Heartstopper S3 Episode 6-8 Reaction

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  1. Seleste
    1 month

    Your reactions to this show have been amazing. I found myself having similar takes compared to yours and it was just amazing to see. Heartstopper has become one of my favorite shows and I've truly enjoyed watching through these seasons again with your reactions. I can't wait until season 4 comes out and to watch it through with you! This has definitely become one of my favorite series on this channel and I will be rewatching your reviews of this series again so many more times. Thank you so much for this! I appreciate you. 

  2. Karsten
    1 month

    These Reactions were just so genuine and heartwarming and awwwww my good kinda like healing in a matter if that makes sense, so THANK U FOR THAT

  3. Diamond
    2 months

    You know, if your looking for another queer show to do after this i would MURDER to see you watch Interview with a Vampire. The show! The movie second, cause spoliers lol

  4. Shamar
    2 months

    This was my favorite reaction they’ve ever done. I can’t wait to season four.

  5. KingOfRedLions89
    2 months

    Yep grandma is an alien in Doctor Who :) She’s also the pub owner in Ted Lasso

  6. Kristal
    2 months

    Yes!!!! That’s the first thing I noticed about Darcy’s grandma is she’s an alien from doctor who’s called the sliveen, also since I live under a rock and I didn’t know Olivia Coleman from anything normal people would know her from, I also noticed she also played an alien on Doctor who called prisoner Zero.  (This was what I knew her from)

  7. Mark100
    2 months

    Season 4 hasn't actually been confirmed yet, which has some people worried. But it'd be idiotic for Netflix not to renew it. I'm thinking they're probably just doing salary negotiations, since S2 and S3 were both confirmed very soon after S1 dropped in 2022, when most of the cast had few if any other big credits. They're much more famous & valuable now.

    1 replies
    1. Honey
      2 months

      I know Alice said season 4 wouldn't be coming anytime soon. And Kit said he was taking a break from working once Romeo and Juliet ends in Feb 2025. Then he plans on doing something completely diff job wise for a few years to challenge himself. So I feel like if/when season 4 happens it'll be in the distant future.

  8. Mark100
    2 months

    These reactions are great, but your voice volume is like several times higher than the volume of the show, which makes it really jarring to watch. Just a thought.

    1 replies
    1. Callum
      1 month

      what a weird complaint

  9. Elizabeth
    2 months

    Thank you for watching one of my comfort shows, I think Chucky TV series might be up your alley.

    1 replies
    1. igormd
      2 months

      OMG yeeeees

  10. Honey
    2 months

    Amazing reaction as always!! Tysm for watching this show with us, it means so much and it's been so great!

    If you're interested in watching something sort of similar, but more mature and a bit darker I recommend Young Royals.  It's definitely less fluffy, and has a lot of drama and conflict, but you might like it! 

  11. hurryupmode
    2 months

    Darcy's Grandma was indeed one of the Slitheen, taking over parliament.

  12. hurryupmode
    2 months

    The Mesopotamia Copper joke is a reference to Ea Nasir. 


  13. Penpen
    2 months

    thank you for watching this show<3

  14. Residentfan 1
    2 months

    I had basically the same reaction to the word ‘fête’ when I watched. The exact words that came out of my mouth when I looked up the definition were “Oh fuck off!”

  15. Brian
    2 months

    YES!!! putting in ATO for this... lol.

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