Heartstopper S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction

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  1. Pugz
    2 months

    I am ethnically as white as white can be. But I tan super easy. Genetics just be weird sometimes. 😂

  2. Ben
    2 months

    Most homes in the UK do not have air conditioning. So this is relatable.It gets much warmer in the house than outside.

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      2 months

      And Charlie is half Spanish so he tans easily.

  3. Ben
    2 months

    High School romance and drama is not my usual cup of tea and I didn't bother watching this until recently, but Heartstopper has become one of my favorite TV shows.

  4. Trystin
    2 months

    Have yall seen Gotham? I would watch the shit out of Gotham if you haven't.

  5. Ace
    2 months

    As someone who is asexual and on the aromantic spectrum, I can offer some insight for you. Aromanticism and asexuality are very similar in that they are both spectrums that involve little to no attraction, but they differ in the sense of aromantic being for *romantic* attraction and asexual being for *sexual* attraction,. It is very common for people to be on both spectrums, but it’s also still possible for someone to be only aromantic with sexual attraction or only asexual with romantic attraction. I definitely understand how you would see the similarities and think of co-morbidity and the comparison to the co-morbidity of ADHD/autism with how similar those two are as well (I'm also both of these). As common as it is to be both asexual and aromantic, it is also very common to be only one since they involve two different types of attraction, similar to how it's also very common to be only ADHD or autistic since they're still very different in many ways. I really appreciate you wanting to educate yourself on it. Aromanticism is often heavily overlooked, even in LGBTQ+ spaces. I'm so happy this show is shedding such a positive light on it!

  6. Brian
    2 months

    Just forked out 25 bucks ta watch you watch Heartstopper season 3.  worth every penny.

    3 replies
    1. Seleste
      2 months

      Omg same

    2. Shado
      2 months


    3. Ben
      2 months

      So did I.

  7. Ophelia
    3 months

    I admire the way Heartstopper built up the eating disorder storyline for Charlie. You are one of the few reactors I've seen that caught onto it in season 1, when it was so subtle. A lot of people seemed to have found it shocking and "out of nowhere" in season 2, when the show actually did a really good job building up to it. It's very interesting to have an issue that the main character is hiding from the audience, and they did it well.

  8. Mark100
    3 months

    You might want to have a good stack of kleenex ready for the next few.

  9. Elizabeth
    3 months

    I watched the season all in one day and that wasn’t the best decision. My mood was sad for a week. 

  10. Honey
    3 months

    Yeaaah, this season gets very heavy so I totally get needing a break. I binged it in one go, and was an emotional wreck.

    Loved your reaction as always! And excited for next weeks batch <3

  11. ammy95.
    3 months

    At first I was a little disappointed about only 2 episodes but after the 2nd episode I totally get it! Season 3 is a bit heavier!

  12. Ant
    3 months

    Why is the thumbnail so adorable. Like an uncle watching his niece/nephew with so much joy.

  13. rin
    3 months

    The having to take an emotional break from episodes is so real😭I usually binge seasons in a day or 2 but season 3 took me a little over a week to get through because of the emotions

  14. rin
    3 months

    Yea Issac is just like me in many ways im always buried on my phone reading books & im also bi-Ace we don’t have much rep so I take the crumbs anywhere lmao, (love alastor from hazbin especially 😭)

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