is flipped with the angstrom story 

  12. Darc
    1 month

    I hate seth rogen as a person. But he does good as Allen, and thank God somebody else is in charge of what he says and does

  13. Darc
    1 month

    The things king immortal talks about in this episode are hints of stuff that happens later in the comics. Although I'm not sure if these are mentioned in the comic itself because if they were that's one hell of a plan ahead

    1 replies
    1. Coboat
      1 month

      THEY ARE!!

  14. Darc
    1 month

    Mark breaking into the pentagon, again, in order to threaten cecil, again. It's like he's in a stupid competition against himself and he keeps proving that cecil is justified in his actions

    2 replies
    1. Grimm
      1 month

      But yet Cecil is allowed to spy on Mark which he is doing? So Mark is still justified. Mark is proving his own point that Cecil will never trust them and just sees them as weapons. 

      1 replies
      1. Charlie
        1 month

        mark is proving cecil point that he cant trust him, every time mark so much as dislikes something he trys to emotionally confront and force his way of thinking and doing. Mark has done nothing to give cecil any faith in him especially after cecils experinces with omniman doing the exact same things 

    2. Tobito
      1 month

      Mark justifiably thought Cecil was spying on him. You gotta learn the difference between threatening and confronting someone.

      1 replies
      1. Darren
        1 month

        That still doesn't work in Mark's favor. Even though he had good reason to suspect Cecil, why not just ask? He's proving Cecil's point that when Mark thinks he's correct, he just destroys anything in his way until he gets what he wants. What if he bursts through the roof one day and someone's walking by? Now you just crushed someone because of your fake tough guy persona.

  15. Foulrookie
    1 month

    I like to imagine when we get to the eventual viltrumite fight, its gonna be like when the suicide squad got kryptonite weapons in justice league dark apocalypse, cecil is just gonna give every hero on earth some kind of counter measure

  16. ❤Mister
    1 month

    You guys should watch Tyler perry Madea movies, i feel like yall would love them

  17. cznquest
    1 month

    Just so you Guys know Battle Beast is like the 3rd Strongest character in invincible beside an older Mark Grayson and someone else you haven't met yet. Battle beast can take on Omni-man and WIN. There is also a other Vitrumites you guys haven't seen yet that are stronger then OMNi-Man who im excited for you to meet whether its in this season (probably not) or the coming seasons. I Recommend reading the comics also for more context on the story because YES a lot was Cut out but also its just a really Good read but yeah Battle Beast is HIM.

    4 replies
    1. Charlie
      1 month

      dude as a comic reader you need to stop

      1 replies
      1. cznquest
        1 month

        stop what? i didn't do anything wrong lol

    2. Theo
      1 month

      This is kinda spoilers is it not 

    3. zackscroggins
      1 month

      I imagine we should be meeting THAT character before too much longer.

    4. cznquest
      1 month

      you can make an argument for other characters just as strong but Hes really friggen powerful 

  18. TheWojtek11
    1 month

    With the Pure-Blooded Viltrumites talk, you also gotta think that they actually allow breeding with other species (Nolan was getting punished for "illegal breeding) + Nolan said that if Viltrumites breed with other species, they mostly just allow ones where they still seem similar to Viltrumites (so humans are OK but the bug aliens were something that Nolan himself said would put a target on Oliver)

    1 replies
    1. cznquest
      1 month

      Yeah in the comics Only 50 pureblooded Viltrumites left but there's a ton of half Viltrumites in the galaxy.

      1 replies
      1. Tobito
        1 month

        Not at the time of season 3. Humanity is the only species that fits into narrow guidelines of "species similar enough to Viltrumites to make interbreeding not illegal" to the point that Mark actually counts as basically a fullblooded Viltrumite. Viltrumites don't actually make a hobby out of interbreeding with other species.

        1 replies
        1. cznquest
          1 month

          yeah i should've specified that. my bad

  19. onepandalord
    1 month

    First omnibus is safe to read and for the 2nd omnibus up to chapter 55 is the end of this episode story wise.

  20. Ankh
    1 month

    You gotta remember how strong Viltrumite DNA is. It overrides most foreign DNA. So Oliver will lose his purple skin once he hits puberty. Side note Mark is more viltrumite then his brother and will live longer and be strong then him, since humans are more compatible then the bug people.

    1 replies
    1. Theo
      1 month

      Why we spoilin

      1 replies
      1. tiddlywhisper5
        1 month

        not a full spoiler since they basically said as much earlier in the series. It was stated that humans are so compatible with viltrum dna they basically are full Viltrum not mixed (and not spoiling but being part human gives Mark a very specific advantage that no other Viltumites have)

        1 replies
        1. TEG
          1 month

          Nah the skin color part is a full on spoiler since there were no hints in the story as to what factors would be influenced by the viltrumite DNA specifically besides the superhuman regeneration, resilience and flight ability.

  21. jon81.
    1 month

    Season 3 is ending at Invincible #64, with the last episode being about #62 to #64

    1 replies
    1. Andrea
      1 month

      I don’t think Allen or Nolan know Oliver’s name.

      Nolan was in prison when Oliver was named.

      Allen clearly doesn’t remember it and couldn’t have told Nolan. Oliver had just been given his name when Allen and Mark talked. While we didn’t get to hear the whole conversation, the one time we hear Mark mention Oliver he called him  his “half-brother.” I don’t think Mark was thinking of him as “Oliver” yet.  So it is possible Allen was never told Oliver’s name to begin with.

      1 replies
      1. Andrea
        1 month

        Sorry I meant to make that a general comment not  a reply to your comment but it doesn’t seem to want let me fix it

  22. Obsidianfox
    1 month

    Oh sweet was hoping we would get this today! It's so good.

  23. beybladeshinobi
    1 month

    I’m here

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