Gumball S6 Episode 29-32 Reaction

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  1. Darc
    3 months

    Honestly it's getting to the point where granny Jojo is just as bad a person as Nicole's parents, just doing awful things and never taking any accountability 

  2. Uranium-fever25
    3 months

    I have 4 bookshelves FULL of uranium glass with a blacklight strip on each shelf tier...also radium-painted clocks (which is FAR more radioactive than uranium 😂). I'm not saying you have to do a reaction video to it, but check out the movie "Radium Girls" there's a whole story behind the clocks and the women who had to paint them!

  3. Seth
    9 months

    One of my favorite details about the Buddy is that Anais has had all her friends’ names start with a J.

    Jodie, Josh, and now Jamie. I guess you can argue the Chimera Shark Rubik's Cube guy, but I like to call him Jumble.

  4. Elayna
    10 months

    I would absolutely watch y'all play dnd

  5. Katie
    10 months

    am i the only one that noticed that the turtle beast looked a little like a dong?

  6. Icy
    10 months

    I really like the D&D episode and would be down to see you all play

  7. Jose
    10 months

    have you guys noticed the voice change for anais btw?

  8. Jose
    10 months

    a 327 year old with a 10 year old??? yeah cancelled

  9. nick
    10 months

    can't believe that they actually had Anais say "I'ma get medieval on your ass" from Pulp Fiction

  10. Jakob
    10 months

    I would really recommend Dan Vs. I think it would be a great show to watch after Gumball where you will just have a lot of fun with it.

    1 replies
    1. UsrNmTkn
      6 months

      I love dan vs!!! Not many people have seen it. So sad.

  11. Elijah
    10 months

    I think the age difference is really wierd shes dating a minor the only way I could see a way I can see it is ghost age differently but thay wasn't really confirmed

  12. kamen_rider_kai
    10 months

    I wanted to ask how do I view the screen without the player stuck on screen 

  13. Kyndrayvious
    10 months

    I should let yall know that the new played doesn't work on Tvs

  14. darkus
    10 months

    Y'all should read ttrpg horror storys because it's literally the d&d episode

  15. _mimami
    10 months

    The new save the part of the video function thingy is so useful.

  16. Hellfire69
    10 months

    they gotta watch fury road

  17. Michael
    10 months

    Uranium glass doesn’t glow because of radiation, if uranium glass is properly made the radiation on it should be reduced to a point where it can’t harm you, NileRed made a video making uranium glass, I would highly recommend it.

  18. danieljayrobinson
    10 months


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