Helluva S2 Episode 12 Reaction

  1. SauceyRed
    2 months

    32:28 Just to clarify, Octavia is 17 at this point, while Loona is 22. Which I personally wouldn't consider "roughly the same age," but the 5-year difference isn't *huge* either, sooo fair enough.

  2. Icy
    2 months

    IDK why but how Andy fought with his ice reminded me of Doffy from One Piece 

  3. Trystin
    2 months


    Wait, why is Millie upset about it though? is it possible that its not his?

    3 replies
    1. Redtempest
      1 month

      its obviusly his

    2. Unstablebeast
      2 months

      My guess is 1 she never thought about having kids so its shocking to her, and 2 for pretty much her whole life shes been fighting, and moxxie and blitz both regularly rely on her to save them, so being pregnant and then having a kid could very much jeopardize that. i think its more she doesnt know if she even wants to keep the baby

    3. nightwolf4397
      2 months

      millie was upset because while it has to be moxie's but mood swings cause unwanted emotions up also there're in hell so it wouldn't be uncommon of them to split because of the kid

      1 replies
      1. Redtempest
        1 month

        imps are seen with lots of kids more times then not so they wontt split. it most likey cuz of the job and they got tons of ememies plus money troubles and cant just get rid of it as it took bliz 5 years just to get a apointment for lona. 

  4. PastelGinger
    2 months

    There is a behind the scenes of the 'See Him Tonight' song between Stolas and Blitz that shows Brandon and Bryce recording it. They are both so expressive while there singing it, and I think you guys would enjoy it.

  5. SonicMcCall
    2 months

    Boom was the only wrong predication for a change lmao, Sad - check!, Cliff-hanger - check!

  6. Havoc
    2 months

    Millie's sister was in season one, not just the short Probably my favorite background/side character.

  7. Mr. Eldritch
    2 months

    Season 3 can NOT end without a decisive fucking L to Stella/Andy…it just can’t…

  8. Juju’sWrld
    2 months

    its hereeeee sinnnmesss

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