Gumball S3 Episode 13-16 REACTION

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  1. Lexi_animeweeb
    7 days

    I would love to have a job like you guys cause it sounds awesome and I love watching y'alls reactions

  2. 90sxbunny
    1 year

    KARD is the only co-ed kpop group that I know of

    1 replies
    1. Angie
      1 year

      there's also AKMU, which is a brother and sister duo. Not really a group but still iconic.

  3. Fresh2000
    1 year

    10:26 yeah that episode is actually kinda unintentionally extremely cynical and depressing of the idea of having a 9 to 5 taking away your imagination, creatively and sense of self to work endless hours

  4. LJ
    1 year


  5. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    42:57 oh hey a Resident Evil reference!

  6. Energy
    1 year

    The finger move is a kill bill reference if you didn't know!

  7. GainingGamer
    1 year

    Karen is indeed her name. I think she’s the original karen

    1 replies
    1. g2005!
      1 year

      No, I think in a later episode she’s called Valicity.

  8. Honey
    1 year

    Gosh, my family and my partners family are the same way with jobs!

    I work online as a freelance artist, I make Vtuber Models for a living (Live2D art and rig) and it pays very well. I get to work from home doing something I enjoy, and I make more money than a factory job would ever pay me. But both of our parents still have the "So you find a real job yet? Heard they're hiring at General Motors!". It's like they can't fathom working a safe, comfortable, enjoyable job and making a livable wage. Or like you said, if we aren't miserable at our job then it isn't a "real" job. Absolutely maddening.

  9. Dylan
    1 year

    You guys should watch kill Bill, its got some great action

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