Gumball S3 Episode 1-4 REACTION

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  1. feelyl854
    7 months


  2. Darc
    1 year

    I bet they immediately regret saying that Sarah can't be worse than sussie

  3. shay15932
    1 year

    21:33 this part had me dying lmao

    1 replies
    1. feelyl854
      7 months


  4. Fresh2000
    1 year

    Have you noticed that there voices changed

  5. Rxworld
    1 year

    The joy is the best episode hands down idc

  6. _Owwls_
    1 year

    What if I told y’all Gumball has had over 4 different VAs

    Logan Grove (2011–2014) Jacob Hopkins (2014–2017) Nicolas Cantu (2017–2019) Duke Cutler (2020–present)

    2 replies
    1. blitz1126
      1 year

      didnt the show end in 2019? how is there a new VA?

      3 replies
      1. Jayshawn
        1 year

        got announced S7 is in production at the same event the fionna and cake show was teased i think

      2. Harry
        1 year

        It's coming back for s7 so we'll likely get another

      3. blitz1126
        1 year

        ah, nvm looked it up. didnt know there was a miniseries

    2. _Owwls_
      1 year

      Wait speaking of K Dramas y’all should definitely watch Mr. Queen I highly recommend it

  7. Cube
    1 year

    I'm with hman on the cat thing

  8. Ranginald
    1 year

    The bandaid did say that the small percentage of those who don’t age are people on TV…

  9. Arifur
    1 year

    Also the first episode, The Kids, where their voices change, was the show's way of explaining the new voice actors for Gumball and Darwin.

  10. Arifur
    1 year

    H-Man's back!!

  11. Harry
    1 year

    The Kids is rightfully iconic

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